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[ Lineup ] Please Nerf Mabui+Tenten


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On 2017-09-28 09:12:39Show this Author Only

your request is for cowards,train to be stronger and defeat them in your own way, in your post you say that the game is about finding and testing lineups, well "do that", we all have a lineup that costs us to beat, but we do not ask to make them weaker. each one has its own way of playing, but I personally think that the way is to make you stronger not ask that others be weaker I think that's what the game is about.

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On 2017-09-28 09:22:53Show this Author Only

I personally think that the way is to make you stronger not ask that others be weaker, in that case we end up with all the blitz teams because they can kill you fast, but that would be ridiculous, train to become stronger. this game has never been fair, but we do not cry for it.

Your request is ridiculous in my opinion.

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On 2017-09-28 10:27:00Show this Author Only

use fire mc , than tenten cant do mystery or tobi mask jounin minatoh

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On 2017-09-28 10:47:03Show this Author Only

That is the most ridiculous reason I've ever heard. Have you considered that Tenten Mabui (Mei) combination is the only strong team a f2p guy can get really fast? The p2w players are insane enough, why do you want to destroy one of the few good team we could get? Instead of crying of how strong some normal ninja combination is, how about asking for a better chance for good ninja like Hashirama and Minato?

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On 2017-09-28 16:45:03Show this Author Only

I agree with you that team is a cancer. CANCER. REAL DEAL CANCER. I got roshi combo team(Roshi, yugito, yagura /w watermain) with high refines(7,8 on roshi, 5's on others), i get absolutly smashed round 1 against people with lower refines and everything. It makes no sense at all. Why would u release new ninjas when that team is pure cancer on new server. Anyone gets it dominated over others.

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On 2017-09-28 17:24:57Show this Author Only
  • Slavation On 2017-09-28 16:45:03
  • I agree with you that team is a cancer. CANCER. REAL DEAL CANCER. I got roshi combo team(Roshi, yugito, yagura /w watermain) with high refines(7,8 on roshi, 5's on others), i get absolutly smashed round 1 against people with lower refines and everything. It makes no sense at all. Why would u release new ninjas when that team is pure cancer on new server. Anyone gets it dominated over others.

Who was your first prompt move? If was roshi, indeed, if was yugito nii there's no way. Yugito standard 75% of the times is 10 combo and even if she dies is not a problem since resurrects on round 3. If you had higher initiative you would have dealt before mabui moved both ignition and poison to the whole team, then mabui moved and the enemy used tenten. At that point you copy mei. If you are lucky your roshi heals himself and starts a combo that acupuncture mabui. If the enemy is lucky tenten starts a combo on yugito that is not said that dies without the boost of the barrier and even if dies is not a problem. Lets consider the case she dies. Your yagura moves and damages again mabui and apply another stack of poison. Enemy mei hit your roshi and gives him 1 more stack of buff. Your azure fang heals roshi almost to max hp, enemy af heals mabui of debuffs, enemy clone hits your mei clone, mei clone hits enemy clone and applies poison to two characters. Ignition and poison damage apply to who is targeted.

Round 2: Lets say the enemy is not * and hits your main with mabui to start a combo that immobilizes it. You wait and use roshi on his azure fang as soon as he uses the healing mystery so you acupuncture it. Yes, mei will use his mystery but with no barrier the damage is low and you only suffer ignition. Most likely you are at half of your hp the same the enemy due to poison and ignition.

Round 3: yugito resurrects and asap you use her mystery on tenten so yagura acupuncture her and this time you copy mabui, so you get shields for your main and yagura and also a cleaner if needed and you heal with your mystery. Before mabui moves yugito hits again with her 10 combo standard and if you are lucky you deliver again all the combo effects. Unless you are very depowered somebody at this point dies, very likely tenten since usually is the lowest hp one on purpose and you have won.

