I am making this thread so that people who have discovered a counter to any famous ongoing lineup might share them eg.
the Infamous Water me
The Fire me
The LM Blitz ( which i find personally annoying and have found a counter to): Lightning main, Iruka, Danzo/Darui/ Mifune and Wind blade asuma
The Wind me
i guess you get the drift.... (also include those annoying water poison Cancer teams with sailor and stuff)
Many people might make fun of this but come on guys in this game there are over more than a 100 ninjas, all you guys do is keep using the same old *ty 4 ninja thing that works for you, where is the fun and creativity in that? So please if you have an original team, something not seen usually around share it here, share your Lineups and stuff.
BTW The way to crack dowm the LM blitz and end up at full health at the end of the round can be done by using an old team with a twist
Hinata Spot 1 with moderate initiative
Wind main spot 2 with the hightest initiative
Sailor sakura/ GNW sakura / skillbroken sakura (completely) spot 3 moderate Initiative
Kurenai Spot 4 Moderate initiative.
Use flower guard and place hinata accordingly to your instincts infront of the Lightning main
wind main behind hinata
sakura behind windmain and kurenai on any comfortable spot in the formation
Wind mains standard is Sage Art : rasengan barrage
Summon : dog of hell or Flood dragon
Chase : ShootDown rasengan in case of dog of hell. OR in case of Flood Dragon use the chase that causes Repulse on hight float the wind blade thingy
Passive : Queen Momentum or in case of a huge power gap like by 14k or 17 k Use *y harem Jutsu
Mystery : Either mystery can be used
Giant Rasengan : in case of a darui in the oppponents lineup in an Autofight
Impetus : if your BP is too low and your hinata cant withstand the first 2 round damage that thee LM dishes out
Sage art Sand dust : can be used but not recommended
TY i hope i see some other wonderful lineup ideas underneath Thank you for reading this and giving me your time. Looking forward to see what you guys have.
For Water you c*e some ninja with immobile and take care of mabui first.
You c*e some combinations with Danzo to immobile by combo putting someone in 1st position in front of mabui that was more ini than her and a good combo rate. And if you have more INI in general, so the barrier of Danzo stays up, you will win that team even if you have a power gap of 5k.
In other way if your barrier is up and danzo is in same line of mabui you c*e his skill to chaos her in first round and don't let her recover chakra.
The team I suggest is:
FM - Tobi
Fu Yamanaka - Danzo (or Danzo - Fu Yamanaka)
Talents: 2-3-3-2-1 -> Ninja Monkey
And use FU to chaos someone that attacks after him. Normally you c*e it effectively in WM or Mei.
For Water you c*e some ninja with immobile and take care of mabui first.
You c*e some combinations with Danzo to immobile by combo putting someone in 1st position in front of mabui that was more ini than her and a good combo rate. And if you have more INI in general, so the barrier of Danzo stays up, you will win that team even if you have a power gap of 5k.
In other way if your barrier is up and danzo is in same line of mabui you c*e his skill to chaos her in first round and don't let her recover chakra.
The team I suggest is:
FM - Tobi
Fu Yamanaka - Danzo (or Danzo - Fu Yamanaka)
Talents: 2-3-3-2-1 -> Ninja Monkey
And use FU to chaos someone that attacks after him. Normally you c*e it effectively in WM or Mei.
Wow Nice never actually thought of that
For Water you c*e some ninja with immobile and take care of mabui first.
You c*e some combinations with Danzo to immobile by combo putting someone in 1st position in front of mabui that was more ini than her and a good combo rate. And if you have more INI in general, so the barrier of Danzo stays up, you will win that team even if you have a power gap of 5k.
In other way if your barrier is up and danzo is in same line of mabui you c*e his skill to chaos her in first round and don't let her recover chakra.
The team I suggest is:
FM - Tobi
Fu Yamanaka - Danzo (or Danzo - Fu Yamanaka)
Talents: 2-3-3-2-1 -> Ninja Monkey
And use FU to chaos someone that attacks after him. Normally you c*e it effectively in WM or Mei.
