2016-08-21 21:37:55
Technically, I'm going to beat you to level 70 4 days quicker on Server 11 considering we are 4 days behind your server. I am due to hit 70 tonight.
Also, this is probably the most ego-maniacal post I have seen on the forum. The cap is indeed level 70, however the game allows you to get to 99.99% experience before disallowing any further experience to be gained.
I'd be entitled to allow you far more credit depending on your current progress in the ninja exam.
The only ninja worth pulling from sage naruto treasure, is sage naruto. But grats on another 200 arena points none-the-less. This post was last edited by jam***@hotmail.co.uk at 2016-8-21 21:44
Aqua is a noob. Dont be suprised with the things he says cause they are all lies. One example is he says he didnt spend any or spent little but he has a 4 star iruka and that is only by $$$. Theres alot more things he lied about lol Fake Aqua noob