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On 2017-09-11 10:07:16Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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i dont deserve this. THIS IS RANKED. and i was one point away from reaching kage and you know what i freaking match up with to ruin me? to be a troll to me? a six paths sennin in ranked. im a jonin. i worked so hard to get to this freaking point and i get trolled? is this how you treat your f2ps?Screenshot (22)

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On 2017-09-11 10:08:27Show this Author Only

i was 1 point away from kage. THIS this is unfair... he gets all his frags and * and i have to fight him?? ive never wished a company to fail as much as you oasis.

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On 2017-09-11 10:15:12Show this Author Only

can a dev reply. because you say 1 over or 1 below.. and this was insta freaking match. you guys are lying to the community about the arena function.

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On 2017-09-11 21:40:23Show this Author Only

yeah same,everyday i was fighting with people who already reached 6 paths sannin rank...its not cool when you have to face ay and susanoo sasuke arena record is special jonin,i stopped doin ranked arena when i realized that its just impossible to get higher rank with my initiative and lineup.i have almost 2k initiative.

so its really unfair,even one p2w guy agreed on this(he had 6 paths reached already) when i told him that its unfair to meet people who already achieved six paths,for the players who havent.

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On 2017-09-11 21:52:47Show this Author Only
  • sinoaburai On 2017-09-11 21:40:23
  • yeah same,everyday i was fighting with people who already reached 6 paths sannin rank...its not cool when you have to face ay and susanoo sasuke arena record is special jonin,i stopped doin ranked arena when i realized that its just impossible to get higher rank with my initiative and lineup.i have almost 2k initiative.

    so its really unfair,even one p2w guy agreed on this(he had 6 paths reached already) when i told him that its unfair to meet people who already achieved six paths,for the players who havent.

So sorry to hear thst guys...actually asked my friend which is 100k why are u still doing ranked after reaching 6 paths so he told me that hia helping his brother to match cause his super kage and he doesnt drop the title when he reaches 6 theres that btw 2k initiative that is extremly low...what level and BP are u? This is not bragging btw but im 86k with 14.8k initative in total all ninjas combine and its still not good enough.

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On 2017-09-11 23:29:21Show this Author Only
  • Going All The W On 2017-09-11 21:52:47
  • So sorry to hear thst guys...actually asked my friend which is 100k why are u still doing ranked after reaching 6 paths so he told me that hia helping his brother to match cause his super kage and he doesnt drop the title when he reaches 6 theres that btw 2k initiative that is extremly low...what level and BP are u? This is not bragging btw but im 86k with 14.8k initative in total all ninjas combine and its still not good enough.

I think he mean init on just his main, probably. Anyway- on my way to Six Paths, in last 2 days, I faced 3 players who already hit that rank- one of them responded that it's for fun and to troll others, when asked why he still fights in there. So yeah...

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On 2017-09-12 02:17:39Show this Author Only

There is a very good reason to continue to play ranked even if you are sage of six paths and is to get the title 'will of the six paths' that goes only to the highest point person in a server. All the other sennins get the title 'soul of the six paths'. Btw, i think is pretty unfair that you were matched with a sennin by being kage, but personally speaking i would love to meet that sasuke susanoo, mb, danzo, mifune team in arena because is a sure win with the water cancerous team even if you lose initiative :-).

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-09-12 02:19:05.
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On 2017-09-12 14:44:32Show this Author Only
  • Going All The W On 2017-09-11 21:52:47
  • So sorry to hear thst guys...actually asked my friend which is 100k why are u still doing ranked after reaching 6 paths so he told me that hia helping his brother to match cause his super kage and he doesnt drop the title when he reaches 6 theres that btw 2k initiative that is extremly low...what level and BP are u? This is not bragging btw but im 86k with 14.8k initative in total all ninjas combine and its still not good enough.

lvl77 31k BP.did some plots for upgrading materials.and yes i mean my mains initiative.

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On 2017-09-13 12:02:53Show this Author Only

I had something similar, though probably not quite as bad, happen to me too. 1 point away from anbu and got my *ss handed to me by a jonin that was either really lucky in pulls or a ptw. Sh*t *s.

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On 2017-09-13 14:01:10Show this Author Only
  • sinoaburai On 2017-09-12 14:44:32
  • lvl77 31k BP.did some plots for upgrading materials.and yes i mean my mains initiative.

2k for main is ok for lvl 77.

from my experience, first time i hit 6 path u need at least 3.5k on 1 ninja and 10k+ overall

otherwise u would be at best stuck at super kage.


back to topic. at 6 paths i still need coins, for 6 missions or 2 each day.

What you encountered was just unlucky and bad match-making.

This post was last edited by Broken Screen on 2017-09-13 14:05:15.
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On 2017-09-13 14:18:31Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2017-09-13 14:01:10
  • 2k for main is ok for lvl 77.

    from my experience, first time i hit 6 path u need at least 3.5k on 1 ninja and 10k+ overall

    otherwise u would be at best stuck at super kage.


    back to topic. at 6 paths i still need coins, for 6 missions or 2 each day.

    What you encountered was just unlucky and bad match-making.

I hit six paths with 12,5k init this month. And no, no water team at all.

