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[ Bugs ] [IMPORTANT] Mystery Barrier Ninja bug


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-15 22:03:09Show All PostsDescending Order
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I fought against someone who had normal Gaara, I have Mei, and Iruka, so I did what you normally do, wait untill Gaara's mystery barrier appears over his head so I can interrupt, he waited to do it, then Gaara did his barrier instantly without any type of WARNING showed above his head (like it was some type of p*ive skill), that makes Iruka's mystery utterly useless. So of course he won that fight. At least look at Hashirama, he is immune to interruption so it's ok, but against 5 $ Gaara? Really?!

I don't have any screenshot to show you, I mean, what would I put? Me doing Iruka skill at standing Gaara with his barrier in the background?

Then I fought him about 5 more times and won every time, because it showed his mystery. He couldn't get the bug to work lol.

So please fix this, barriers are always supposed to be the last mysteries and players need to wait until everyone does their standard attacks before they do them, and it needs to appear over their head even then!

I don't care that much about it when it's a normal match for fun like this one, (he wanted to try Minato), but when it's in arena this bug is very annoying. They have way less initiative than you and override your barrier with a bugged mystery?

Please fix it as soon as possible.

Like... literally, for Wind Mains normal Gaara is better for pvp than Minato and Kaze Gaara combined. Only because of this bug.

If you can't fix this, then make Mei's, Danzo's, Kaze Gaara's etc, passive barriers a mystery barrier as well, cause they're left there with useless passive if not.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-09-15 22:03:09.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-16 16:36:31Show All Posts

Yeah sure, it's 100% a bug, even instant mysteries that you can do first depending on your initiative show the action over their head.

You have to understand this is not a [Prompt] mystery, but with the bug it's faster than one, nobody even does all their standards and he does it instantly, over your instant barrier.

But I understand, maybe you use Gaara and take his side, cause there's no other logical reason why you would say it's not a bug.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-09-16 17:35:46.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-16 20:36:32Show All Posts

Prompt mysteries are instant, Barrier mysteries are not prompt and are the last action of each round, you can have 1000000 initiative, Gaara's and Sasuke's mystery will and should always be last action of the round, if not, think about Gaara vs Gaara, you say the guy with the most initiative does barrier first, then the guy with less will have barrier standing. Does that make any sense?

I want to see this fixed, it's gamebreaking when the bug triggers and makes good ninjas barrier's like Mei, Danzo, useless, which shouldn't be the case against these outdated ninjas, makes all interrupt mysteries useless too btw, literally the only reason you have interrupt mystery is for those pesky barriers.

It's bad enough they can spam that skill while instant barrier ninjas lose it forever.

But ok, let's say it's prompt like you said, then at least show the action above his head so I can interrupt the thing if I have more initiative!

Or just throw barriers away altogether and give buff instead.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-09-16 21:05:05.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-16 23:31:58Show All Posts

To be honest I kind of noticed when you do the barrier skill the ninja doesn't do his standard anymore, kind of hoping it was a bug and not like this. If they put the barrier ninja first and do the mystery your instant barrier lives about... 5 seconds? lol

Well, gotta wait till new ninjas appear so I have more options and throw away barrier ninjas altogether, instant or not.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-09-16 23:32:58.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-17 02:15:50Show All Posts

Oh I see, so that's why Hashirama was immune to interrupt when I fought him in arena.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-17 04:21:37Show All Posts

I don't care what anybody says, nerf this character, he was literally only one standing and almost killed me... Way too OP price per power, is literally better than Minato.!!a1


To do that much damage and nearly kill all my team in 1 hit? Immune to combo (in the anime he got combo'ed so hard by Lee he could barely walk lol)? Instant mystery barrier overriding mine that can't even be interrupted 90% of the time?

this is cheap

I can't think of 1 single ninja that needs nerf more than this guy(maybe sailor sakura), he is super rare level for 5 dollars, even I have him.

I don't mind losing to creative teams with good ninjas, but losing vs broken ninjas that are twice as good they should be? Losing vs cancer healer teams? That's bad, and it is bad for the game as well.

offtopic: Look at the anime the fights were dynamic, I can't think of one single healer who had interesting fights or was strong in the anime, but here you have 10 round fights where 10k less power than you wins because they outheal and poison you, there is one word for that and it is broken.

I watched space-time, you can have 8000 $ ninja Susano'o Itachi paired with the best team for him, 30000 more power and still lose to kabuto paired with sailor and azure fang. Tell me, how is that fair? How is that fun? How does that make any sense? Cause I don't want to play with those teams does that mean I should lose?

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-09-17 04:45:33.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-17 07:07:19Show All Posts
  • Benevolence On 2017-09-17 06:20:44
  • I think you're reacting to this a bit too hasty, he's easy to stop. You don't have to use someone who has an interupt, there's many other ninja who can do the same job if not better. It's all about using a form of strategy. I've beaten plenty of Gaara's. He's strong, yeah - but comparing him to Minato seems a bit off.

I said price per power better than Minato, Gaara being 5 $ and giving me more trouble than ~300$ Minato, I literally have a better win ratio against Minato than Gaara.

And yea, I use Iruka for 3 reasons, 1. buff, 2. interrupt barriers, 3. being tanky and dodging mysteries. There may be better choices against barrier ninjas that's true, like accupuncture, control, whatever, but in the end having Iruka still gives more chance for win because of the buff.

Quicky Post

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