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[ Lineup ] Masked Man's lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-21 04:29:42Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello everybody i hope you're doing fine.! Lets get to the point. gonna make some lineups with Masked Man.

Lighting Main



Here in this team you have 2 mystery of removing buffs and shields + immobile. Kakashi can be very good dmg dealer under the barrier + his passive mirror is very good in this team, u can avoid 1 CC and protect your danzo clearly. Lighting main will be the heavy dmg dealer and ofc the chase of Masked Man is dealing heavy dmg as well. You have izanagi to protect and you have root in the first 2 rounds.



This team is heavy dmging and very solid. Having Hidan in your side ressurecting every 2 rounds Plus Masked Mans evasion + immobile and remover of buffs and shields gonna be a hitting rock. Plus Sasuke will deal enough dmg and ignite always!

Fire Main



This Team is Full CC team.. Having Minato burst almost every round + poison and ignition from hanzo + immobile from Masked Man it will be deadly. Flexible and Strong one.



This team is strong as well. You have CC's poison ignition immobiles.You are protecting Minato with a clone + his evasion and you have interruption as well and shield from Fire main. Masked Man here will be a little bit buffed from barrier as well so he will have a nice dmg output.



Well this team might seem weird but yeah in certain cir*stances can win and can be strong enough. You have Emerge mystery with Hiruzen. You have Masked Man for round 1 and you have izanagi to protect hiruzen from dying from his passive. Fire main will support good enough.( you can go with Fire Buff as well its up to you.)

Water Main



Welcome To poison tai parade.This team is *(slow) but very solid and strong. Here Sage naruto will proc roshis chase always and he will implent tons of poison stacks. its a killing team with Masked Man for highlight player!



* Team for the lover's of Masked Man and Jonin Minato. Full poison tai + ignition from our Bae Mei. Water Main she will have the heal ready and you can proc Jonin every turn most likely !



Good Team with Hidan for some good burst + poison tai.Masked Man Here will do his job.

Wind Main



Total Controlling Team. This Team has full control + immobile and ignition. Minato will get raged up every turn unleases his mystery and you will control for 4 rounds at least the opponent.



Funky Team. I really like it as i love Hokage Minato(you can replace with Jonin Minato or maybe Iruka) solid and good dmg outburst.

Earth Main



This team is annoying to the maximum. You have earth main in the front guarding and building his strength. You have hokage minato to proc the king of hell and hanzo always and you have Masked Man with his removal mystery and his immobile and plus you have hanzo at the back having him debuff every round.



This team is heavy dmging team. As you have extra buff from iruka and earth main for your Minato + Masked Man.While you have shields you can guard yourself pretty good plus the evasion from the 3 ninjas and the steel body your enemy will have some problems.



This one seems funny. you c*e Masked Man in 1st round removing someones immunity and then go with samui and tag and wait for pump some chakra for Ay and boom!

Quicky Post

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