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[ Azure Fang ] water me<x>ta is too OP


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 18
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On 2017-08-19 11:00:06Show All PostsDescending Order
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So recently I've been doing arena, and I've gotten to jonin rank. Now I am trying to advance into the next rank, but it's actually impossible! I keep running into the water meta team (gnw Tenten, Mabui, and Mei). I can't run that team cuz I have no luck in kage treasures, and I don't want to risk getting a ninja I don't want anymore. But anyways, I've been noticing that the water meta is waaaayy to difficult to counter, and often times, I'd just get plowed in the arena. I really wish if there was a way to make that team less OP, and while we're on the topic of the water meta and Mei, what are the chances of getting her? Everyone in my server has her, but me. It's quite annoying.

This post was last edited by UnluckyPotato on 2017-08-19 11:00:06.
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