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[ Events ] Issues about super rares!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-05 15:09:33Show All Posts

Honestly, the only issue I have with Ay, is that he is confined to one style of gameplay which is blitz. I would've preferred Susanoo Sasuke since he has many play styles and functions well with many teams. As far as counters, I truly believe that that Kage supers should be around 400 max for either. Ay and Sasuke no longer dominate pvp like they used to. So many counters to each of them.Granted there are counters to every comp but they just don't seem as strong when facing them initially. I used to be terrified of Susanoo Sasuke now its whatevs. Tendo--->Hashi can't necessarily be compared. People who say tendo is * either doesn't have him or doesn't utilize him properly. I actually use tendo more often than hashi atm. Ranked, GNW, Jin Rescue. Hashi is easily phased out of competition due to barriers being destroyed, Han's removing buffs...etc. Pvp wise Hashi CAN be better but they aren't as useful as they once were. The supers in general don't retain their value. Kage's maybe but not until skillbooks. At this stage of the game its better to just stack for Kurama Naruto or Madara and call it a day.

This post was last edited by veelocity on 2017-09-05 15:11:11.
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