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[ Events ] Whos planing to pull in KAGE tomorrow or during the week and record?


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On 2017-08-10 00:14:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So im thinking about pulling in Kage treasure tomorrow but only me wont make a serious case that the treasure is not the same. Now I already pulled 60 didnt get anything but dont have 940 in the treasure without free pulls so ill pull another 80 cause I dont have a super rare which I doubt ill get it. Now I know they can test it and I know they know that this treasure is different but wont tell us... This is for us only cause they wont help us cause im willing to give my scrolls so other people wont have to..and it breaks my heart when a kid a f2p saved 100 seal scrolls ans didnt get not one rare...its not fair at all.

Please write an opinion id really appreciate it.

This post was last edited by Going All The W on 2017-08-10 00:14:14.
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On 2017-08-10 00:40:32Show this Author Only

For me it's a good idea will u do video and put it on this thread ?

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On 2017-08-10 00:46:21Show this Author Only
  • Shisei On 2017-08-10 00:40:32
  • For me it's a good idea will u do video and put it on this thread ?

Yeah I will and hope im not alone in this.

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On 2017-08-10 02:05:48Show this Author Only

hey, i did 270 pulls before 4 days. all clear every 60 i got a rare. for me was cool .. but record it if something goes bad you can prove it .

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On 2017-08-10 02:52:27Show this Author Only

Hope you get the super rare man u deserve it ...btw Jori great videos man, i beat the Cat with ur videos help lol

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On 2017-08-10 08:56:54Show this Author Only
  • S.H.I.E.L.D On 2017-08-10 02:52:27
  • Hope you get the super rare man u deserve it ...btw Jori great videos man, i beat the Cat with ur videos help lol

Did you get your super yet????

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On 2017-08-10 09:06:04Show this Author Only

Yes man go and thank you but they might already fix it after maintenance.

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On 2017-08-10 09:28:01Show this Author Only

Kage has definitely changed since 3.0. How many free pull super kages had you heard of before 3.0? For me zero. After the update a multitude of people have reported getting super kage ninjas on free pulls. I haven't put a single scroll into Kage since getting Ay months ago, yet free pulled sasuke today. To get both pre 3.0, you would have planned on sinking another 980 scrolls.

What we have now is likely the early stage china version where treasures are more RNG based.

By the way pulling for a super pre 3.0, every single 60 pull was a rare. This proliferation of it's always been this random is BS. Perhaps there was some deviation from '60'. Occasionally there'd be someone complaining about a 70 roll, but it's never been this random. 60 was the magic #. Now you have people dumping up to 150 to get one rare. That's not normal and if it is normal, Oasis needs to be transparent about how the treasure has changed.

Good luck with your pulls, do record and report back.

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On 2017-08-10 10:57:08Show this Author Only

I've done 100 pulls. At 60 I got Gaara and after 40 more I got Danzo. 10/10 would pull again.

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On 2017-08-10 12:35:47Show this Author Only
  • Space Ninja Cow On 2017-08-10 09:28:01
  • Kage has definitely changed since 3.0. How many free pull super kages had you heard of before 3.0? For me zero. After the update a multitude of people have reported getting super kage ninjas on free pulls. I haven't put a single scroll into Kage since getting Ay months ago, yet free pulled sasuke today. To get both pre 3.0, you would have planned on sinking another 980 scrolls.

    What we have now is likely the early stage china version where treasures are more RNG based.

    By the way pulling for a super pre 3.0, every single 60 pull was a rare. This proliferation of it's always been this random is BS. Perhaps there was some deviation from '60'. Occasionally there'd be someone complaining about a 70 roll, but it's never been this random. 60 was the magic #. Now you have people dumping up to 150 to get one rare. That's not normal and if it is normal, Oasis needs to be transparent about how the treasure has changed.

    Good luck with your pulls, do record and report back.

First off....gratz on the free pull Susanoo Sasuke!!! I have a you know of anyone who didn't pull their super pre 3.0 and were able to pull both since the update with a reasonable amount of pulls? Its been all over in my server...people getting both supers but they had their first one pre 3.0. It seems though like you had to dump enough to pull your first super pre 3.0 to get your other one soon after. I just recently picked up AY with the 3.0 update but was aiming for Sasuke. Treasures have definitely changed. They even seem to have nerfed the Susanoo Itachi frags from it as well (how often you get them). I'm trying to see if its worth it at all to drop scrolls to get my other super and save from there? Probably wont have another treasure for a little while; it never hurts to stack scrolls.

