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[ Events ] Events - 21st September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-22 10:06:31Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear Ninjas!

We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 09/21/17! Please, have a look below to check the new events!

Weekly Strong Ninjas

Ay [Third Raikage]

Tsunade [Fifth Hokage]

Deidara [Edo Tensei]

Hidan [Death Possession Blood]

1. "Decisive Bonds" NEW PVP system added! Participate as a Team of 2 Players and open treasures to get rewards!

Event Period: After Maintenance on September 21st


From this week onwards, a new PVP Arena is available for all players Lv. 58 and above: Decisive Bonds! Get a friend to join you in a Team and cooperate to get through all obstacles! Show how important it is to trust a friend and win together!

Participate in this event by talking to Iruka (Decisive Bonds Administrator), find him in the South Konoha area. Register by talking to Iruka every day from 18:00 to 22:00.


All participations in this event are in Teams of 2 players. You can choose to participate as a single/solo player and be matched to a random player or choose to create a Team with one of your friends and participate with your friend in Decisive Bonds.

When matching with opponents, if a player is disconnected or retreats from the matching period, this player will suffer a penalty. If a player has 3 penalties, he will not be able to join Decisive Bonds again in the same day. Players will not suffer any penalties if they leave the matching period after it exceeds 2 minutes.

1. Players will get Rank Points for victories and will lost Rank Points for each loss. The more Rank Points a player has, the higher the player’s Rank. If players lose points, players will have their Rank lowered. The higher the Rank, the better the rewards from Victory Treasures.


After a battle ends, the system will sum up the total of defeated units by the players and put them together in the “No. of Defeated Units Required” area. Meet the required number of defeated units to claim the STRENGTH TREASURE. This treasure resets every day at 5:00. (The No. of Defeated Units Required won’t ac*ulate to next Strength Treasure. For example: Players have reach 7/10 No. of Defeated Units, next battle, the players defeat 8 Units, they can only claim one Strength Treasure and the rest of Units, in this case, 5 units, won’t ac*ulate to next Strength Treasure.)

After being Victorious, players can activate Victory Treasures. The contents of Victory Treasures will be decided upon the Rank Points of the player and they vary from Ninja Fragments to Treasure Maps. Players can activate a new Victory Treasure every 12 hours. Claim a new Victory Treasure once its Countdown is over.

On the first day of each month at 5:00, all players who reached Sage of Six Paths Rank – and have more Rank Points than the minimum required points for Sage of Six Paths Rank – will have their Rank Points reset to the minimum Rank Points necessary for Sage of Six Paths Rank.

2. "Platinum Recharge" event added. Get neat items and ninjas by recharging continuously! The more you recharge, the more you can get!

Event Period: September 21st– September 27th


1. Recharge a given amount of Ingots every day to claim prizes! Prizes can be claimed once daily.

2. An extra reward c*so be claimed if players recharge a given amount of Ingots every day for a given number of days over the event period.

3. This event refreshes every day at 00:00 (server time).

4. Rewards:

-Coupons*20, Level 3 Magatama Pack; Seal Scroll*1, Charm Materials Pack*1;

-Killer Bee [Seven Swords Style]’s fragment*8, The Cave Key*15; Killer Bee [Seven Swords Style]’s fragment*24, Seal scroll*3

-Sasuke [Susano’o] fragment*1, Advanced-level refine rune *10; Sasuke [Susano’o] fragment*10, Purification Breakthrough Pill*1, Contracting Scrool*1

3. "Colorful Balloons" event added. The skill of using Shuriken is one of the most basic skills of ninja. Use your Shuriken to pop up balloons and get points! Rewards are waiting for you!

Event Period: September 21st – September 27th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.


a) During the event, Players can get points by popping up the balloons with Shuriken. Complete Daily Missions to have a chance to obtain up to 3 Shuriken. You can obtain a maximum of 11 free Shuriken daily. Each time you spend 10 Ingots in the game, you will also get 1 Shuriken.

b) You can get 4 to 10 points randomly by popping the balloons with your Shuriken. Some balloons are hiding fireworks inside them, pop a balloon which has fireworks inside to obtain even more points.

c) There will be a maximum of 10 balloons displayed waiting to be popped up. After popping up every balloon available, new balloons will appear. Consume Shuriken*10 to use the "Boundless Shuriken" skill, it will pop up all the balloons displayed in the interface!

4. "Flower Ranking" event added. Ino loves Fresh Flowers, get rewards by sending fresh flowers to Ino!

