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[ Suggestions ] More elite missions?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-28 14:57:14Show All Posts

It doesn't really matter how many node there are, but how many useful one there is. lv 80s have Ningendo, which is an actually useful ninja, making it better than most lv brackets. Even if they do increase it, they will likely be filler commons that no one will bother farming, so what is the point?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 02:51:16Show All Posts
  • Slowpoke On 2017-08-28 19:11:58
  • As for utility, you dont think certain Tendo rares like Jigokudo and Gakido arent as usefull as Ningendo?

    As for long-term goal, we will have Skill Breakthrough for almost every ninja in Seal, wont we? If they have already put in Deidara and Tobi in elite instances, why shouldnt they add the rest?

    While I'm awared that these guys drop regularly in Survival Trials and/or can be exchanged using credits in the shop, i dont see any reasons anyone shoud spend their credits on ninjas that are so dated like the Akatsuki.

    Of course, more shurikens to increase your progress points doesnt hurt either.

    Noted: Not asking for Super Rares to be put in.

I said filler COMMONS. Gakido and jigokudos are, like you said, rares.

The number of rares in each level range is pretty low, so even if it's a 12-15 node thing like the others, chances are it would just be bogged down by COMMON fillers.

And frankly, asking for just "more nodes" and asking for more rare nodes are totally different things.

And if it's commons, it's not even particularly useful for breakthrough. I still haven't finished the breakthrough for sasuke/naruto/sakura/kakashi. Now, the daily limit is part of the problem, but at the same time, daily stamina is a limit too. So unless you happen to want skill through for one particular ninja really badly, more farm points are not going to help much.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-29 08:53:13Show All Posts
  • Slowpoke On 2017-08-29 06:59:46
  • (Bro, I AM asking for more rare instances. Nobody in their right mind would ask for Seal and Tendo commons :) )

    I really dont see the problem with the common/rare instance ratio, So long as they follow previous lvs ratio - 5 or 6 commons to 1 rare instance, I think it'd be fine. Who knows, maybe we'll get a Shizune or 7 Swordmen Zabuza instance lol. We also woulld get shurikens for clearing instances, so it's not as if the common instances are completely useless.

So just to be clear, you are more or less asking for ONE rare node (in addition to some commons) and half a battle star node which would be, for, me, a value of +15 life to all characters...

Yeah, that's not useless but.. eh...

That said, it'd be about 50/50 chance of being Sealed vs Tendo rare, if one would be added. Most of the farmable rares are Kage ones, so Kage is likely. At the same time, Lv 80 is the only one with Tendo rare and only have Tendo rare so it might be just the Tendo chapter.

The only rare I don't have from those two treasures would be Konan. I'm seriously starting to doubt if she's in there.... I have bloody SR Chiyo now... Granted, more frags to upgrade star won't hurt.

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