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[ Player Guide ] level up fast/slow?


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On 2017-09-25 22:47:56Show All PostsDescending Order
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i got to level 61 today and i read alot about people saying to slow level and power up.

what level would you suggest is best to stop doing main plot and get exp from kakashi book etc but no main plots?

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On 2017-09-25 23:38:53Show All Posts

any info and tips please?

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On 2017-09-26 00:51:07Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2017-09-26 00:31:52
  • every man has own opinion about it tbh.

    Dont even think about staying in low lvl, at least until you unlock all treasures. Otherwise, you are wasting scrolls (free draws).

    How old is your server, do you have cross server sage already?

    Do you have space time available? If yes, then is your server one of the oldest, in the middle or youngest?

    Whats your personal ranking in the server, how much power difference is between you and top, lets say 5 players?

    Can you get rank 1-3 during sage right now every time?

    Holding back lvl was a good strategy at really old servers (eg. u start now on server 1/2 and without holding back lvl, you wont be competitive in at least sage).

    Lets not kid ourselves, as a 93lv/70k bp i still get to fight 70~lvls with 20k power in matsurii from time to time, so argument about matsurii is invalid. Sage indeed has some brackets, I'd say once you get cross server sage, check how you fit there. If u can still get rank 1-3, then u can stop leveling and farm advanced refines, which you will need several thousands of to finish upgrading that power source. Remember that a big downside of holding back lvl is that u give up some power that can matter during 9tails (good gold/cp source)

our server is 15 days old.

yeah in sage even if its 15 days old we are fighting people from other servers.

space time is not available plus we aren't high level. im 61 another 60 and the others 59 and lower. i can still do main plot today but stopped to see the response.

im 2nd ranked in my server with 15646 power, first has 16k power, third 15k and fourth 14.5k power BUT only me hasn't used the refines and the cave keys yet waiting for a rebate event like only me did with battle armor.

sometimes i can be it top 3 in sage, depends if strong players attack me or not because we meet power much stronger th* from our server.

so what do you think? and you mean i should go till lv70 to get all treasures? or at what lv does the jinchu treasures unlock?

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On 2017-09-26 04:20:40Show All Posts

any tips?

i dont mind if you tell me to rush or not. i just want to hear the opinions of experienced people who might have passed from this or have tips for what to do best.

maybe rush lv till i can unlock all treasures than don't do plot till i have all equipment upgraded and awakened. than do plot again?

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On 2017-09-26 23:53:31Show All Posts

if all treasures unlock at lv70 jinchuriki aswell i will stop at that level doing main plots and will focus on power.

when you say stop leveling up you mean you will get exp only from events and kakashi daily/weekly?

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On 2017-09-27 01:56:16Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-09-27 01:48:00
  • The majority of exp you'll going to get is from following the story missions in the plot instances. So people will just only do plot instances they have already finished or collect ninja fragments from elite instances. From there, people can stop completing the daily practice but if you're on in a guild with not to many players, it is advised not to stop doing them since they count towards the guild's activity rate, which determines if you get to participate in GNW.

i didnt understood you.

when people say slow leveling up.

you mean you dont do the main plot quests that give ALOT exp.

but do the kakashi daily/weekly and sweep plot/elite? plus events? for exp?

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On 2017-09-27 03:52:17Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-09-27 02:42:00
  • Just don't do the main plot quests if you decide to slow down leveling. The kakashi daily missions count towards the minimal activity of 200 for groups to be able to sign up for GNW. Go look at your group's main page and see if the 3-day activity is higher than 200. If your group c*ways get it over 200, then you don't have to do daily. If your group is having trouble getting it to 200, just do the missions just so your group can do GNW. Only do Kakashi weekly that give out seal fragments.

    Do nine-tails only for the coupons and you don't have to try as hard since the higher rank you are the higher the exp you get. Sweep elite instance so you can build 5* characters so you'll be able to refine them. Sweep plot instance to get awaken materials so you can increase power. Just try to do the events for the items, not for the exp.

okok i understand.

if at lv70 i will have all the treasures unlocked i will slow level from there like you are suggesting. since my equipment already need to be upgraded.

well right now i have 4 star hinata/kabuto. will work to make them 5 star

since kabuto/hinata when refined you get 10 points that means if i get 5 frags from the shop that equals to 50 refine points?

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On 2017-09-29 01:48:37Show All Posts

today got to lv 65 and i got the treasures of jinchuriki.

why wait till 70? i will unlock something else?

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On 2017-09-29 03:29:31Show All Posts

i won't go for kage. since today after saving many coupons managed to get sailor sakura. was thinking of now going for roshi than maybe han.

so was thinking to slow down now lv65.

do you think its a good idea? or i would lose the free draw from kage like that?

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On 2017-09-29 03:49:44Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-09-29 03:48:24
  • How many seal scrolls you have? Go for han first then roshi.

83 seal scrolls.

why han first instead of roshi?

and was thinking of waiting for a seal scroll rebate or not?