Event Period: September 21st – September 27th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.


a) Sweeping Plot/Elite Instances will reward you with Fresh Flowers. Recharging 50 Ingots will reward you with Fresh Flower*1. Gifting Ino Fresh Flowers will reward players with Coins.

b) After the event has ended, you will be rewarded according to the Ranking which is based on the amount of Fresh Flowers sent. Fresh Flowers can ONLY BE SENT UNTIL September 27th ’s DEADLINE, the final ranking will be displayed for 1 day.

c) Players need to gift 300 Flowers at least in order to appear in the Ranking.

d) First prize: Purification Breakthrough Pill*1; Attack Magatama Lv.7 *1

2rd and 3rd: Red Chakra*1; Level 5 Rune Pack*2

4th to 6th: Orange Chakra*1; Level 5 Magatama Pack*1

7th to 10th: Summoning Scroll*5; Level 5 Rune Pack*1

5. "Lucky Stars Wheel" event was added. You c*e your Lucky Stars during the event to redeem for powerful ninjas and items!

Event Period: September 21st – September 27th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How to:

a) Spin the wheel once to obtain a random prize. Every player will have one free chance to spin the wheel daily. Ingots/Coupons c*so be spent to spin it. Strong Ninjas await you! Daily limit: 150 times.

b) Use the Lucky Stars obtained to redeem and exchange them for amazing rewards.

6. "Consumption Wheel" event added. 100% chance to get rewards! Spend Ingots to get amazing prizes!

Event Period: September 21st – September 24th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 28 in order to participate.


a) A specific icon was created for this event: “Consumption Wheel”. You can find this icon near to other icons such as “Strong Approaching”, “Benefit Hall”

b) This is a Cross-Server event.

c) A Free Draw is available every day!

d) Each time you Draw 1 Time, 20 Ingots will be spent. Each time you Draw 10 Times, 200 Ingots will be spent. Prizes in the wheel such as “Coupons 5%” and “Coupons 3%” will be deducted from the total Coupons in the Prize Pool.

e) Each time you consume Ingots to draw from the wheel, 25% of the Coupons you spend will be added to the Prize Pool.

f) A ranking of the total Ingots consumed by each ninja is displayed on the event's interface. Players who enter the Top 20 of the event will receive rewards in accordance to their Ranking.

g) When the event ends, the rewards will be sent to your mailbox.

h) 1st Prize: 20% of the Coupons left in the Prize Pool; 2nd Prize: 18% of the Coupons left in the Prize Pool; 3rd Prize: 15% of the Coupons left in the Prize Pool; 4th Prize: 12% of the Coupons left in the Prize Pool; 5th Prize: 10% of the Coupons left in the Prize Pool; 6th-10th Prize: 5% of the Coupons left in the Prize Pool; 11th-20th Prize: Limited Purification Pack*1

7. "Gift Pack's Special Offer" event added. New packs with attractive discounts will be updated daily. Are you ready to get them all?!

Event Period: September 21st – September 27th


a) During the event, the items in the packs will refresh daily at 5:00. Players can buy different items with high-valued discounts.

b) Each pack can only be bought for a limited number of times daily. Don’t miss out!

Day 1: Seal Scroll*1; Summon Scroll*1,Coins*30k

Charm Materials Pack*3; Mode Scroll*3; Level 3 Magatama Pack*1

Jiraiya[Sage Mode]’s fragment*80; Level 5 Magatama Pack*1

Day 2: Seal Scroll*1; Summon Scroll*1; Coins*30k

Seal Scroll*5; Summon Scroll*5

Cave Key Gift Pack

Day 3: Seal Scroll*1; Summon Scroll*1,Coins*30k

Sword of God [Epic]*1; Level 4 Magatama Pack*1

Orochimaru[Konoha’s Traitor]’s fragment*80

Day 4: Seal Scroll*1; Summon Scroll*1; Coins*30k

Seal Scroll*5; Summon Scroll*5

Elder Chiyo[Chikamatsu of Ten Puppets]’s fragment*80; Level 5 Magatama Pack

Day 5: Seal Scroll*1; Summon Scroll*1; Coins*30k

Tactics Optional Gift Pack*1; Level 4 Magatama Pack*1; Seal Scroll*1

Asuma[Wind Blade]’s fragment*80; Level 5 Magatama Pack*1

Day 6: Seal Scroll*1; Summon Scroll*1; Coins*30k

Reincarnation Mask*1; Level 4 Magatama Pack*1; Seal Scroll*1

Pain Optinal Gift Pack; Level 5 Magatama Pack*1

Day 7: Seal Scroll*1; Summon Scroll*1; Coins*30k

Seal Scroll*5; Summon Scroll*5

Konan’s fragment*80; Level 5 Magatama Pack*1

8. "Limited Recruitment" event added. It acts like a rebate event for Seal Scrolls! By spending "Seal Scroll", players will be able to claim free "Seal Scroll (lasts 7 days)"!