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On 2017-09-29 01:42:06Show this Author Only
  • Orochiimaruu On 2017-09-28 05:40:36
  • This post is ridiculous. You're mad and want to nerf ninjas cuz there's a lineup you cant beat? the mabui 1010 team is by far one of the easiest to deal with. Control or blitz gets the job done. if you have good res, shields and/or immunity, Tenten's mystery hits like a wet noodle.

I've gamed quite a bit and have an interest in game theory/design and such.

And invariably the playerbase loves to hate on the idea of nerfs. But... I actually think THAT is ridiculous.

Games like Overwatch and Magic: the Gathering have a long history of "nerfing" things or, in the case of MTG, straight banning things from being used competitively. They're wonderful games that are much better for the balancing act they try to achieve. Players like powerful things (I get that)... but when the designers are pushing for powerful things that the players might like... well, mistakes are going to be made.

When I hear someone complain about suggestions to "nerf" and insult anyone that might do so... all i hear is "it hurts my brain to think about how we might make things even better than they currently are so I'm just going to call people * if they suggest on possible improvements.

In the game of Magic: the Gathering, which I think this game actually compares to quite well, one of the biggest dangers has always been mana-producers that let players "cheat" on casting their spells early. Cards like Black Lotus and Sol Ring are some of the most broken and degenerate cards ever made in the game - and they were also huge mistakes. Mabui is like a Sol Ring in MTG.

Now, this game has another mechanic that is supposed to stop players from doing things too powerful, too fast - and that's battlefield cooldowns. Yet, 1010's Mystery is a 60-costed Mystery that has no battlefield cooldown.

Of course, there's also the auto-barriers in the game that are simply way too powerful an effect to get "for free."

My point is that there are a lot of things wrong with the 1010-Mei team from a game design perspective and to simply dismiss all of that for no legitimate reason than "people are babies" is... well, it's kinda ridiculous.

Now, there's another MAJOR problem with the team though... and this is probably the biggest reason to consider nerfing it in some fashion: overuse.

There are a zillion sweet ninjas in this game and people want to feel like they're all capable of doing good things and possibly something you could build a team around. If any team becomes too dominant in the average player's meta then it makes the game kinda... boring.

In Overwatch, there have been metas where too many characters were "must-picks" and it felt like most all games played out very similarly. That's a problem! Whether the game is even balanced or not... it's a problem! A big one.

In MTG, there have been formats that were so dominated by single deck archetypes that it massively drove players away from attending tournaments. No one wants to play Caw Blade mirror matches all day long, ya know?

Ignoring how good the team even is... the average player's gaming experience is very arguably too filled with these Mei-1010 teams. As such, it's most definitely NOT ridiculous to suggest the game might be better and healthier if it were changed in a way to discourage more diversity in the game.

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On 2017-09-29 02:41:51Show this Author Only
  • everythingangel On 2017-09-29 01:42:06
  • I've gamed quite a bit and have an interest in game theory/design and such.

    And invariably the playerbase loves to hate on the idea of nerfs. But... I actually think THAT is ridiculous.

    Games like Overwatch and Magic: the Gathering have a long history of "nerfing" things or, in the case of MTG, straight banning things from being used competitively. They're wonderful games that are much better for the balancing act they try to achieve. Players like powerful things (I get that)... but when the designers are pushing for powerful things that the players might like... well, mistakes are going to be made.

    When I hear someone complain about suggestions to "nerf" and insult anyone that might do so... all i hear is "it hurts my brain to think about how we might make things even better than they currently are so I'm just going to call people * if they suggest on possible improvements.

    In the game of Magic: the Gathering, which I think this game actually compares to quite well, one of the biggest dangers has always been mana-producers that let players "cheat" on casting their spells early. Cards like Black Lotus and Sol Ring are some of the most broken and degenerate cards ever made in the game - and they were also huge mistakes. Mabui is like a Sol Ring in MTG.

    Now, this game has another mechanic that is supposed to stop players from doing things too powerful, too fast - and that's battlefield cooldowns. Yet, 1010's Mystery is a 60-costed Mystery that has no battlefield cooldown.

