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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam Video Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
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On 2017-09-13 17:55:13Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To


Period: 2017/09/13 - 2017/09/25

Rules: Record a video of you clearing Ninja Exam Lv. 100 and upload it to Youtube. Don’t forget to tag it with #NarutoOnline and #NinjaExam. The lower the Power level of the player who cleared the exam, the higher your chances of being the winner!

1st Prize: Coupons*500 (The lowest Power level of the player who cleared the exam.)

2nd-3rd Prize: Coupons*300

4th-5th Prize: Coupons* 100


Please, post your link in this thread together with your UID, Character Name and Server ID. If we are not given this information, we will unable to send the prizes to the winners!

All players must show their Lineup’s Power in the video, otherwise, their participations will not be counted as valid. (When in battle, drag your mouse to your Main Character’s avatar and information on your current Lineup will be displayed, including your current Lineup’s Power level.)

This event’s main aim is for players to surp* their own limitations and think even further on how to create the best Lineup with the minimum Power level possible, using strategy to win.

We welcome everyone to try their best and show everyone their amazing Lineup combinations and strategy!

Best regards,

Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by DareDev1L on 2017-09-13 17:55:13.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
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On 2017-09-16 00:13:40Show All Posts
  • Will Of Fire On 2017-09-13 23:57:45
  • hahahahahah can you add a 140 lvl and 120 as well eh should e much better

Sorry not how this works, this is the current requirements as stated by the team, but I'm sure your suggestion has been noted for future Ninja Exam events of the sort :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
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On 2017-09-27 22:22:25Show All Posts
  • Immortal Utsuro On 2017-09-27 14:35:05
  • Since we're days past the event end date, when can we expect information on who won and whatnot?

We're 2 days beyond the date. The videos have to be evaluated and there's processes that are done beforehand, and payments can take up to a week to be delivered. So patience. The winners will be announced tonight or tomorrow.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
  • Posts: 55
On 2017-09-28 19:08:56Show All Posts

Winners selected:

1st: Raja

A great accomplishment to be able to do it at such a low level.

2nd and 3rd: Utsuro and IU

Impressive in your own rights, just remember it's not about removing your gear as much as it was about accomplishing more at lower levels. Not to take any credit away, it was a good attempt.

4th and 5th: Fu and Jovanka

Fu was quite unique, in terms of uniqueness you would have been first. Unfortunately the purpose behind this thread is to help the community and especially free to play player. So although unique, your attempt would be quite difficult for the majority of level 60s-70s to accomplish.

Thanks guys for attending! Event closed!

EDIT: Any questions can be given on discord, also rewards can take a bit of time to be received so be patient if you don't get it right away.

This post was last edited by DareDev1L on 2017-09-28 19:09:40.
Quicky Post

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