1.Server ID: S588
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: Don't remember, but much than 2 months
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: don't know, I work in the night
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : maybe 30 millions, but only 13 people attacked Kyubi
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2, but our group is always winning. It is fun to win, but the other group has only 1-3 members who attack us, so we win easily.
7. Average Power Rank: Top5: 49497 power; Top10: 46518 power.....In the top 10 lvl, only 2 people are not lvl 80. The best player is lvl 85 ObiWanShinobi with 51841 power
Kakura lvl 80 and 46k power from serv588
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