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[ Help ] Sage World Pay to Win Bullying: The Deal with Pay to Win Players


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On 2017-09-07 17:23:38Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This is really annoying...

So us free playing players here go rock up to this game, Naruto Online, but we here get obliterated by these rich pay to win money bags who spend their whole life spendings on this one game. I here am not saying all pay to win players are sick who are the big, unfair bullies of this game, no! It's actually a good thing to pay some of your hard earned cash on this game as it helps oasis and helps speed up development. Good on you! But, a large group of us in the server I'm currently playing in have to deal with these liars saying they are legit, can one shot extreme mode on strong approaching, say they spent absolutely no money on this game and just are better than everyone else but, find these words as lies as they break lucky eggs and as the game shows them doing it. I ask you to please stop if you are one of these players. I do not hate you but I'm sure there are a lot of other players who do. Now, to the point of the *le, Sage World Battlefield. We just want to play fair and don't have to deal with players who paid their way to the top, literally in seconds, and lose. Anyway, I know a player above the rankings of ski- i mean pay to win players and have spent nothing on the game. Oasis, please move heavy spending players into a different sage world battlefield so it make it fair for us. Also on my own request, please make a *le which gets stuck on you for a day if you pay money that day. It doesn't have to say "this person payed money today", it should say "Player Developers" because in the end, that's what they are doing. Thank you for reading this, please post your opinions on this here and I have no hard feelings for anyone just to make that clear. Please don't take this down as us free playing players need to be heard and want some freedom. Once again, thank you.


theres a lot of people saying that its unfair and im complaining about people who just have the better stuff. Its okay for u to pay, it helps oasis. im not mad its just in my server there are some liars and just overall people who cheat the system, im clarifying that im not pissed off but just annoyed with ski- i mean some pay to play players

This post was last edited by Tobi Senpai on 2017-09-07 17:23:38.
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On 2017-09-03 22:25:30Show this Author Only
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On 2017-09-03 22:34:14Show this Author Only

Win or lose,you still get something. If f2p can win everything ,would people pay? If you manage your coupons without playing Pokemon you can win against most p2w. We have a lot of 60-70k f2p players in our server.Try getting monthly card ($5).

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On 2017-09-04 04:23:57Show this Author Only

To be completely honest with you. Ive seen 100% F2P individuals compete fairly well. I'm a spender, not as heavy now, but there are people who haven't spent a dime who can go with some of the best in my server. You have to understand that these power items aren't exclusive to paying players. Yes, it'll take you a little while to get things but if you play it smart, you'll be just fine. Most people across both spectrums, don't wait for rebates, or spend foolishly. A perfect example of this would be a f2p dropping all their coups in lucky * because they see Kushina, who has no value pvp wise. Arena is literally the only place shes useful unless you star upgrade her. For BOTH of the player bases, when you spend on CHANCE that's when you lose your money's worth. Spend on sure things, like clothing, discounted mags, key packs...etc. You do that an youll be fine. As for characters, I will tell anybody the same thing, hit 60k or 65k and then start going for them. I say this simply because of how expensive it gets to power up at that point. "But the newer characters are stronger," sure in some instances but not impossible to beat with a Kage ninja or Jin. If you don't think this is possibl AmAScrub has a forum post of him/her hitting 70k, 100% F2P alt account, and getting the battle armor for doing so...check out that post.

This post was last edited by veelocity on 2017-09-04 04:25:40.
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On 2017-09-04 06:11:17Show this Author Only

The thing is, as you power up, you will start run into the truly ptw crowd. You will qualify for space time finals, you will be in bracket 1 of sage, you will actually win in masuri and get matched upwards etc.

So while I'm a 80/85k ftp, I frequently run into 100k or so players or player who are close to me in power but have pure ptw stuff like six tail naruto.

On a side note, the theoretical max power of ftp rn would be around 90k power. Because my max would be around 85k and I don't plunder on principal. The 20k coupon or so plunder would have given would go a long way. There aren't all that many ptw who have reached that, thou chances are if you are there, you would run into them far more than the average 60/70k players.

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On 2017-09-04 23:56:59Show this Author Only

The thing that should only be changed for sage is make it by power then level. It's unfair when you are level 90 with 70k-75k power and you are fighting level 90s with 120k power or more. Thats the only thing sage should be change to, not by f2p fighting other f2p and p2w fighting other p2w.

