Scarlet blaze; with yellow summon; ZIBIRAH xD xD And Fire Dance attack HOOOoou xD idk xD Midnight Ligting armor Whuuaaaaahhhg :/ Azure giving heal Gengimmatte and Earth main Madada xD Breeze Dancer Hat-sey(clone's attack) and midnight's chidori-blade Kokodat! and scarlet katom, Ooseykanatjutsu xD Azure water trumpet deeiyt! midnight chidori spear;Kieruu! Yellow summon; KIRAii, scarlet igza... and morata(g-k) and azure's mystery gogu girik(water style poison fog) and water style shark svitun shikuda no jutsu and earth main doton shokaki no jutsu :P *****I wrote,they how to saying.***** and Breeze's Oodama Rasnegan> Rasengan>Mada mada... Onaa gambarinasay? :P
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