Hi i will keep it pretty short i just want to know about your opinions on something
Everyone knows there are some ninjas changed with 3.0 update, my question is about normal Kabuto
He used to have gloomy healing that gives x2 healing rate but now he has sound ninja leech
That sound ninjas heals themselves 10% of the damage they cause
My question is which one is better? Old one or new one?
Also can Shizune substitue Kabuto on healing cancer teams?
Hi! It is very dependent on the team you are using. The reason why regular kabuto is so heavily used with immortal cancer teams is his ability to do a small amount of dmg to team. The damage he causes actually in essence buffs certain team members like Sailor Sakura and Kimimaro (among the other ninjas that can benefit) as they receive buff everytime they are damaged.
Play around with ninjas at your disposal and also search builds that always helps!
As for Shizune, she is okay when it comes to cancer teams as she does increase the healing for team and also increase her own damage caused by debuffs. However, if you have Original Kabuto that is usually your best bet!
Hi! It is very dependent on the team you are using. The reason why regular kabuto is so heavily used with immortal cancer teams is his ability to do a small amount of dmg to team. The damage he causes actually in essence buffs certain team members like Sailor Sakura and Kimimaro (among the other ninjas that can benefit) as they receive buff everytime they are damaged.
Play around with ninjas at your disposal and also search builds that always helps!
As for Shizune, she is okay when it comes to cancer teams as she does increase the healing for team and also increase her own damage caused by debuffs. However, if you have Original Kabuto that is usually your best bet!
Thank you so much that was actually pretty helpful! Now i am planning to use those 3 in a team haha. Thanks again :3
Kabuto no longer buffs Sailor Sakura after 3.0. He only uses his damage passive on curse mark ninjas like Kimimaro. However, he is still useful as Kimimaro is still a viable tank and Kabuto still has his summonable meat shields.
I find Kabuto's Leech useful when I'm using Kimimaro since any extra heals to him always helps, the only thing I don't like about Kabuto's change is the fact he can't buff Water Main when using Seal Reserve talent. But you can't really complain too much.
yeah you have a point too lol
also as i know water main's seal reserve's position has changed too so you c*e your heal boost and seal boost at the same time
Kabuto no longer buffs Sailor Sakura after 3.0. He only uses his damage passive on curse mark ninjas like Kimimaro. However, he is still useful as Kimimaro is still a viable tank and Kabuto still has his summonable meat shields.
yeah he doesn't increase sakura's healing anymore but he can give her a nice attack boost
by the way is that odd in your profile pic?
yeah he doesn't increase sakura's healing anymore but he can give her a nice attack boost
by the way is that odd in your profile pic?
It's sad as I just got the immortal team just to survive in Arena a tad bit longer and annoy blitz team users who like to plunder me. But hey, at least I can still poison and chaos them, the only real counter against them in my arsenal.
And yes, it is Odd Della Robbia.
It's sad as I just got the immortal team just to survive in Arena a tad bit longer and annoy blitz team users who like to plunder me. But hey, at least I can still poison and chaos them, the only real counter against them in my arsenal.
And yes, it is Odd Della Robbia.
well good luck to both of us with those heal teams haha, * that odd made me go back to my childhood xD
well good luck to both of us with those heal teams haha, * that odd made me go back to my childhood xD
Here, here. With all the blitz and Han teams, we are in for a tough ride. Most can knock out the classic immortal team.
He's one of my favorites. Up there with Deidara and Naruto.
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