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[ Videos ] Cheating on Plunders.


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On 2017-08-17 14:20:32Show this Author Only

Its a bummer that some people do get it before you but its hardly *. There are so many other things that go into snagging an SS plunder. The most important is internet. Also using a mouse vs. someone who has a touch screen you'll lose majority of the time. I couldn't figure out why people got to the SS missions so fast on my server. I eventually found out when someone was asking in chat "how do you click plunders so quick". Response was touchscreen laptop, tablets and phones. It makes it 10x easier with a touchscreen.. One finger refreshing while the other is hovered over the plunder *on

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On 2017-08-17 14:24:39Show this Author Only

LOL if you just google naruto online bot you will find a website that sells this botting service that some players use to cheat plunder.

I have personal experience as someone on my server is using it. The 3rd party software deals with coding so as soon as the SS is received on the client, it auto plunders which is obviously faster than a human players reaction.

This would * for players on small servers with a limited plunder pool. But your server is merged so there should be more targets right?

Anyway go ahead and google it lol.

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On 2017-08-17 14:35:19Show this Author Only
  • Waifuu On 2017-08-17 14:24:39
  • LOL if you just google naruto online bot you will find a website that sells this botting service that some players use to cheat plunder.

    I have personal experience as someone on my server is using it. The 3rd party software deals with coding so as soon as the SS is received on the client, it auto plunders which is obviously faster than a human players reaction.

    This would * for players on small servers with a limited plunder pool. But your server is merged so there should be more targets right?

    Anyway go ahead and google it lol.

Yes, it's merged, but if 2 players have together 5 accounts and they do plunder on all of them, it is very hard to do something or even to get something if all of SS except possible traps with Top Spender's support are taken.

This post was last edited by Ṛik on 2017-08-17 14:43:19.
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On 2017-08-17 14:35:40Show this Author Only

those who think auto plunder doesn't exists go check this post where daiske basically confirmed it to be working

here is the ss of the auto plunder program in work

p.s to the op i got the same backlash as you are getting right now when i first posted about the auto plunder program about how i was slow etc and when i provided enough proof they never spoke in my upcoming posts again and for those who think this program does not work its because you guys are playing outside of hk servers as this prgram is only used by vietnamese people..

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2017-08-17 18:54:56.
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On 2017-08-17 15:27:24Show this Author Only

I didn't really bother reading the comments and I've only fast forwarded to 3:20 in the first vid.
Firstly you click too slow to refresh.
Secondly you move your mouse very slow.
Thirdly and lastly you don't instantly click atk. You waited like half a second before you clicked.
No cheating there. You're just slow.

This post was last edited by Emperor Ziel on 2017-08-17 15:27:56.
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On 2017-08-17 15:37:08Show this Author Only

On our server SS convey can show up 1 time in an hour or more. You, fast guys, dont tell me you sit there and click refresh for hours. It only works when many people run SS.

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On 2017-08-17 15:51:49Show this Author Only

WTF someone clicks faster than me, they're reported~!!

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On 2017-08-17 15:52:37Show this Author Only

if you're a legendary fapper then you can plunder SS missions in a split seconds.

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On 2017-08-17 16:15:00Show this Author Only

Your reaction speed is just bad sorry(I could do a better job with a laptop while watching something on the side). If you have a decent internet, a decent mouse and a mouse pad you could do that. If you played a lot of fps with low sensitivity you could do that move in less than 150((20-50 for a pro, 60-70 for a pub stomper) mili seconds. Don't forget ,there are things called touch pads and graphics tablets.Also,almost of the third party software are viruses and info stealers .People saying they work are just fake accounts of their creators.

0.02 cents

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-08-17 16:21:10.
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On 2017-08-17 16:27:05Show this Author Only

i know someone in our server all of his alt are plundering its really annoying though but since there is no update i am just letting them kill me

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On 2017-08-17 16:31:35Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-08-17 16:15:00
  • Your reaction speed is just bad sorry(I could do a better job with a laptop while watching something on the side). If you have a decent internet, a decent mouse and a mouse pad you could do that. If you played a lot of fps with low sensitivity you could do that move in less than 150((20-50 for a pro, 60-70 for a pub stomper) mili seconds. Don't forget ,there are things called touch pads and graphics tablets.Also,almost of the third party software are viruses and info stealers .People saying they work are just fake accounts of their creators.

