I am 100% sure that fragments are not from plot instance. For example i have at Kimimaro 39/80 fragments, and 35 comes from elite instance, not from plot instance. look :
No, you have 39/50 for upgrading him from 2* to 3*. To get him at 2*, you need either the ninja directly from treasure, OR using frag to recruit him, which is 30 frags.
Which means you could have up to 69 frag (30 recruit + 39 remain), and that's more than 30+35 = 65 frag.
That means i already received the fragments ?
You have already received it. It's just a visual bug. I just checked mine today. It's the same for all plot chapters.
Check the proof below.
I can't upload images in my post. Always says timeout!
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