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[ Events ] Strong Approach Yellow Flash


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
  • Posts: 2832
On 2017-09-09 09:17:00Show All Posts
  • vsnipes007@gmai On 2017-09-09 08:16:37
  • Not sure what you mean. On my server everyone does it alone. No one does SA in teams. It's always been that way.

So no one on your server does it for the one extra attempt as a guild? If not, then I guess teamwork doesn't exist on your server :(

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
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On 2017-09-12 00:07:00Show All Posts
  • ALT ACC On 2017-09-11 23:30:58
  • He was being helpful while being disrespectful at the same time. How would you feel if someone said here's a hearing aid. The sound naruto is Nar-ru-to?

How was PraiseLuka being disrespectful to you? He was trying to point out the reward structure that you missed while reading the information part of SA? He made sure you saw it rather than him writing it out. Even if he wrote it without proof of it being said in game, there's a chance you would be skeptical about what he said. This is why he provided proof of what it said for SA.

Quicky Post

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