    Of course, there's also the auto-barriers in the game that are simply way too powerful an effect to get "for free."

    My point is that there are a lot of things wrong with the 1010-Mei team from a game design perspective and to simply dismiss all of that for no legitimate reason than "people are babies" is... well, it's kinda ridiculous.

    Now, there's another MAJOR problem with the team though... and this is probably the biggest reason to consider nerfing it in some fashion: overuse.

    There are a zillion sweet ninjas in this game and people want to feel like they're all capable of doing good things and possibly something you could build a team around. If any team becomes too dominant in the average player's meta then it makes the game kinda... boring.

    In Overwatch, there have been metas where too many characters were "must-picks" and it felt like most all games played out very similarly. That's a problem! Whether the game is even balanced or not... it's a problem! A big one.

    In MTG, there have been formats that were so dominated by single deck archetypes that it massively drove players away from attending tournaments. No one wants to play Caw Blade mirror matches all day long, ya know?

    Ignoring how good the team even is... the average player's gaming experience is very arguably too filled with these Mei-1010 teams. As such, it's most definitely NOT ridiculous to suggest the game might be better and healthier if it were changed in a way to discourage more diversity in the game.

You've mentioned several different genres and frankly, the only one close enough would be overwatch. And if so, Games nerf individual heroes mostly due to competitive usage (Same as League). However, the major difference here, there's no weekly patches when it comes to Ninja balancing. It's done after a cycle of updates.

Anyway, The only place this team is arguably strong is Arena.

Everywhere else, in an actual pvp sense. This team is considered weak and outright out of the loop.

Higher BP fights will never resort to having T1 nuke teams. (And there's gonna be more than just Tenten)

The issue with that, it's extremely predicated and outright easy to counteract. Not to mention, If you can't pump out Tenten T1, you practically lost.


When this screenshot was taken, I was 92k BP with this team.

And this team didn't even have a direct counter to it. Wet Noodle as someone would say.

1010/Mabui is just outright weak.

Now in arena, I actually do agree, it's pretty strong with base statical lineups.

So, build a team that can counter it.

There are not a lot of meta based Arena teams, If you build with stopping Mabui in mind, you're practically building to stop any other T1 usage (Gaara as well)

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On 2017-09-29 03:14:21Show this Author Only

"I was 92k BP with this team," you say?

Well... that's kind of the thing. The average gamer still doesn't have that kind of time invested and they're often battling other people that are just "making due" with the ninjas they have and building with whatever while they dream of pulling some specific ninja out of whatever treasure.

The average players aren't using Sailor Sakura, Minatos, Roshis, and playing with cool outfits on their main.

Honestly, the very best strategies me*most nothing to the vast majority of gamers!!!

And Mei-1010 is absurdly overused (AND POWERFUL) insofar as the games that the majority of gamers are playing against each other.

Even if we really do agree that the team is easy to beat and no one should care... it still wouldn't change the fact that these teams make up FAR too much of the meta at these levels where most gamers are playing this game, in my opinion.

Also, I think MTG is a MUCH better comparison to this game insofar as how the game works. They're VERY similar. This game has chakra and MTG has mana. Both limit the amount of mana/chakra you should have based on rules for turn structure. You pick a team in this game and you build a deck with MTG. I could go on-and-on... but mechanically-speaking it's basically nothing like Overwatch while unbelievably similar to MTG.

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On 2017-09-29 04:04:08Show this Author Only
  • everythingangel On 2017-09-29 03:14:21
  • "I was 92k BP with this team," you say?

    Well... that's kind of the thing. The average gamer still doesn't have that kind of time invested and they're often battling other people that are just "making due" with the ninjas they have and building with whatever while they dream of pulling some specific ninja out of whatever treasure.

    The average players aren't using Sailor Sakura, Minatos, Roshis, and playing with cool outfits on their main.

    Honestly, the very best strategies me*most nothing to the vast majority of gamers!!!

    And Mei-1010 is absurdly overused (AND POWERFUL) insofar as the games that the majority of gamers are playing against each other.

