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[ Lineup ] Masked Man's lineups


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  • Registered: 2018-02-05
  • Topics: 75
  • Posts: 313
On 2019-05-17 05:31:57Show All Posts
  • amir12 On 2017-11-30 01:06:38
  • also another great lienup i use is:

    water main masked man x

    sailor sakura x roshi

    x x x

    talents: 32232 summon: dog of hell

    water main and sakura sailor for double heal obviously, if your healing are good enough, you c*e neurotoxin instead of healing tips

    so to break down the team, roshi is infront to be 1st position so his mystery can go up first, and also to be a tank, sailor sakura is behind him, for the last heal and the katsuyu standard to cause poisen, and also, to have more chances of surviving if roshi died, and masked man is there to avoid first chase or mystery or standard, as a shield to the water main, and the water main, used for poison tai and healing, its a really great team to use, blitz teams gonna have a hard time against you !!

In this lineup you have roshi position 2 so you need to switch him around.

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