That's because none was in konoha looking at you, petchior. In my server happened a lot of times that i was in konoha doing my things at 14:10-14:20 server time and after seeing a gold icon over a running guy i went back to guild ba
But i have to admit this was before 3.0, maybe since 3.0 it changed, but i doubt.
Then it changed with 3.0 because before you could still plunder them and was also *erproductive most of the times for the convoyer because if you accepted a mission at 13:59 you had only up to 14:29 to reach the goal and if you were plundered lets say at 14:20 and you weren't able to reach the goal in time you also lost the chance to get the halved reward after a defeat.
Edit: i think it becomes grey if you didn't use any plunder attempt but I'm pretty sure it doesn't become grey if you still have 1 or 2 attempts to use.
People on my server wait for the event to end while they plunder to get the ones who run late, you can still click the plunder *on all day to search for SS but its just not as likely that you will see many run after it has ended. Exvius is 100% correct ^-^
Tried it today - were two months that didn't happen to me to not being able to get 3 ss convoys within the 3 hours - and I can confirm my previous assumption. In 3.0 still works like 2.0, my bar hasn't became grey still at 14:26 server time and I'm with 1 plunder attempt left to use.
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