Don't forget, the water Main can heal the Mabui making the whole CC pointless, so you have to make sure you can just kill the mabui or CC both Mabui and Water Main.
Don't forget, the water Main can heal the Mabui making the whole CC pointless, so you have to make sure you can just kill the mabui or CC both Mabui and Water Main.
If the last applied cc is immobile it works, if is chaos it doesn't work because azure fang will heal mabui and by removing chaos will give her back her standard attack, thing that don't happen if the last removed cc is immobilr.
About the blitz team the OP talked about, what he said It doesn't work if the enemy doesn't use the high crit standard attack. If the wind main use *y harem jutsu the mb will simply wait, if his hit by it, for round2 to use lightning armor and unless you nuke his main in round 2 with rasengan combo it will just delay the outcome to this round.
About the blitz team the OP talked about, what he said It doesn't work if the enemy doesn't use the high crit standard attack. If the wind main use *y harem jutsu the mb will simply wait, if his hit by it, for round2 to use lightning armor and unless you nuke his main in round 2 with rasengan combo it will just delay the outcome to this round.
Out of all the LM Blitz lineups i have fought in the SWB UP tiill now, 90 % of people hit the Lightning armour without worrying about the other guys lineup and i am talking SWB lvl 90+ , so i have been able to achieve upto 3 streaks easily against LM Blitz lineups . and the ones i talked about do it this way, LM spot 1, iruka spot 2, Danzo Spot 3 and WB asuma Spot 4, if the Lm dosent Use Lightning armour R1 he is going to get Accud by hinata's chase 90 % of the time since the Wind mains rasengam barrage almost always creates a chase. so its not much of a choice.
As for the fact that you do say that most of the mwait till round 2, that is true but in Auto Arena's like space time and ranked battles, the system just MAkes theem use their Mystery no matter what. As for the fact that this dosent work.
BTW this is an old pic of my battle, My power then was like 45k or something. This guy was around 64k back then.
holy crap and here I hunt lightning mains in sage lvl x-88 I think, using only 2 healer team and beat 5 last SWB most died at round 4-5
You know, what stinks is that I want to counter the water me
i know the feels XD, everytime i use this in SWB there is always that one Water/ fire main that has to come to me while i am hunting lightning mains
holy crap and here I hunt lightning mains in sage lvl x-88 I think, using only 2 healer team and beat 5 last SWB most died at round 4-5
try this one if you want
place hinata accordingly to the trend of your sage world, if they use the Mifune LM Kimimaro and danzo then Place Hinata at the bottom with wind main behind it and kurenai behind her and let the sailor/ GNW sakura take hits
You c*e Shikamaru Mop to increase hinata's defence
I cracked the code for countering the infamous water main me
Watermain, Yagura, Kushina, Sailor Sakura
Kushina in position 1, Sailor in position 2, Yagura position 3, Water main position 4.
Note: if you make a mistake you might lose the fight.
At round 1 always replicate Mei to replace the enemies barrier, removes a significant dmg buff from the enemy. If you dont do this this line up will melt
After ten ten used her mystery use the water mains heal mystery.
If Kushina is facing mabui, this fight is a guaranteen win. Your 7 combo will immobile and accupuncture her along side with a poison dmg and this will trigger the heal of the enemies water main at round 2.
At round 2 Eat Mei's mystery, all your ninjas will be left with 60-70% hp so dont worry. All your ninjas will be ignited so before using sailor's heal wait for the standard heals to remove some of that ignite before using the heavy heal.
Keep an eye on the water mains heal mystery you must interrupt her with Kushina's Loving Pan or else your posion stacks will be useless.
At round 3 Let Yagura replicate mabui if she still alive to get the shield to withstand the upcoming mysteries of tenten or mei. If Mabui is dead replicate the water main if you need extra healing or replicate Mei again if you want extra dps.
At round 4 your opponent already quit or you will finish that disgusting line up.
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