    Even if we really do agree that the team is easy to beat and no one should care... it still wouldn't change the fact that these teams make up FAR too much of the meta at these levels where most gamers are playing this game, in my opinion.

    Also, I think MTG is a MUCH better comparison to this game insofar as how the game works. They're VERY similar. This game has chakra and MTG has mana. Both limit the amount of mana/chakra you should have based on rules for turn structure. You pick a team in this game and you build a deck with MTG. I could go on-and-on... but mechanically-speaking it's basically nothing like Overwatch while unbelievably similar to MTG.

When it comes to this game, the game isn't balanced on ~ Lower BP fights,

It's centered around top BP. Which is currently used and what shifts the core PvP meta.

As of right now, It's Susanoo Itachi/Jonin Minato(Hokage Minato)/Masked Man/Kyuubi Naruto/Hokage Tsunade/Sailor Sakura/etc

In those fights, you'll see these ninjas consistently, because they're effective throughout any situation.

And yes, I was 92k BP with that setup.

Taking out the "Outfit" comment, which is irrelevant to ninjas.

Roshi, Sailor is easy to obtain as F2P, especially Roshi which is a set amount and practically owned by quite a large number of players (At this point)

Sailor has been in events over a year now. Two events that gave her fragments for logging in. (25 each), Most players who desired her and are f2p. Should have her by now. I'll even arguably say, she'll be 4*s at this point.

This game is about setting up a plan on what you want to structure around. You can't obtain something upon its release. You have to gain resources to grab your desired ninja.

Regardless, with that being said. It's not the point of the screenshot. It's just how the team is. There's no counter to Mabui/Tenten and little damage was done even though they're a much higher BP player.

So I'll repeat again, It's not overused in High BP fights, It's actually, not even used at all. Water Mains tend to * with Jonin Minato/Kyuubi Naruto, Sailor. Itachi/Roshi for everything. Because they're much, much more reliable.

The reason why that team is used is to make life easier on Auto in Arena, base stats is what makes that team strong. Reality is, That team will never receive a nerf because it's not impacting PvP where it matters

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On 2017-09-29 05:21:11Show this Author Only

I fully understand that the game ignores THE VAST MAJORITY of the playerbase to focus on the very small percentage at the top.

But... it seems unreasonable to dismiss the majority of the player base's concerns with the simple notion that the game doesn't care about them...

Also, if my argument is that it's not healthy for the majority of players and you're suggesting that it's not even worth using for "the people that matter" then "the people that matter" wouldn't be negatively effected by any nerfs while the majority of gamers could still be positively effected. That just sounds like upside, doesn't it? I mean... do we really care so little about the insignificant "99%" that it's not even worth suggesting trying to make their lives better (especially if, as you say, it wouldn't negatively harm the "important people" at the top)?

This post was last edited by everythingangel on 2017-09-29 05:30:39.
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On 2017-09-29 08:36:14Show this Author Only
  • everythingangel On 2017-09-29 05:21:11
  • I fully understand that the game ignores THE VAST MAJORITY of the playerbase to focus on the very small percentage at the top.

    But... it seems unreasonable to dismiss the majority of the player base's concerns with the simple notion that the game doesn't care about them...

    Also, if my argument is that it's not healthy for the majority of players and you're suggesting that it's not even worth using for "the people that matter" then "the people that matter" wouldn't be negatively effected by any nerfs while the majority of gamers could still be positively effected. That just sounds like upside, doesn't it? I mean... do we really care so little about the insignificant "99%" that it's not even worth suggesting trying to make their lives better (especially if, as you say, it wouldn't negatively harm the "important people" at the top)?

What you're failing to realize once again, In actual PVP. It's dismissal

This team only has grounds in Arena. That's it.

Balance updates will NEVER occur off of Arena-set teams alone. It's a completely and utterly different atmosphere in terms of PvP.