And yh ofc even people with highest rank need arena fights- but for missions it can be as well Training- here OP talk about Ranked match.

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On 2017-09-13 14:36:04Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-09-13 14:18:31
  • I hit six paths with 12,5k init this month. And no, no water team at all.

    And yh ofc even people with highest rank need arena fights- but for missions it can be as well Training- here OP talk about Ranked match.

I still do ranked as 6path though. it's to keep up with my points in ranking.

of cos i can do training and try other ninjas for free.

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On 2017-09-13 19:30:32Show this Author Only

I had same problem with arena,most of the time i faced six path sennins and now i have quit it,hopefully it get fixed soon

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On 2017-09-13 20:35:22Show this Author Only

im pretty sure as a f2p you cant get back kage or super kage. its literally impossible. the way it should work is if you hit six paths once.. you can no longer match with anyone who hasnt. that would literally fix everything wrong with get all the rewards once you hit sennin. but you can only match with other sennin after it. you get me? but that will never be implemented because the NA version of the game is run by idiots.

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On 2017-09-14 08:12:50Show this Author Only

First, I'd be interested to hear what your suggestion is for ranked arena, I'd be interested in how you would get tencent to agree to it, and I'd be interested to see if it worked with the activity of the game. Arena is a core function from tencent that from our knowledge, oasis has no ability to change.

Second, you say that you should only have to get to sixth paths once. However, if that was the case, the activity rate on ranked arena would be incredibly inactive and new players would have even more trouble. I just see that as you neglecting grinding in the game.

Third, f2p has nothing to do with it. There SHOULD be an advantage between f2p and p2p. It seems like your saying f2p should never be matched up with p2p. If that's the case, it would mean that there would be literally no visible advantage for p2p.

Fourth, being a point from kage doesn't mean anything. For oasis to be able to program that, they would need a much more active ranked arena. Which we both know is not the case. I really didn't see a point of bringing that up because to me, an outsider, it looks like your saying you want change because you didn't get the outcome that would benefit you.

This post was last edited by Phantom* on 2017-09-14 08:27:44.
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On 2017-09-14 08:37:23Show this Author Only
  • Phantom* On 2017-09-14 08:12:50
  • First, I'd be interested to hear what your suggestion is for ranked arena, I'd be interested in how you would get tencent to agree to it, and I'd be interested to see if it worked with the activity of the game. Arena is a core function from tencent that from our knowledge, oasis has no ability to change.

    Second, you say that you should only have to get to sixth paths once. However, if that was the case, the activity rate on ranked arena would be incredibly inactive and new players would have even more trouble. I just see that as you neglecting grinding in the game.

    Third, f2p has nothing to do with it. There SHOULD be an advantage between f2p and p2p. It seems like your saying f2p should never be matched up with p2p. If that's the case, it would mean that there would be literally no visible advantage for p2p.

    Fourth, being a point from kage doesn't mean anything. For oasis to be able to program that, they would need a much more active ranked arena. Which we both know is not the case. I really didn't see a point of bringing that up because to me, an outsider, it looks like your saying you want change because you didn't get the outcome that would benefit you.

If you look at his previous posts, he has a history of just ranting when he doesn't get it his way and doesn't offer reasonable solutions that works for all players

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On 2017-09-14 12:11:15Show this Author Only

Arena is a not easy, even for p2w. Barely got to sixpath with near 16k initiative ! Kage or super kage is what most of the people will get. If you are lucky you could get 6 path with very low power and initiative(saw a 38k player getting 6 paths). There should be some incentive to pay right, like winning matsuri and arena.So, don't expect to win everything as f2p.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-09-14 12:15:57.
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On 2017-09-14 20:56:22Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-09-14 12:11:15
  • Arena is a not easy, even for p2w. Barely got to sixpath with near 16k initiative ! Kage or super kage is what most of the people will get. If you are lucky you could get 6 path with very low power and initiative(saw a 38k player getting 6 paths). There should be some incentive to pay right, like winning matsuri and arena.So, don't expect to win everything as f2p.

It depends on the region. In uk with 13k initiative and 4500 on move 1 you almost always win initiative even in superkage/sennin ranks while with that initiative in LA zone you can lose it also in kage.

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On 2017-09-17 13:37:53Show this Author Only

you guys are cancerous as *. jesus christ, you people dont understand..this game is turning into the unofficial one... theres no progression at all.. and you say "the grind" there is no grind when you put 50k into a game. youre a straight *ing loser.

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On 2017-09-18 05:13:08Show this Author Only
  • Free to play On 2017-09-17 13:37:53
  • you guys are cancerous as *. jesus christ, you people dont understand..this game is turning into the unofficial one... theres no progression at all.. and you say "the grind" there is no grind when you put 50k into a game. youre a straight *ing loser.

You clearly are missing the point of this game.

There's plenty of legitimate F2P that have progressed beyond 80k to 90k power and can compete with their servers and sage world because they're smart with saving and wait on rebates.

Judging from your posts and team positions, you whine before coming to reasoning.

There are plenty of well-sounded bits of advice on this thread providing you with legitimate guides, yet you won't listen because no matter what one says, your salt barrier is beyond breaking.

and now you straight up name calling?

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