This post was last edited by PawnL on 2017-09-04 23:59:59.
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On 2017-09-05 07:42:44Show this Author Only

I'm confused... Is he mad that people who spend money they've earned are doing better then someone who isn't spending money?


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On 2017-09-05 08:42:10Show this Author Only

There are 3 groups of people that win sages:

- The big spenders, that spends thousands upon thousands and end up with a big power gap over the rest of the crowd.

- Level freezers, who deliberately hold back on leveling, while still doing what they can to gain power. This can be done by both f2p and spenders. While leveling freezing is great for sage, and arguably good for arena; it *s for spacetime and put you at a disadvantage at gnw; due to making your power growth slower compared to those who don't level freeze.

- The lucky few who get thrown into a much weaker field once in a while. I've seen things like a lvl 89 being somehow sent to a field of 79 - 83 players. My uk char got sent to a field of lvl 55- players one time, as a lvl 76.


Casual players basically do not win sages, spending or not. You'll always be fodder to the big spenders and level freezers, who have far more power at the same level. A player who spend a few hundred dollars a month inefficiently will fall behind a f2p who makes optimal use of resources in terms of power growth.

The people that suffer the most at sage are the low to medium spenders (and a few f2p players), who make good use of resources but do not level freeze. They can end up in an uncomfortable position of being too strong to appear in a lower sage field, and too weak to put up a fight against the super whales.


PS: sage is impossible to balance. In my current LA bracket, the top 21 players that show up has a powers of 75k - 160k+. 21 players is the minimum number of players a sage field can have, and the gap is already that extreme.

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On 2017-09-05 14:01:47Show this Author Only
  • PawnL On 2017-09-04 23:56:59
  • The thing that should only be changed for sage is make it by power then level. It's unfair when you are level 90 with 70k-75k power and you are fighting level 90s with 120k power or more. Thats the only thing sage should be change to, not by f2p fighting other f2p and p2w fighting other p2w.

YES !!! It should be by power instead of level coz big spenders get everything and the word "competition" loses its essence. I'm a f2p player and i have no problem competing against casual spenders but everytime i get high streak, big spenders would come and bully me in sage lol. I know it's a strategy to earn more points for a battlefield but facing the same big spender player everytime i get a streak and every sage that I join in is too much lol. It's like his sole purpose in life is to destroy me and feed off my earnings haha.

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On 2017-09-05 14:02:35Show this Author Only
  • ⚡️TheShinobiGod On 2017-09-05 14:01:47
  • YES !!! It should be by power instead of level coz big spenders get everything and the word "competition" loses its essence. I'm a f2p player and i have no problem competing against casual spenders but everytime i get high streak, big spenders would come and bully me in sage lol. I know it's a strategy to earn more points for a battlefield but facing the same big spender player everytime i get a streak and every sage that I join in is too much lol. It's like his sole purpose in life is to destroy me and feed off my earnings haha.


This post was last edited by ⚡️TheShinobiGod on 2017-09-05 14:03:20.
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On 2017-09-05 23:26:39Show this Author Only
  • ⚡️TheShinobiGod On 2017-09-05 14:01:47
  • YES !!! It should be by power instead of level coz big spenders get everything and the word "competition" loses its essence. I'm a f2p player and i have no problem competing against casual spenders but everytime i get high streak, big spenders would come and bully me in sage lol. I know it's a strategy to earn more points for a battlefield but facing the same big spender player everytime i get a streak and every sage that I join in is too much lol. It's like his sole purpose in life is to destroy me and feed off my earnings haha.

You're a f2p player that seems to do well in Sage and get streaks... but, of course, that's not enough because you think you should be able to win at EVERYTHING in the game, right?

Sorry, that's not going to happen and isn't very realistic.

Why do you feel that you should have every thing "given" to you? Because it's "fair?" Who's it "fair" to? Is it fair to Oasis, who wouldn't be giving as much incentive to others to pay the game and would likely decrease their profits (all while you "freeload" on their systems)? Is it fair to the people spending actual sums of money that they would not be advantaged and instead only play against other people spending similar amounts of money?

"Fair" is a relative term that too many of us use to insinuate that we want advantages that we don't currently have.

No one has a "right" to anything in this game. The entire system is based around things like RNG. THAT is the game. It could be called "unfair" that a person with a free spin in an event can get a top prize while someone spending tons of money does not. But... that's the nature of the game. It's all "fair" because the rules are consistent and we're all playing under the same rules. Your job as a gamer is to work within those rules to maximize the value you get from the game.