When I was offering different examples, I specifically focused on actual stats (They don't apply in Arena, It's completely and utterly base focused. Artifical stats) as a reasoning as well. Which you ignored.

Once again, So you can clearly understand. I'm being blunt.

Arena does not and will not cater to balancing...Ever.

Tobi was a prime example, broken in PvP. 1.0

Orochimaru [Konoha's Traitor], broken in Ranked 2.0

Examples of characters that legitimately broke the effort of the game PvP structure were changed.

It's not about the high BP players either. It's just based on which characters are OP. (Konoha Traitor was mostly focused towards mid players, At that time. Tendo-Akatsuki teams were the high end).

This post was last edited by Tobei on 2017-09-29 08:37:04.
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On 2017-09-29 08:52:15Show this Author Only

Do you really think that so many people are complaining about this team because it's beating them in Arena and nowhere else?

I'm sorry, mate, but it kinda sounds like YOU don't understand...

For lesser-established servers and players, the team is everywhere and beating them everywhere.

This is not "just an arena" problem for them.

And insofar as "stats" are concerned: I'm a bit dyslexic and may just be missing them... but I REALLY don't see any stats you think I should have responded to. What exact stats did you reply to me with? If you're just talking about the one pic you posted of you beating a team then I didn't "ignore" those "stats" - I replied by telling you that your example simply doesn't apply to the average gamer issuing these complaints.

Look, you seem to want to insist that the game shouldn't cater at all to people that aren't at the top. I fundamentally and wholeheartedly disagree with that sentiment.

At the very least, there are a ton of people playing this game that hate this team. That alone should at least merit SOME consideration and all these gamers shouldn't be completely dismissed with the notion that they just need to "git gud" or whatever.

This post was last edited by everythingangel on 2017-09-29 08:58:25.
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On 2017-09-29 08:57:53Show this Author Only
  • everythingangel On 2017-09-29 08:52:15
  • Do you really think that so many people are complaining about this team because it's beating them in Arena and nowhere else?

    I'm sorry, mate, but it kinda sounds like YOU don't understand...

    For lesser-established servers and players, the team is everywhere and beating them everywhere.

    This is not "just an arena" problem for them.

    And insofar as "stats" are concerned: I'm a bit dyslexic and may just be missing them... but I REALLY don't see any stats you think I should have responded to. What exact stats did you reply to me with? If you're just talking about the one pic you posted of you beating a team then I didn't "ignore" those "stats" - I replied by telling you that your example simply doesn't apply to the average gamer issuing these complaints.

    Look, you seem to want to insist that the game shouldn't cater at all to people that aren't at the top. I fundamentally and wholeheartedly disagree with that sentiment.

    At the very least, there are a ton of people playing this game that hate this team. That alone should at least merit SOME consideration and all these gamers shouldn't be completely dismissed with the notion that they just need to "git gud" or whatever.

As a moderator of this forum.

I can confidently tell you this.

Yes, it's because of Arena.

Clearly, at this point, we're in disagreement. And that's fine. You have your opinion as I have mines.

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On 2017-09-29 09:03:56Show this Author Only

As a moderator of this forum, I just suggest you try to read some of these complaints more carefully then.
Because for many players, and many of them have voiced their frustrations here, it is NOT just "an arena problem" for them.

I have a few accounts on a few different servers and when you're in something like Sage and see a water main then you just assume they're this "cancer team."

Honest question: Do you have any lower-leveled accounts from newer servers? If not, and I'm assuming you don't, has it even crossed your mind that most of these players aren't "playing the same game" as you?

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On 2017-09-29 14:34:50Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-09-28 17:24:57
  • Who was your first prompt move? If was roshi, indeed, if was yugito nii there's no way. Yugito standard 75% of the times is 10 combo and even if she dies is not a problem since resurrects on round 3. If you had higher initiative you would have dealt before mabui moved both ignition and poison to the whole team, then mabui moved and the enemy used tenten. At that point you copy mei. If you are lucky your roshi heals himself and starts a combo that acupuncture mabui. If the enemy is lucky tenten starts a combo on yugito that is not said that dies without the boost of the barrier and even if dies is not a problem. Lets consider the case she dies. Your yagura moves and damages again mabui and apply another stack of poison. Enemy mei hit your roshi and gives him 1 more stack of buff. Your azure fang heals roshi almost to max hp, enemy af heals mabui of debuffs, enemy clone hits your mei clone, mei clone hits enemy clone and applies poison to two characters. Ignition and poison damage apply to who is targeted.

