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Convoy / Plunder funny story got to share.


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On 2017-08-28 09:02:25Show All Posts
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-08-28 08:35:28
  • Then it changed with 3.0 because before you could still plunder them and was also *erproductive most of the times for the convoyer because if you accepted a mission at 13:59 you had only up to 14:29 to reach the goal and if you were plundered lets say at 14:20 and you weren't able to reach the goal in time you also lost the chance to get the halved reward after a defeat.

    Edit: i think it becomes grey if you didn't use any plunder attempt but I'm pretty sure it doesn't become grey if you still have 1 or 2 attempts to use.

You cant plunder after 14:00. That's the point. You can accept SS convoys last minute and wait until event time is over. Since event time is over plunderers cant refresh page anymore and attack you, so you get a free convoy. I've done it myself a few times coincidently, but you need to be lucky enough to actually get an SS convoy in last minute.

This post was last edited by ReAsto on 2017-08-28 09:03:49.
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