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[ Events ] Events - 31st August


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-31 01:37:20Show All Posts

Well I spent a lot of ingots for Hidan but a lot of people asked him to be a coupon ninja last week and if he is in the lucky board there is no better place to you listened and I lime for the elephant in the room.Dont make him like 250 a frag...its always from 180-210 and I know the lucky board gives you a lot of stuff dont be that guys...please,pleaSe reconsider your monthly ninja...people already have her at 4 star and 5 star put a different pain or even some common in kage like Cee but why Sakura id never understand again...

This post was last edited by Going All The W on 2017-08-31 01:38:16.
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