    Round 2: Lets say the enemy is not * and hits your main with mabui to start a combo that immobilizes it. You wait and use roshi on his azure fang as soon as he uses the healing mystery so you acupuncture it. Yes, mei will use his mystery but with no barrier the damage is low and you only suffer ignition. Most likely you are at half of your hp the same the enemy due to poison and ignition.

    Round 3: yugito resurrects and asap you use her mystery on tenten so yagura acupuncture her and this time you copy mabui, so you get shields for your main and yagura and also a cleaner if needed and you heal with your mystery. Before mabui moves yugito hits again with her 10 combo standard and if you are lucky you deliver again all the combo effects. Unless you are very depowered somebody at this point dies, very likely tenten since usually is the lowest hp one on purpose and you have won.

why the hell would u use yugito in move 1 and roshi in move 2!?!?!?

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On 2017-10-03 18:52:46Show this Author Only

Tobei, what PvP actually matters? Cause as far as I'm concerned Space-Time doesn't matter cause it isn't real PvP, its just Ranked Battle with X-Server built in which is absolute garbage, so obviously the high P2W ninjas you claim are going to do well when a player has 0 control. Sorry that is AI vs AI not Player vs Player. Also

Real PvP is Arena, Bonds, GNW, Plunder, SWB, Matsuri

The server I play on has quite a few players who are 50k+ running Mei/Mabui/Tenten for real PvP. While I have bits and pieces of meta like teams because I have * luck. Then people wonder why I don't do any of the PvP events cause of crap like this and "immortal teams". (that and * matchmaking doesn't help) Hell I got to Special Jonin in arena just from running Sailor Sakura, Kimimaro, Kabuto, Water Main. But that is a whole different story.

But I'm going to break down this team for you. First, this team can beat players who are 10k-20k power higher than Mei/Mabui/Tenten/Water Main as long as they have initiative.

Mabui gives all Lightning/Water ninjas shields. So the line up is more tankier. She also gives 40 chakra round 1, then 80 chakra round 2. That is a bigger chakra advantage than running Itachi (Not susano'o). She uses her mystery to target a ninja to prevent them from doing anything, could be to stop a key chase, or even interrupt something because of Mei's chase. On top of this she can heal dispersing all Debuffs on the target. Which is something not even Sailor Sakura can do.

Then you have GNW Tenten while at 2 stars her damage/survivability isn't as good as a 3 star ninja, but because of the events she is in, or just pulling edo enough to 3 star her, changes that. She also increases your crit rate for 3 rounds by 15% which increases the damage output. Then she has a chase 10 which that team can easily go into, that paralyzes the targets of her chase. Then she has her mystery that she c*e Turn 1, the moment that Mabui gives 40 chakra, which her mystery is every chakra nature, so everything more or less is taking extra damage.

Then you have Mei, she provides a barrier that buffs attack and ninjutsu by 40% then before each of her actions once each round, she poisons 2 ninjas. She deals 25% extra damage to male ninjas. So that is lets say 65% boost in her damage alone plus the extra crit increase from GNW Tenten. She has acupuncture on her standard, then her chase inflicts immobile. Then her mystery inflicts aoe damage with ignite. She is undoubtedly the BEST Kage ninja in the game as she can basically do everything except heal obviously (unless for whatever reason you're a fire main using ninjutsu urge in which case sure)

Then you have the Water Main, whom uses Water Enhancement which buffs Water Ninjutsu/Attack by 40%, so now your Mei and Tenten have 105% damage increase and 80 respectively. Summons a clone to protect the Tenten which odds are will be shielded by Mabui to make it tankier that inflicts acupuncture. Then she performs the role of healing, having her healing standard being boosted by the ninjutsu buffs as well as healing tips, then runs her healing mystery to make sure everything is alive and has no debuffs on them to deal a lot of damage from mei in round 2, especially when they combine Mabui's mystery with the healing mystery to make sure to keep one of them cc'd.