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On 2017-09-30 00:25:21Show All Posts

why did danzo tell me to get han before roshi?

is there an explanation or han is better?

i am water main and have sailor sakura too now. since with lucky board she was so cheap :)

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On 2017-09-30 00:27:07Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2017-09-29 19:25:45
  • Always wait for rebates. Here's math for seal gain to seal spent ratio:

    10 seals - 1 rebate - 0.1 ratio

    50seals - 5+1=6 rebate - 0.12 ratio

    100seals- 10+6=16 rebate - 0.16 ratio

    200seals- 20+16=33 rebate- 0.18 ratio

    300seals- 30+36=66 rebate - 0.22 ratio

    As you can see, going for the highest available rebate in this particular event gives you over twice as many seal scrolls when compared to going for 10seal rebate during 30 events. In a long run this is the best what you can go for and you should do it, as long as you can stay competitive in pvp while saving. If you can't, because other players have rares which you simply cant beat with your current ninjas, thats the only scenario where you should consider going for lower rebate than 300 (still, only if those 100/200 seals for 100% will get you a ninja, that will swing the odds in your favor). I know, that getting 300 seals seems like eternity, but this isn't a game you play for a week. If you want to stay in the top, you need to make a long run investments, patience is rewarded a big time in this game and let's you stay competitive to some extent even with players, who spend hundreds of $ (if they don't follow mentioned rules).

till now i can manage because only me and another player are lv65 and have unlocked the jinchu treasures.

so till i can do something i should wait till i have 300 seal scrolls? to use them on jinchu treasure.

i dont think will use them on kage before i get han and roshi.

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On 2017-10-08 20:37:07Show All Posts

i got to lv70 today and was going to stop leveling up but now i can't upgrade my equipment of kage level since the instances aren't opened yet to get those materials.

should i still stop at lv70? or do the main plot till i open the instances were i can get those materials from to upgrade my equipments?

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On 2017-10-08 22:50:09Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-10-08 22:13:15
  • I don't know if you did this but you should at least awaken 12 ninjas for matsuri, ranked, and survival trial before you try to unlocking instances. Stop at level 70 as you are just limiting how much exp you get then you normal do. I also farm materials to create a surplus so once I am able to upgrade/awaken I can do it once I able to rather than waiting. The only time for you to resume doing the story line is just getting to the instance that gives you the awaken material and make sure you stop there and continue again after you max. Because of certain story line missions, you might level too fast depending on how much exp it gives you. Black market helps a lot with getting materials you don't have access to. Also, don't forget you get do elite instance to farm frags for 5* ninjas to refine the frags for iruka so you an excuse to use your stamina.

ok i just did alot of sweeps and awaken my survival/ranked/masturi team plus nine tails team. they arent fully cultivated yet apart from main team and nine tails team.

i even used lots of stamina potions saved and got enough materials so that the next time i have to awaken i have enough materials to awaken them all.

i can't sweep the plot instances because i couldnt win them 3 stars. the fight ( where we press on that blue circle to fight a stronger enemy. you know what im talking about?) i cant win it so i have some plot missions with 2 stars. i cant sweep for those equipment materials yet.

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On 2017-10-09 01:08:35Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-10-09 01:06:11
  • Even though you can't sweep, you can still get the items. You just have it manually collect all of the treasure chests in the instances. Either increase your power or find a lineup to get the instance to 3*.

yes i know i can do that but i cant farm all frags of equipment to upgrade them didnt open them yet plus its not the team that is the problem but the enemy which does alot of dmg. so i need to increase my power

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On 2017-10-13 00:26:41Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-10-09 01:06:11
  • Even though you can't sweep, you can still get the items. You just have it manually collect all of the treasure chests in the instances. Either increase your power or find a lineup to get the instance to 3*.

sorry for writing again.

i have all of my equipment to kage but i cant upgrade them anymore since the instances aren't opened yet and i leveled up till 72 now. but still i dont have those instances to get the materials. i know i should slow level but if i can't get the materials i can't get power. or not?

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On 2017-10-13 12:39:51Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2017-10-13 00:26:41
  • sorry for writing again.

    i have all of my equipment to kage but i cant upgrade them anymore since the instances aren't opened yet and i leveled up till 72 now. but still i dont have those instances to get the materials. i know i should slow level but if i can't get the materials i can't get power. or not?

anyone can help me with this?

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On 2017-10-13 21:27:45Show All Posts
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-10-13 16:52:40
  • If you stop your growth at level 70 you can't run a ton of teams since many of them require the 4th mystery that unlocks at level 80 or the 3rd last passive that unlocks at 85. For breeze dancers means no sand dust and no natural draining, for mb means no iaido, that's the must have mystery for cloud blitz, for sb means no +50% boost damage on wb/summon and no immune shield mystery. The only main you can run without them currently is azure fang, but you still have big problems in wb and snake since she uses skewering for them and in many ninja exams where reserve seal and skewering are required to win and without them you need 20k more power.

so i should level up even if that could make me get bad rewards in sage world?

right now i can be in top 3 all the time.

yeah i saw on youtube that with azure against nine tails and snake summon you need skewering since it does the most dmg. right now im attacking nine tails only once so i dont get lots of exp but because of them im losing lots of coins and coupons. since in my server i can be in top 3 and many times im either ranked 1 or 2nd.

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On 2017-10-14 02:30:21Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2017-10-13 21:27:45
  • so i should level up even if that could make me get bad rewards in sage world?

    right now i can be in top 3 all the time.

    yeah i saw on youtube that with azure against nine tails and snake summon you need skewering since it does the most dmg. right now im attacking nine tails only once so i dont get lots of exp but because of them im losing lots of coins and coupons. since in my server i can be in top 3 and many times im either ranked 1 or 2nd.

zelgadis what do you think?

i saw from your posts that you are a water main aswell.

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On 2017-10-22 02:57:40Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-10-09 01:06:11
  • Even though you can't sweep, you can still get the items. You just have it manually collect all of the treasure chests in the instances. Either increase your power or find a lineup to get the instance to 3*.

i did like you suggested and im stacking the equipment frags to upgrade equipment all to 100. and i did win 3 stars those two plots that i couldnt finish before which i wrote you about on an other post.

now i think i need to do main plot to unlock new plots to start upgrading my equipment or keep on slow leveling? im 73 now. i do only 2 daily missions to get main character frags and group points. weekly missions made me level up to 73 but is it worth losing 1 seal scroll? i give 1 hit only on nine tails and retreat.

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