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On 2017-08-10 15:01:46Show this Author Only

My UK f2p char was at 230 scrolls in kage, with the previous rare pulled at 210 scrolls before 3.0. She pulled mei at 270 scrolls post 3.0.

My LA f2p char was at 770 scrolls in kage, with the previous rare pulled at 760 scrolls before 3.0. I'll try to pull during the next rebate, but unlikely to get enough scrolls for the next rare.

My main in LA stopped pulling kage a few months ago, currently not even half way to the next rare from free draws; pretty much no chance to see a rare anytime soon.

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On 2017-08-10 15:17:20Show this Author Only

I always see people making "thread" about draw treasure, and most people claim it has a count, I do not believe it

8 - 10 months ago naruto team says that "totally random"

And now some mod saying "it has its own count" now which is true

I always keep silent when I see "thread about draw treasure"

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On 2017-08-10 16:50:23Show this Author Only
  • Brandenlol On 2017-08-10 10:57:08
  • I've done 100 pulls. At 60 I got Gaara and after 40 more I got Danzo. 10/10 would pull again.

Did you pull before or after the maintenance?

Edit: Update 6:30pm server time. Pre 3.0 I drew 30 from Kage Treasure. Today after maintenance just before posting this update, I drew 30 from Kage Treasure and got a rare (Mifune). I guess Kage Treasure is okay.

This post was last edited by icebuken on 2017-08-10 18:35:21.
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On 2017-08-10 20:19:06Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2017-08-10 16:50:23
  • Did you pull before or after the maintenance?

    Edit: Update 6:30pm server time. Pre 3.0 I drew 30 from Kage Treasure. Today after maintenance just before posting this update, I drew 30 from Kage Treasure and got a rare (Mifune). I guess Kage Treasure is okay.

Yes I will check the treasure out later today and record it...

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On 2017-08-10 21:21:44Show this Author Only
  • MM®Yusuke On 2017-08-10 15:17:20

  • I always see people making "thread" about draw treasure, and most people claim it has a count, I do not believe it

    8 - 10 months ago naruto team says that "totally random"

    And now some mod saying "it has its own count" now which is true

    I always keep silent when I see "thread about draw treasure"

There's proof that there is a count for rares. Go check youtube and look for naruto online pulls for treasures before 3.0. This is the reason why people believe the counter for rares are 50-60 for some treasures (treasures before edo) and 30-40 for some treasures (edo, jin I). There's also videos on kage super rares filmed when kage was released.

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On 2017-08-10 22:13:58Show this Author Only

Good luck ,saw a person doing over 100 pulls in Kage and getting Danzo,Darui and Mifune. He wasn't complaining about bad RNG.

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On 2017-08-11 02:41:25Show this Author Only

reading all these post give me hope that i can pull a free super rare, but i cant its rigged for p2w

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On 2017-08-11 03:51:30Show this Author Only
  • NobodyReally On 2017-08-11 02:41:25
  • reading all these post give me hope that i can pull a free super rare, but i cant its rigged for p2w

I believe in you!!!

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On 2017-08-11 07:19:51Show this Author Only

I just pulled 300 scrolls in Kage Treasure and got 5 rares. One every 60 pulls. Not a huge sample, but it did seem to work like it did before. Maybe they fixed the issue? I'm curious what OP will find as well.

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On 2017-08-11 11:03:04Show this Author Only
  • Xenocypher On 2017-08-11 07:19:51
  • I just pulled 300 scrolls in Kage Treasure and got 5 rares. One every 60 pulls. Not a huge sample, but it did seem to work like it did before. Maybe they fixed the issue? I'm curious what OP will find as well.

I think its been reverted back to how it was due to all the posts about it. Someone in my server was pulling for kazekage Garra and did around 220. Rare every 60 as well. Kind of a bummer. Was trying to take advantage of both supers for under 1k

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