2016-08-30 02:05:37
80s easy. Use Asuma, Shikamaru, and Ino.
Turn 1:
Shikamaru should be position 1 and immediately stuns Karin 1st turn, which Ino follows into Chaos.
Thanks to Asuma, Ino in position 3 gets to use her jutsu and Chaos inflicts Sasuke since she goes before him.
Purely based on RNG, Shikamaru will combo hit Jugo and cause immobile which Ino will chase again into Chaos.
Then your main, position 2, will hopefully hit or combo Suigetsu a few times to get him low on health.
At this point, if you're lucky, three out of four enemies have been Chaos controlled and are attacking each other. Suigetsu is either low on life or dead with luck and if you got a combo off then he's Blind and won't attack this turn, which is great since he double attacks. Sasuke even attacks TWICE and no one managed to get their jutsu off this turn. All you have to do is survive two standard attacks.
Turn 2:
Main uses Chidori on Sasuke, which causes Chaos on him again. Suigetsu is HOPEFULLY murdered by the Chidori's AOE and Jugo dies shortly after as well, if he's not already dead.
A combo or some attacks later and you're really only looking at Sasuke and Karin left.
Turn 3:
Asuma uses his jutsu on Sasuke, repeat the Chaos chase. Sasuke inevitably murders Karin this turn.
Turn 4:
HEY LOOK YOUR ABILITIES ARE BACK! Control Sasuke to death.
Can you help? Ino seems to be always paralyzed whenever she uses chaos in turn 1