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[ Lineup ] Arena unkillable teams


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On 2017-09-16 08:52:02Show this Author Only

man, you have many ninjas that i havent got, i envy you.. But you still complaining and said p2w can win 100%? wow.. Many p2w players arent smart, just because you lose, doesnt mean p2w always win. I once won with people who has susano sasuke, while i got no kage ninjas, only use temari, hinata, sailor and water main. Though i must admit this game is p2w heavy, but man.. you can win with those ninjas that you have, i'm sure. just play smart. I'm not the one that can give advice about team tho, i barely play for 2 months. Complaining all the time doesnt makes you win, and i bet oasis will be like meh, another f2p rant xd. Do your best dude!

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On 2017-09-16 09:27:23Show this Author Only
  • Reawr On 2017-09-16 02:42:48
  • yeah but seriously the p2w chars have 100% chance to win againts any f2p char,this is a bit ridiculous having no chance

I've beaten Ay's before.

And I'm f2p.

This post was last edited by Resilliance on 2017-09-16 09:27:30.
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On 2017-09-16 09:55:39Show this Author Only

There are a bunch of teams that are pretty well geared towards spenders, but as far as I can tell, if a team only has one of those "spender" characters, you'll generally be okay if you have a decent team, the problem arises when all those good characters end up in one team, but even then I think it's a waste of time to worry about what the top 5% use VS what the other 95% of people use.

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On 2017-09-16 11:54:48Show this Author Only

[quote] what team at least stands a chance againts this p2w lineup [/quote]


Im F2P, never recharged since day 1 but I have those ninjas. I didnt know im now P2W by your standard

This post was last edited by Ryurial on 2017-09-16 12:52:58.
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On 2017-09-16 12:55:03Show this Author Only
  • Reawr On 2017-09-16 03:49:29
  • it is 100% only if they dont use mysteries maybe you'll win but even so its not for sure,that is the power of a browser money grabbing online game 100% p2w

If it's arena I can kill alot of p2w even if I lack initiative, you just rant about everything that makes you lose

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On 2017-09-16 13:46:37Show this Author Only
  • Reawr On 2017-09-16 02:42:48
  • yeah but seriously the p2w chars have 100% chance to win againts any f2p char,this is a bit ridiculous having no chance

Han is 210 Seals at max.

Sailor is practically free at this point if you've played long enough.

Mei is the only one that's reasonably hard to obtain as it depends on your luck. Can be 60 seals to 1k.

How is that "P2W"?

A number of complaints stem from lack of experience or generally how to counter basic setups. Just copying and pasting a team you get here won't help if you don't know how to manage skills and resources to best suit you.

Why play competitively if you're gonna complain at every "Paid" ninja you spot?

It's frankly irresponsible and I'm completely dumbfounded that there are people that consistently whine like this.

This post was last edited by Tobei on 2017-09-16 13:49:32.
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On 2017-09-16 17:48:39Show this Author Only

maybe you just joined an unlucky group who won't larticipate in gnw that's why you lack the scrolls to get good ninja

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On 2017-09-16 18:51:54Show this Author Only
  • Kaguya Tomoyo On 2017-09-16 08:52:02
  • man, you have many ninjas that i havent got, i envy you.. But you still complaining and said p2w can win 100%? wow.. Many p2w players arent smart, just because you lose, doesnt mean p2w always win. I once won with people who has susano sasuke, while i got no kage ninjas, only use temari, hinata, sailor and water main. Though i must admit this game is p2w heavy, but man.. you can win with those ninjas that you have, i'm sure. just play smart. I'm not the one that can give advice about team tho, i barely play for 2 months. Complaining all the time doesnt makes you win, and i bet oasis will be like meh, another f2p rant xd. Do your best dude!


its not free,playing since 2016,ik they are somehow free,just need a lot of scrool to get them,and even event ninjas,just need a lot of coupons to get them,but enough coupons where,enough seal scrools where?ik I will eventually I will get them all and by that time even more op ninjas will rise so i'll just rant and whine hopefully they will make it a bit easier for f2p

This post was last edited by Reawr on 2017-09-16 18:57:38.
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On 2017-09-16 19:31:44Show this Author Only

At same power(50k) i have beaten players with Roshi,sailor Sakura,even susanoo Sasuke,so its not always 100%

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On 2017-09-16 21:12:19Show this Author Only

On my alt account and its only 5 months old, I managed to get sailor sakura 4* and half way to 5*. Do you know how? I saved and focused coupons only on sailor. It's an dummy account so whatever on how I should use my coupons. It's only p2w if you want the ninja asap if it shown in one week. Like of course, ninjas like dpb hidan and hanzo are p2w if you want them instantly but some people save and get them.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2017-09-16 21:13:20.
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On 2017-09-16 22:08:10Show this Author Only

Ok, so this is from another f2p player: those ninja are possible to get as f2p xd I know someone who hasn't recharged, yet has Hashirama, Tendo, Roshi and Sailor. How? Spending coupons efficiently and saving seals, Sailor is relatively easy to get within a reasonable amount of time as a f2p, Mei can be drawn from 40-70 scrolls in kage like someone has said before, and Han, even if he is a beast, is around 200 scrolls so about 160 with a rebate. Even if these are out of your limits, someone like Sage Naruto does a ton of AoE damage, fire main can control a healer for a round or two, Iruka can interrupt a heal or Mei's mystery, anyone who chases immobile can be used to add extra control, and while I gotta say that p2w ninja are better than f2p ones, that's pretty obvious as people pay money for them, making them weak would be * (though a nerf could do on a couple of them xd). Trust me you can beat p2w players as a f2p, it can be hard but it's possible. Just save scrolls, spend coupons well and use good teams, and you should be good :D

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On 2017-09-17 01:01:54Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2017-09-16 13:46:37
  • Han is 210 Seals at max.