    0.02 cents

so you are saying daiske is my fake account? dont talk sh!t if u dont know anything

This post was last edited by [M]angekyou on 2017-08-17 16:32:32.
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On 2017-08-17 16:41:04Show this Author Only

  • "[M]angekyou On 2017.08.17
  • so you are saying daiske is my fake account? dont talk sh!t if u dont know anything


Fair enough( was intended to type most of the time but looks like stuffed that up).But there are people who could do plunder at that speed too. Just realized that guy in the video is in our sage and always have the highest kill streak.Not sure why he is not banned yet.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-08-17 16:48:42.
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On 2017-08-17 16:53:41Show this Author Only

well u cant beat auto clicker even with 0.5 sec speed clicking reactions

simply impossible, yea i do click fast to catch em at konoha :P But as soon as some people sayed to me on my server that they use autos i made them understand its dumb and CAN lead to perma ban.

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On 2017-08-17 17:00:14Show this Author Only
  • Sikkle On 2017-08-17 10:22:33
  • LOL at these complainers. I have fast reflex because well Im a * gamer so having fast reflex and seeing things move even for a split second is quite common for gamers. Blaming on hax and cheats? lol just get better with your eye coordination and reflexes. Complainers like you make me ROFL lol

so you have fast reflexes? xD when i did convoy the soon as i clicked "set off" the guy literally got me without me moving if you call that "reflexes" xD idk you are not a human dude

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On 2017-08-17 17:37:59Show this Author Only
  • PervyAnime On 2017-08-17 17:00:14
  • so you have fast reflexes? xD when i did convoy the soon as i clicked "set off" the guy literally got me without me moving if you call that "reflexes" xD idk you are not a human dude

A good video for you :

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-08-17 17:38:16.
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On 2017-08-17 18:24:13Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2017-08-17 06:32:43
  • I don't get you guys...I mean really i don't get you.
    Now i've been doing plunders under 0.5 seconds, you may ask how, simply by having good hardware and good internet connection, now i must sincerly say that i don't see how or what *s would people use just to do plunders makes no guys should take a few programming courses to see that making a program capable of auto-plundering is not that easy and thus making the whole "* to plunder" thing ineficient, it's simply not worth it coding so much for a * plunder, if you're a programmer you'd just recharge with ingots worth of all that cupons

lol i feel you!

This post was last edited by wcoolj on 2017-08-17 18:31:47.
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On 2017-08-17 21:31:45Show this Author Only

People clicking on attack convoy in under a second doesn't mean absolutely anything, normal human reaction speed is 0.300 milliseconds and if they're precise they can get it in under a second easy. Look at all those top players in shooter games, they have 0.15 millisecond reaction speed, you think they get money for playing games for nothing?

Of course if you're slow and maybe have an even slower internet everyone seems like is *ing, people also accused me of having a clicking program, but I'm just fast.

By the way people with those kinds of reactionspeeds will be faster than even tablet users. No contest.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-08-17 21:48:12.
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On 2017-08-17 22:48:32Show this Author Only

Hmm when I plunder I use touch screen on my laptop with mouse on the left and finger on the attack convoy...nad its weird sometimes as soon as I see an SS mission I press and it says its already taken or what point is the clickers exist def...but if people's rumor is correct thata not the thing that bothers me...people are getting coupons and coins from those types of *s...and ull say well coins...guys use coins in 8 gates like 500 million of them and ull see what boost ull get..not to mention red chakra runes...i barey have a million coins lol

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On 2017-08-17 22:58:00Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2017-08-17 06:32:43
  • I don't get you guys...I mean really i don't get you.
    Now i've been doing plunders under 0.5 seconds, you may ask how, simply by having good hardware and good internet connection, now i must sincerly say that i don't see how or what *s would people use just to do plunders makes no guys should take a few programming courses to see that making a program capable of auto-plundering is not that easy and thus making the whole "* to plunder" thing ineficient, it's simply not worth it coding so much for a * plunder, if you're a programmer you'd just recharge with ingots worth of all that cupons


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On 2017-08-18 02:48:07Show this Author Only

They may or may not be cheating, but frankly, your provided clips don't prove it at all. If anything, they show slow reaction speed and bad ping. The 'under 1 sec window' can hardly be true when the convoy managed to get to the next map before getting plundered. Particularly in the first run, If you time it from Rik's clip, the convoy ran for at least 3-10 secs before being plundered. Its hard to think the server took more than 5 secs to update on the SS run. It's more likely your ping caused it to update much slower. You are assuming every plunderer shares the same screen as you and sees the SS at the same time, which is false. Even then, your reactions and refreshing were pretty bad if u ask me.

Its hard to prove usage of third party software like auto-clickers/auto-plundering. It might be more worthwhile to discuss and brainstorm how one might better prove it than post up clips like these and label these people cheaters.

Quicky Post

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