wow 51k at lv73? i only managed to get 37k at lv74. Seems like i need to work hard.
37k at 74 is no joke, that far exceeds the average for that level from what I've seen so you're still doing pretty good, I don't think I've ever seen anyone in my sage field higher than 40k lower than level 77.
You'll get there, just keep at it.
On the topic of Exams, I found Blitz to be pretty effective for 123 for killing off Lightning & Fire on round 1, but I don't have the durability or the damage output after Round 3 to kill Wind, Earth and Water.
If I manage to kill Earth, Wind eventually wins it with her silly standard sweep attack, if I try to keep wind pinned down, earth eventually crushes me with his mystery or Water just keeps healing her more than I can dish out. If I try to pin down water then Earth & Wind both kill me.
Water, SN, Ao & Mei is pretty effective but I run into the same issue again where I just can't survive those attacks long enough to win, I've gotten really close too with water.
i am having areally hard time with 128 mei is killing my kimi right off the bat i can only kill sakura first i dont have any buff ninjas :(
Maybe try again soon when you get a bit more power. I got stuck at 134 myself for like 2 weeks before I realized WillofD890 beat that exam with lower power than I have.
Try to follow WillofD890 youtube guide if you have the ninjas.
Add to this. I didn't have the correct ninja according to youtubers to finish all my 180.
You still can make your own team by using the same strategies with buffs, chase and make it similar, with correct timing when to attack.
Watch youtube thoroughly, annnnnnnalyse it you will do fine.
I used this Chanel, because we have similar ninjas. >>> xNicoleBabyx
Add to this. I didn't have the correct ninja according to youtubers to finish all my 180.
You still can make your own team by using the same strategies with buffs, chase and make it similar, with correct timing when to attack.
Watch youtube thoroughly, annnnnnnalyse it you will do fine.
I used this Chanel, because we have similar ninjas. >>> xNicoleBabyx
The reason why I chose WillofD890's guide is because of the same reason as you. We have similar ninjas + in his videos his BP is shown which is around the same BP as me while in the li
Hmm, maybe it's because of ninja awakening.
i pass exam 123 with this team 45k and lvl 78... skills 2 2 1 1 3 +pet flood dragon + magatama def + resist + life lvl 6 for kimi .. and was easy less than 5 trys (check youtube this lineup)
round 1 use kurenai after lightning main used all hits ... round 2 wait earth main th*e kimi and cc wind main ... round 3 use mei and cc fire main and gg round 4 mastery main and kill fire main than pew pew ...
I finally managed to beat 123, it was because I noticed that the key was the fact WillOfD had outrageously good RNG on not only immobilizing the Lightning MC, but also the enemy water clone not combo'ing Ao. In like 9 out of 10 attempts that Water clone will combo, at least thats how it was for me, I stuck with it long enough for her to not combo on round 1 or 2 and then I won.
Now I'm stuck on 129 because you don't gain access to the Chakra giving passive on Water until level 75 and I'm not sure anyone can afford to be subbed for Mabui in that team.
heavy chakra generators are Shikamaru and Kakashi Make out other than Mabui. But I dont remember what's in 129.I guess those 2 are not suitable.
I cant find his youtube.... Can someone send me a li
here you go WillofD YT Channel
I'm still stuck on Exam 123 at almost 52k power (I max out at about 54.5k with a 5 star team), it doesn't seem to matter which MC I use or what team I use, I have the Ninjas recommended but for some reason even when I have a higher power than the videos they seem to be far more effective in the exam than I can be with much less power. I have pretty good refines and stuff as well, most of the time if I fight people who are upwards of about 60-65k power I can still be faster than them and sometimes even win. But in exams I just can't survive long enough, the amount of RNG & Luck I need to beat them seems very extreme.
The only real theory I think I worked out is that I'm simply too low a level, there is something fundamental I'm missing from not being level 80-85 etc. that power doesn't completely compensate for, but matters in terms of survivability in fights or how the game scales stats & Levels and whatever else nonsense it does behind the scenes.
As it stands I don't see myself beating exam 180 until I get to level 80 or so, by then it'll just be plain brute force.
That's the reason, because large part of your power comes from secondary stats that in pve matter close to nothing. So, for the game purposes you are like an average 46/47k power guy that tries to do it. When you'll get another 3/4k power coming from primary stats you be able to beat it quite easily.
Slowly but surely getting there, I would like to aim to be the lowest level person to beat the exams. I think I'll have to swap back to Water for these.
With less than 65k power there's no way to beat exam 140 except for the well reknown cf lineup. I suggest you to begin since now to level up and full awaken kurenai, lee eight inner gates and iruka.
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