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[ Events ] Events - 28th September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-28 04:55:31Show All Posts
  • Erevos On 2017-09-28 04:19:04
  • You really need to push with the rest of 3.0 updates and move to 4.0.

    You introduced bond arena without the new damage formula, so after a couple of days noone bothers with it anymore.

    The game is bleeding slowly, and I'm afraid the only way to keep the playerbase at a stable number is to push with updates. Giving nothing, but the same events makes people bored!

    For example the new survival would be lovely. We are all tired of fighting the same people everyday again and again and again...

What new damage formula ? there is no such thing man .. players in China simply have higher defense/resistance , or well more balanced with att/nin

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