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Sage Naruto Tressuure 150 scrolls


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-25 02:49:56Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I am feeling extremely discouraged with the game because I have invested all of my seal scrolls into sage. So far, I have gotten AO, orchimaru traitor, and AO again. Should I continue pulling?

The reason I went after sage Naruto was beacuse I learned that hes really good for ninja exams, good tanker and all in all a very good ninja. I don't know what to do anymoree :(

Someone advise pls

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On 2017-09-25 03:11:54Show this Author Only

Sorry for you, i got him as my third rare, which was about 120 or 130 i think :/

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On 2017-09-25 03:19:41Show this Author Only

Don't spend anymore of your seals in there, move on to kage or save up 210 for either roshi or han. Sm naruto is going to come out in the next 60 seals but it wont be long until you stack up on free draws and get a surprise sm naruto pull

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On 2017-09-25 03:50:40Show this Author Only
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On 2017-09-25 09:01:40Show this Author Only

Feels bad man. I got him as my 3rd with 180 seal scrolls. Ao, Oro KT, then SM Naruto.

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On 2017-09-25 17:01:20Show this Author Only
I got him from events,it took a month(maybe less) if he is in Lucky board and missions

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On 2017-09-26 05:04:35Show this Author Only

Sage Naruto Treasure is one of those treasures where you want to pull as less as possible, Ao is a rare there but is a common in Kage treasure, that goes to show the true value of the ninjas there other than SN.

Most players would say wait, and in 6 months you get him on free draw (with luck), you want to get him first in treasure before buying fragments and recruiting him because then you'll get only ~20 fragments on free draw compared to 80 (fragments matter because this ninja you want to 4*), unlucky ones get Ao first.

I say go for him as soon as you open Sage, you should have 60 seal scrolls by the time you reach the treasure. Even for those who don't think they need him now, you never know when he's gonna be needed.

This is how I heard the order goes:

1. You get Ao first, then Konoha Traitor, then SN

2. Konoha Traitor, SN, Ao

3. SN, then doesn't matter, the treasure is useless now

But this is the first time I heard of duplicate in this treasure before getting SN, I for one used my free draws in there for about 2 months then got SN on 40 scrolls. If I were you I would restart on another server and hope for SN in first 60, if it doesn't happen repeat. That's what most people do. Cause the amount of seal scrolls lost is too much.

Sage Naruto is the easiest overpowered ninja you can get in this game under normal cir*stances.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-09-26 05:16:17.
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On 2017-09-26 05:59:08Show this Author Only

Yeah had a similar issue, I got Ao first, then Oro, then SN, which ended up being about 160 pulls total, I was a little disappointed I got Naruto last because I'm well aware that Ao is a common in later treasures but overall I do actually like Oro for his fake Hashirama.

I can't even begin to imagine how disappointed I would have been had I got Ao again instead of SN for that 3rd banner, seriously I'm terribly sorry for anyone that happens to, it's really messed up.

I don't understand why Sage Naruto wasn't the Super Rare of that treasure given how good he is and how useful he remains today, way back when it first came out so many people were getting him as their first rare and they were free players too, so it created this weird situation of Spenders without SN being rivaled by free players WITH SN and then free players without SN just getting beaten.

He's that useful, but not necessarily 200+ scrolls useful when people often get him for alot less.

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On 2017-09-26 21:41:55Show this Author Only
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Wrong post to brag, go back to your cave

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On 2017-09-26 22:24:24Show this Author Only

no, you shouldn't even began to use scrolls in the treasure from the start since orochimaru is easy to gain in chase/survival (i'm at 75 fragments of him for free in 10 months) and Ao is a common ninja in kage treasure. In 1 year of playing is almost sure that you get him for free (if you are lucky, like happened to me, you get him for free at your 4th month).

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