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[ Strategy Share ] Event: Tsunade & Roshi Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-23 20:20:30Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys, thought I'd share a few basic and more advanced Tsunade and Roshi lineups (not necessarily together). I will also be linking two threads by the end of this post where you c*so include your own strategies for Tsunade or Roshi, where 4 winners will be selected for both threads and given 5 Cave Keys in 2 weeks

Right, first off, let's not forget the "cancer" lineups as they are deemed quite popular in Space-Time in particular.



Not really hard to explain, lots of healing while Kabuto constantly buffs everyone on the field. Water main will get stronger, Sailor gets stronger, and Roshi gets stronger. Should see what they're like by the end of the 10 rounds. This lineup is of course, without Tsunade.



For the curious of course, this is what it would look like without Kabuto and having Tsunade in his place, the extra buffs are gone but the healing is extensive and you have an interrupt to boot, just note that on Space-Time the AI will vouch for a Tsunade interrupt on 2nd round rather than a Roshi mystery, so if the enemy has a Hashirama, well, just don't get damaged and immobilized. The chase and CC passive is self explanatory, just to be a pain really while adding poison.


7c7ee6cb76b5df6600acde43f3d5f98440386fbc450e767ce1f58646521d365f or 7fdc292a95e65cdd59c79e6a75cb8a4d046b5a2dc7fbad735a1bded0256726fb

Change the passives and summon as you will for this lineup, you can either focus on Roshi's standard chase or else focus on earth main's mystery chase (which would be better to use Serpent and high float to knockdown chase). Either way it's all about the shields, the heal, and Kabuto's pesky constant damage buffs.



Typically the same as the previous lineup, just with a better chase and more healing. Less buff though since Tsunade doesn't get buffed by the "heal". Also again the AI on Space-Time favors Tsunade's mystery over others on second round.


Oh yeah, didn't think I'd forget about this lineup did you? Possibly the single handed most popular Azure healing lineup on Space-Time. Not hard to figure a chase and summon as all you need is really a healing passive and healing mystery with a bit of poison. Maybe add a bit of salt from Sage World Battlefield added on there.

Now, let's add some honorable mentions. A bit more of the creative lineups if you will, each holds their own system and honestly you can mix up a bit of what chases you'd like to use.



Did somebody say Roshi chase? Yes, other than some beefy damage, a MB and DP Hidan lineup is quite popular for mixing up those combos and getting a nice Ignite and nuke by the time it reaches 30. Of course, chase and summons can differ per person.


f420fdf0137b40150a3b8e5e2b1b3edd (Summon's either King of Hell, Guy's Tortoise or Chameleon)

Perhaps something for the richer folk, if you've struck lucky with the Kage Treasure you'd be able to mix up the damage here. This lineup is much more ignite and damage focused than the previous lineup who focuses more on chase.


Honestly I'm a big fan of Minato Hokage so couldn't near the end of this list without an honorable mention of a Minato lineup, main focus here is ignite and poison, with an immobile chase of course.



Right before I end it here, this is a personal favorite and nostalgic one of mine. When I first got Tsunade Hokage when she was introduced to the EN version, this was the lineup I used. I used iruka's interrupt first round and second round I was able to use my main for carnage damage and Tsunade as both an interrupt and massive damage on her own. This was a bit of an unorthodox lineup as it bases Tsunade as a damage dealer. Anyway the mystery can be changed up to shark if you'd like to see if you can crit and you don't require reserve seal, c*so use clone if you're afraid of your main getting immobilized before 2nd turn from a chase. Bear in mind as much as this is about damage, is does have its risks, it can be countered by Ao (rarely used anymore) or someone like masked man nowadays.

So what lineups can you think of? Let me know in the following threads, remember to read the first paragraph!

This post was last edited by DareDev1L on 2017-08-23 20:20:30.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-23 20:19:19Show All Posts
  • JustSaying On 2017-08-22 14:49:24
  • Could you please post the talents for fire main,cursed hidan,susanoo sauke and roshi lineup.


Summon can be KoH, Guy's Tortoise or Cham.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-23 20:23:36Show All Posts
  • Borys777 On 2017-08-21 00:50:18
  • Nice lineups but the ones with Kabuta are outdated as he now only deals dmg to cursed mark ninja and not everyone. So the increase in power won't be that much like in pre 3.0.

Ah yes, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Well I'll keep them in there regardless due to Kabuto having pretty good healing and not everyone has a Tsunade, he also receives 2x the healing factor which is great for those that focus him.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-24 19:28:58Show All Posts
  • Broken Screen On 2017-08-24 08:24:10
  • Since the changes on Kabuto, would you change him to Shizune? For all those poor f2p like me who doesn't have Kage tsunade.

Yes of course, it's also a good thought due to her poison additions due to her chase and extra damage. Not to mention she has the same chase so it works just as well.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-13 18:05:13Show All Posts

Thanks everyone, event's over. Though if you'd like to provide more lineups you're more than welcome to! On the links provided, of course.

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