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[ Other ] SAGE WORLD BATLLE, All f2w should open this


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-10 16:16:37Show All Posts

There are a, few considerations to do about this matter:

1st: swb matching distribution doesn't work at all as they claim it should work. Last time, for example, i was in uk 57-72+172-306 bracket in a level 91-92 field where there were together with me urukhai, icex and yugaotamura, that in my bracket are all very high ranked level 92 people. If the matching system worked as they claimed it should do at least two among them should have been selected as fillers to a level 93-94 field, picked immediately after the weakest level 93.

2nd: actually leveling up from 91 to 92 or from 92 to 93 right now, unless you are an uberwhale like urukhai or his alt mesmes, is like the fall of a guillotine on your head. That simple thing means you can be the strongest the previous week and not even be in top10 the new week and this largely induces people in halting their leveling up efforts because even if now top10 get rewards, the difference between top3 and top10 is still too wide.

3rd: The fields are forcefully filled with 75 people when there is no actual reason to do it.

That said, even if i don't behave like him, i understand quite a lot his point of view.

Quicky Post

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