None of that is to suggest that changes to the game couldn't be made or suggested that might improve the game, mind you. It's only to suggest that most of the arguments made to "improve the game" don't stem from any reasonable arguments built and instead only stem from people that want to suggest they should be entitled to things that they aren't currently getting.

For the record, Sage is a special beast that HAS to be level-based, so far as I'm concerned. It's to reward "sandbaggers" and make people that aren't chasing levels as aggressively feel like they're still doing something worthwhile. This isn't bad. They should be able to play the game as well and think they're doing something with how they choose to play the game - especially since basically everything else in the game actually punishes people for "sandbagging." And the only way to beat a proper sandbagger in Sage is ONLY buy spending enough money to out-advantage them.

Making Sage power-based would take away the one thing in the game that is beneficial to sandbaggers. Not only that... lower levels that join a server later would basically have NOTHING in the game that lets them think they're doing anything good and not just going to be forever behind everyone else on the server that started earlier.

Sage serves an important part in the game. If it's not for YOU? Well, too bad. Everything in the game doesn't have to give YOU all the best things. You know... because that wouldn't be "fair."

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On 2017-09-06 03:54:12Show this Author Only

Part of the problem with this game is that 1. this version is not the pilot and 2. some changes affect what is considered to be optimal play style.

Take sage for example. Before Xserver sage, there is no VALID reason to level freeze unless you are in S1/S2 etc, a handful of server that had brackets. However, because this version is not pilot, some player knows long before Xserver is talked about (in the poll) that it would be coming, and thus froze level in preparation for it. When Xserver came, those player profited. At the same time, the choice is already taken away for many player as they have level capped and some who already have enough build up exp for the next level cap.

I have nothing against the act of *ing itself. What I have a problem is sudden changes to the game that affects what the optimal action is. Instead of playing in a structured environment where you can make long term planning based on what is publicly known, it have became a crazy gamble on futures that only those who seek "insider information" of future patches/changes can benefit. That's just not a healthy game model.

Consider this more extreme example, how do you think the player base would react if class change is removed and water is nerfed so bad that it become completely useless? Those who know it coming (by the way of it enacting on CN first) will jump ship, perhaps tell a few others to jump with them. But many would end up trapped. On the one hand, many might rejoice as it is punishment for bandwagoning. On the other, it's certainly not a reasonable game change.

While not as drastic, the sage change, ninja tool change and possibly others affect the game in the same way. The game changes in a way that invalidates your past choices and efforts through no fault of your own.

Whereas I would push for power based sage 100% on the onset of Xserver, that resolve weakens everyday. Because it is my belief that player who choose to level freeze AFTER the release deserve whatever benefit the can reap from it, because they are playing under the rule given. Changing sage to power based would shaft them over. On the other hand, player who level froze before the release of Xserver shouldn't get the reward they do (again, unless they are in a server that already have bracket). However, it's not exactly their fault when the game leaks information about the future.

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On 2017-09-06 10:53:32Show this Author Only
  • everythingangel On 2017-09-05 23:26:39
  • You're a f2p player that seems to do well in Sage and get streaks... but, of course, that's not enough because you think you should be able to win at EVERYTHING in the game, right?

    Sorry, that's not going to happen and isn't very realistic.

    Why do you feel that you should have every thing "given" to you? Because it's "fair?" Who's it "fair" to? Is it fair to Oasis, who wouldn't be giving as much incentive to others to pay the game and would likely decrease their profits (all while you "freeload" on their systems)? Is it fair to the people spending actual sums of money that they would not be advantaged and instead only play against other people spending similar amounts of money?

    "Fair" is a relative term that too many of us use to insinuate that we want advantages that we don't currently have.

    No one has a "right" to anything in this game. The entire system is based around things like RNG. THAT is the game. It could be called "unfair" that a person with a free spin in an event can get a top prize while someone spending tons of money does not. But... that's the nature of the game. It's all "fair" because the rules are consistent and we're all playing under the same rules. Your job as a gamer is to work within those rules to maximize the value you get from the game.

    None of that is to suggest that changes to the game couldn't be made or suggested that might improve the game, mind you. It's only to suggest that most of the arguments made to "improve the game" don't stem from any reasonable arguments built and instead only stem from people that want to suggest they should be entitled to things that they aren't currently getting.

