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[ Updates ] Server Merge Request : Week 18th September


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  • Registered: 2017-10-06
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On 2017-10-06 21:27:38Show All Posts

Hi, we were a little server until now, the top players got bored because of the inactivity so now the serves is almost dead. We have always been 2 groups in our server and Great Ninja War was actually fun, but now there are no one playing, so all the left ones in our servers are gonna writte you asking for your help. We need a Server Merge immediately or the rest of the players will stop playing too. Server Data:

Server ID: S583 Golden Rope

2. Server Region: UK

3. Server Age: Estimated 4+ month

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: +25 minutes

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 (the leaders of group 2 left and group 3 is not active)

7. Rank/Power Screenshots: (Also the top 2 Groups have 5 active players each one)

bandicam 2017-09-22 12-20-06-121bandicam 2017-09-22 12-20-29-465bandicam 2017-09-22 12-20-37-324bandicam 2017-09-22 12-19-54-890

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