    Sailor is practically free at this point if you've played long enough.

    Mei is the only one that's reasonably hard to obtain as it depends on your luck. Can be 60 seals to 1k.

    How is that "P2W"?

    A number of complaints stem from lack of experience or generally how to counter basic setups. Just copying and pasting a team you get here won't help if you don't know how to manage skills and resources to best suit you.

    Why play competitively if you're gonna complain at every "Paid" ninja you spot?

    It's frankly irresponsible and I'm completely dumbfounded that there are people that consistently whine like this.

i got my han at my 22rd draw by ten with about 11 free draws in it done too (so somewhere around 221-230). I have the screenshots of all my draws after 3.0 to prove it (i had used 130 on day 1 of jinchuriki treasure 2 introduction, just before 3.0).

Anyways that was a bit off topic, so to come back to the topic, that team can be beaten if you are able to immobilize/chaos the two healers, or if you are able to land a big damage.

For example you could use two among hebihime (the sleep version), tayuya and fu and create a team around them, or you could use the Shippuuden Gaara team, that works nice both with Azure Fang (with neurotoxin and poison tai), with Crimson Fist (with shield that boost passive) and also with Breeze Dancer (with an heavy bombing team, for example with Sage Naruto and Sage Jiraya or Fu).

This post was last edited by Garv on 2017-09-17 01:02:29.
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On 2017-09-17 01:13:26Show this Author Only

For me it's something like Roshi, Light/Fire, Hidan Blood Prison, and Danzo/Iruka that are impossible for me to kill, or any team with Roshi.

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On 2017-09-17 11:29:12Show this Author Only

Arena rewards are * anyway, although I understand if you want to get sennin for those extra 5-6 seal scrolls otherwise almost everything they giveout in those ''strong ninja'' packs is available for free in the shops, all you gotta spend to get them is your time by playing the * game.

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On 2017-09-17 12:05:38Show this Author Only

idk man, i once beat one of the strongest guy in my server even with almost 20k power difference with my perma mystery wind team

sometimes synergy and skillset are more important than ninjas

i don't consider sailor sakura as p2w ninja though, i have her and i'm f2p

DP hidan is harder to get as f2p than sailor sakura because it always come with outrageous price/point, sailor sakura is more reasonable priced

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On 2017-09-17 13:26:47Show this Author Only

If you just want the OP ninja that you've ranted about, take a few 8 day breaks, farm up the return coupons and boom you can magically afford your desired target next time their event comes up. I got tee'd off at my leader for paying for gnw1010 last year so I just did the above method and low and behold an event came and I had the coupons to get that crazy AOE goddess... then kinkaku came out as a easy pull nin making my efforts vain... but with the excess that I farmed and interest returned from taking those breaks I farmed and grinded my way to surpassing my groups leader and it felt so good to rub it in their face xD

Point is, P2W isn't always better, sometimes they're so used to the cushion that they don't notice how bad their team is, how little they've progressed etc. you have a higher drive as a F2P to earn every step, every inch that you can even if you'll never be #1, being bitter about it just makes it harder to make friends or enjoy the game.

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On 2017-09-17 19:21:16Show this Author Only
  • .Reagan. On 2017-09-17 13:26:47
  • If you just want the OP ninja that you've ranted about, take a few 8 day breaks, farm up the return coupons and boom you can magically afford your desired target next time their event comes up. I got tee'd off at my leader for paying for gnw1010 last year so I just did the above method and low and behold an event came and I had the coupons to get that crazy AOE goddess... then kinkaku came out as a easy pull nin making my efforts vain... but with the excess that I farmed and interest returned from taking those breaks I farmed and grinded my way to surpassing my groups leader and it felt so good to rub it in their face xD

    Point is, P2W isn't always better, sometimes they're so used to the cushion that they don't notice how bad their team is, how little they've progressed etc. you have a higher drive as a F2P to earn every step, every inch that you can even if you'll never be #1, being bitter about it just makes it harder to make friends or enjoy the game.

true and yeah,i've been away from the game for a while and now that i'm back I didn''t know some chars are not so hard to obtain,will definetly focus on getting the new chars and stay competitive.

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On 2017-09-17 19:43:57Show this Author Only

Really are u sayin this team p2w ?? I am using that too i didnt spend any money to this game

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On 2017-09-18 01:01:26Show this Author Only
  • Reawr On 2017-09-16 03:49:29
  • it is 100% only if they dont use mysteries maybe you'll win but even so its not for sure,that is the power of a browser money grabbing online game 100% p2w

im f2p i have Han, i dont have barrier ninjas and i dont use them on Arena, i use water main, 2 star yugito , kinkaku and Han (i get him by saving from the first day i play, didnt pull kage or other *, i do have sailor sakura get her by saving alot)

still i can beat, barrier setup, mei , hidan dp, susanoo sasuke , ay team. (most of them, but not roshi atm)

as for fighting sailor sakura, u c*e tobi or GNW kankuro, and u have danzo bruh, u cry too much.
and you dont have to have a high initiative, even if i got higher initiative, mostly i wait my enemy to move first to deal damage on me.

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On 2017-09-18 06:38:26Show this Author Only

I am f2p, I have all that Han, Roshi, Mei, Sailor, whatever.

Sailor isn't that expensive. U can invest on her over time whenever she's available on sale.

You would roughly get her around 2800-3200 cps.

Thus I never like Han in arena, Even though he works so well with Mei's chases.

My current favourite team atm is




finish off with roshi 30hits every round is sweet plum. it's so good in space time as long as Roshi didn't get killed or team got paralyzed.

and a lot of player underestimated how much yugito can heal with healing tips.

This post was last edited by Broken Screen on 2017-09-18 06:44:17.
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