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[ Events ] Events - 21st September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-22 20:13:42Show All Posts

My guild alone already has 2 minato's dropped from the event. There may be few more in other guilds, but you should not spend on lucky wheel to get Minato. If you do, you will most likely spend a lot of money, and not get one.

On the other hand if you like the redeems in there (I do) than go for it, it's pretty neat now that we have 3 stars minimum, maye bot as good as it was last time, but still nice. Overall I stand by what I said last time that Lucky stars has become a looot better of an even than it used to be.

And yeah tendo fragments also drop all the time, it's actually getting a tad annoying :P
(And yes, Ultimate training will be extended soon, can't say any precise dates but all the servers got it in about this period, give it few weeks max)

This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito on 2017-09-22 20:14:33.
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