Views: 14283 | Replies: 21
a tip to all recent Minato owners


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-27 19:35:43Show All Posts
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-09-26 21:42:36
  • Since obviously you're new to the game I understand the reeking smell of bs coming out of this post but fyi this team has been out basically since they released kage minato in the western side of game so idk how you "came up with it yesterday" when the team's literally the 1st thing that pops up when u google search for combinations with kminato also not to mention that any wind oriented kminato team is absolute failure and shouldn't even be considered a good combination. Compared to kminato+earth, kminato+wind is like chojuro+fire rather than water, it works only when there's high BP differential between you and your enemy. Lastly there's no reality where a team like that beats any susano centered team so please instead of saying that "this team can handle pretty much all ay, susano sasuke, han

    and all kage barrier ninja teams" check up on your game exp because my man you lose miserably to any susano or han centered build all day everyday.


    If you want a working team that utilizes kminatos true potential 1st step to achieve that is pairing him with earth the rest is dependent on your personal preferences.

as i am kinda new to the game what do earth mains usually run with minato as far as talents and lineups?

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