    For the record, Sage is a special beast that HAS to be level-based, so far as I'm concerned. It's to reward "sandbaggers" and make people that aren't chasing levels as aggressively feel like they're still doing something worthwhile. This isn't bad. They should be able to play the game as well and think they're doing something with how they choose to play the game - especially since basically everything else in the game actually punishes people for "sandbagging." And the only way to beat a proper sandbagger in Sage is ONLY buy spending enough money to out-advantage them.

    Making Sage power-based would take away the one thing in the game that is beneficial to sandbaggers. Not only that... lower levels that join a server later would basically have NOTHING in the game that lets them think they're doing anything good and not just going to be forever behind everyone else on the server that started earlier.

    Sage serves an important part in the game. If it's not for YOU? Well, too bad. Everything in the game doesn't have to give YOU all the best things. You know... because that wouldn't be "fair."

You mean you like getting rekt in every sage you join ?-_- If sage is balanced using power level, competition would be fair for everyone, meaning you will only get streak depending what kind of strategy you will use in a battle. I'm not saying I want to win everything, I want it to be balanced for everybody in the game especially for those guys finding it hard to win at sage because of power difference. I've seen so many players quit the game dude, I've played for a long time.

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On 2017-09-06 13:57:38Show this Author Only
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On 2017-09-06 14:17:17Show this Author Only

High lvl player can win against a low lvl player with 5-10k more power.So,balancing sage according to lvl is the best. Shouldn't have level-up too quickly and spent your coupons playing Pokemon.There are tons of f2p doing decent in sage and you get rewards regardless of your preformance now.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-09-06 14:30:10.
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On 2017-09-06 14:48:59Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-09-06 14:17:17
  • High lvl player can win against a low lvl player with 5-10k more power.So,balancing sage according to lvl is the best. Shouldn't have level-up too quickly and spent your coupons playing Pokemon.There are tons of f2p doing decent in sage and you get rewards regardless of your preformance now.

Except feature unlocking levels, such as level where new talents are unlocked, level does not provide any benefit other than some easy power. Lower powered player beat higher powered player due to team lineup etc every day, doesn't prove anything about levels.

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On 2017-09-06 16:12:41Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-09-06 14:48:59
  • Except feature unlocking levels, such as level where new talents are unlocked, level does not provide any benefit other than some easy power. Lower powered player beat higher powered player due to team lineup etc every day, doesn't prove anything about levels.

High lvl players got more initiative. Don't forget strengthen,character growth and cultivate bonuses(max health,ninjutsu,etc). I have beaten low lvl players with more power using 2-3 ninjas in matsuri.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-09-06 16:13:30.
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On 2017-09-06 17:16:01Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-09-06 16:12:41
  • High lvl players got more initiative. Don't forget strengthen,character growth and cultivate bonuses(max health,ninjutsu,etc). I have beaten low lvl players with more power using 2-3 ninjas in matsuri.

All of which adds power. So if all else are the same (refine, armor etc), a player with higher level will have higher power due to extra awaken, strengthen, cultivate etc.

On the other hand, two player with exact same power but different level could have same stat.

Pay attention, he said higher level but lower power is stronger, in and of itself.

This post was last edited by PraiseLuka on 2017-09-06 17:23:58.
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On 2017-09-06 18:01:00Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-09-06 16:12:41
  • High lvl players got more initiative. Don't forget strengthen,character growth and cultivate bonuses(max health,ninjutsu,etc). I have beaten low lvl players with more power using 2-3 ninjas in matsuri.

initiative is not based in level. Your refinement, rune stones, purification, summon cultivation, battle armor, and charms would be the factors that would decide how high your initiative would be.

This post was last edited by ⚡️TheShinobiGod on 2017-09-06 18:01:53.
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On 2017-09-06 20:41:48Show this Author Only

Its not just that...they put 3 healers with roshi or hokage tsunade with roshi and gakido and the battle lasts 10 rounds...its just dumb..this game isnt supposed to be healer battle..i think its about time for the healing to be nerfed...the last two times in sage and in matsuri all I see is those teams and on top of everything I got 70k water main hokade tsunade sailor and mabui team...all 4 healers like wth...this game is going down hill for me if its stays like this..i have every healer except hokage Tsunade even sailor 4 star but come on this is not id u cant beat them join them scenario like everyone in space time are using healer teams..its just sad. 10 rounds in sage and they will win cause one healer is left and ur dead cAuse of debuffs and no real heals...there goes 10 min of sage battlefields. Its not even funny. I see 90k people use those teams its just sad at this point.

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