This forces you to run a few things, A ninja with immobile (Or blitz the mabui down if you can), a manual barrier or a ninja that breaks barriers, Or ninjas whom are immune to debuffs.

And considering Oasis opens up an ungodly amount of new servers a week, you can't say that low power PvP does not matter because the moment that people start drawing in kage and are able to piece together this team, they'll essentially beat everyone not running those teams, unless they have a lot more power and more initiative. Especially if they are a spender running this team. So telling people that they have to essentially run crap like Kyubi Naruto or Hokage Minato with Sailor sakura, yeah good luck with that. There is no way in hell that I'm going to spend that much cash to get Kyubi Naruto to 3 or even 4 star (let alone to recruit it as Oasis hasn't shown me why I should bother spending, as most browser games are not worth it). Hokage Minato is also arguably the worst (by forums) Hokage.

(Also yes I know that isn't how percentages work, it just makes it easier to show it like that)

This post was last edited by RenjiAsuka on 2017-10-03 18:53:30.
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On 2017-10-03 22:20:00Show this Author Only

Ten-cents is the only one who can nerf or buff, Oasis can't do anything even if they wanted to. Try a control team with fire main(immobile and sleep).If you are lightning main, create a blitz team and put your main in front of mabui.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-10-03 22:23:06.
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On 2017-10-04 04:51:06Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-10-03 22:20:00
  • Ten-cents is the only one who can nerf or buff, Oasis can't do anything even if they wanted to. Try a control team with fire main(immobile and sleep).If you are lightning main, create a blitz team and put your main in front of mabui.

Doesn't always work, I seen some players move it into position 3, or even switch it up to prevent that.

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On 2017-10-15 08:16:36Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2017-09-29 02:41:51
  • You've mentioned several different genres and frankly, the only one close enough would be overwatch. And if so, Games nerf individual heroes mostly due to competitive usage (Same as League). However, the major difference here, there's no weekly patches when it comes to Ninja balancing. It's done after a cycle of updates.

    Anyway, The only place this team is arguably strong is Arena.

    Everywhere else, in an actual pvp sense. This team is considered weak and outright out of the loop.

    Higher BP fights will never resort to having T1 nuke teams. (And there's gonna be more than just Tenten)

    The issue with that, it's extremely predicated and outright easy to counteract. Not to mention, If you can't pump out Tenten T1, you practically lost.


    When this screenshot was taken, I was 92k BP with this team.

    And this team didn't even have a direct counter to it. Wet Noodle as someone would say.

    1010/Mabui is just outright weak.

    Now in arena, I actually do agree, it's pretty strong with base statical lineups.

    So, build a team that can counter it.

    There are not a lot of meta based Arena teams, If you build with stopping Mabui in mind, you're practically building to stop any other T1 usage (Gaara as well)

Sounds about right for your reply does it not? why is your BP not shown? im betting your higher just like when you tried to convince people that sailor sakura azura roshi han with poison tai was EASY to beat...just admit guys do not actually fix these teams because you have no clue how to run the game.

What that player mentioned IS what GOOOOOD companies do they balance and work on things that are too weak or tooooo strong they dont dance around subject its fact oasis is terrible at balance its only good at stealing money..that they have perfected..

sell your bs to others mate sorry but nobody is buying it.

Also if nobody has looked at his team i just did so i made a edit to this post "ROSHI/MINATO/Sailor sakura gee i wonder if you did win purely based on team comp if having OP ninjas had any part in it HMMM i wonder????

This post was last edited by Epkk on 2017-10-15 08:19:03.
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