Event Period: September 21st – September 27th

Requirements: Players must have reached Level 20 in order to participate.


a) The “Seal Scroll (last 7 days)” will have priority in the Recruit interface;

b) Consuming of “Seal Scroll (last 7 days)” will not be added up for the event;

c) Please use your “Seal Scroll (last 7 days)” in the 7 days after you obtained it or it will be invalid;

d) Each Gift Pack can only be claimed once during the event.

e) Servers which are less than 15 days old will not have this event present in their server.

9. "Survival Trial Mission" event added. Sweep the Survival Trial with your ninjas every day! Great rewards are waiting for you!

Event Period: September 21st – September 27th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 28 in order to participate.


a) During the event, according to the conditions for the completion of each mission, p* checkpoints in Survival Trial to get generous rewards.

b) The first 4 missions will be reset daily while the last 3 missions can only be claimed once during the event.

c) To ensure that you are capable of claiming all rewards, please select a total of 12 units for your Lineup while participating in the Survival Trial Mission event. Please clear the Survival Trial manually, sweep is not count.

10. "Ninja Mission" event added. Clear exams in Ninja Exam every day and get free rewards!

Event Period: September 21st – September 27th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 14 in order to participate.


a) During the event, according to the conditions for the completion of each mission, p* checkpoints in Ninja Exam to get generous rewards.

b) Out of the 5 possible missions, the first mission will be reset daily while the last 4 missions can only be claimed once during the event.

11. "Monthly Gift Box" added! Get more points to the Monthly Event and get other amazing rewards from this gift box! Find it in the "Purchase Limit" shop, don't miss this chance!

Event Period: September 21st – September30th

12. Bugs fixed during this week:

a) Wanted Missions are now activated at Lv. 55. (Wanted Missions would previously open at Lv. 60)

Last, but not least, "Fresh Flower" obtained for this week's event need to be used this week; otherwise they will expire once the event ends. Remember to use them on time!

Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), it is not in accordance to the server's time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server's time). Don't miss out!

Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by Acer1 on 2017-09-22 10:06:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 21:39:36Show this Author Only


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On 2017-09-20 21:42:56Show this Author Only


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On 2017-09-20 21:43:21Show this Author Only


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On 2017-09-20 21:44:21Show this Author Only


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On 2017-09-20 21:48:00Show this Author Only

How much does Hid*ually cost in "Colorful Balloons"?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 21:49:26Show this Author Only

No treasure this week too. Keep on milking for raikage XD

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 21:51:00Show this Author Only

not bad i waiting still new skillbook(s) and King of Hell frags i need just 10 king of hell frags

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 21:51:11Show this Author Only

Another week of saving for me.

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On 2017-09-20 21:51:41Show this Author Only

really nice

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 21:55:23Show this Author Only

Was expecting skillbooks,but well,at least team arena is here

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 21:58:55Show this Author Only

wake me up when september ends...maybe there will be better events by then.

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On 2017-09-20 21:59:20Show this Author Only


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On 2017-09-20 22:02:09Show this Author Only

new content is nice =) hope the matching isnt too bad. haha

still waiting for more skill books and group summon!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 22:03:18Show this Author Only

spending event

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On 2017-09-20 22:04:34Show this Author Only

is 4th hokage minano a bait!?

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On 2017-09-20 22:17:03Show this Author Only

Yay finally that bonding duel event.

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On 2017-09-20 22:22:00Show this Author Only
  • brucerua On 2017-09-20 22:04:34
  • is 4th hokage minano a bait!?

of course it is

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 22:23:45Show this Author Only

"12. Bugs fixed during this week:

a) Wanted Missions are now activated at Lv. 55. (Wanted Missions would previously open at Lv. 60)"

It's not called bug fix when you change requirement for something

Its called Adjustment

How about you fix some of the actual bugs

Events are a copy of what we had last month + Bond Arena Added

This post was last edited by AnDreIceCold on 2017-09-20 22:24:40.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-20 22:26:54Show this Author Only

Wanna Mei! :(

Quicky Post

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