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[ Player Guide ] Ranked Battle Tier List + Guide


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-15 17:34:23Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This tier list is still a work in progress. I will be adding tips on positioning and placement order, team suggestions, etc.

(CTRL+F to find the ninja)

Hello, feel free to use this tier list as a guide to help you formulate teams for ranked battles!

My Ranked Battle team vs the top 6 in my server :


Please keep in mind that this is a tier list on RANKED BATTLE, where the mechanics and strategy are different than a regular PVP match.

In making this tier list, my opinions were biased as I've only fought/used these ninjas in my server.

Unless given an explanation or video on why a ninja should be moved up or down the tier list, i will not be changing anything.

This tier list is to be used as a guide to help formulate teams, this DOES NOT mean you need to have all S or A tier ninjas in a team.

This tier list is based on how much a ninja can contribute and how effective they are. (i.e Hanzo cleanse vs Gakido cleanse)

Tips & Tricks


Health/Target Manipulation - Mysteries always target the LOWEST HP ninja, unless the mystery is an interrupt skill, then it focuses on a ninja using a mystery. A great tip would be to drop a ninjas life so they get targeted. You want your Traitor Orochimaru to summon that Hashi faster? Drop a ninja in his team's life so they get targeted and die first. You want mysteries to go on to a ninjutsu immune character? Drop your Susanoo Sasuke's life.

You can drop a characters life through the mood system. Have the -5% on life. Having a Tactic with life on it will work aswell (this is what I do). Increase ninja's life and let your bait be on the side with a resistance/defense tactic.

Marking - Is a technique you c*e on opponents that have a turn one move. Essentially how it works is, if you have a turn one interrupt (shurado, iruka, ao, etc), they will always hit a ninja that is prompted. Going back to the health/targeting manipulation tip, mysteries will focus the lowest HP which means if you have a turn one Tendo, you can kill that mark easily. Even if you don't have Tendo, at turn 2, that mark would be focused and hopefully killed. This doesn't sound super amazing, but if you think about it, BESIDES ninjas that use a barrier or DPB Hidan, ninjas that have a turn one move, are usually support ninjas (Hanzo, Gakido, etc.), the ones you want to die first.

Ninja Placement/Positioning (Skill Order/Priority) -Skill order goes as follows: Prompt mystery with some type of interruption > Prompt mystery with CC > Prompt mystery without > Non-prompt mystery with CC > Non-prompt mystery 1st action > Non-prompt mystery 2nd action > ... 3rd action > ... 4th action

Depending on what round, what ninjas, how much chakra you have, and the order you placed them will affect which ninja goes first.

Example 1 (prompt vs nonprompt):A team with Roshi(40), Hanzo(20), Tobirama(60), Wind main(0)

turn 1: Wind main then Hanzo

turn 2: Roshi

turn 3: Tobirama

Example 2 (nonprompt vs nonprompt): A team with Hanzo(20 CC), Sage naruto (40), Hashirama(20 Barrier), Wind main(0 Prompt)

turn 1: Windmain then Hanzo, after the 20 chakra from naruto, THEN Hashirama

Example 3 (prompt cc vs prompt non-cc):A team with Hokage Tsunade(20 CC), Roshi (40)

turn 1: w/e

turn 2: Hokage Tsunade (has chaos)

turn 3: Roshi

Example 4 (prompt cc vs prompt non-cc vs chakra priority): A team with Hokage Tsunade(20), Roshi(40), Six-Tails Naruto(60)

turn 1: w/e

turn 2: Hokage Tsunade (has chaos)

turn 3: Tobirama (60 chakra mystery)

turn 4: Roshi

Example 5 (nonprompt cc vs nonprompt cc): A team with DPB Hidan (20), Hanzo(20), Sage Naruto(40)

turn 1: IF HANZO WAS ACTION 2 AND HIDAN WAS ACTION 3 Hanzo, after 20 chakra from Naruto, Hidan

IF HIDAN WAS ACTION 2 AND HANZO WAS ACTION 3 Hidan, after 20 chakra from Naruto, Hanzo

****Prompt cc vs prompt cc is a little confusing. Still need to do more testing for this. If someone knows priority for this, please let me know.

Example 6 (prompt cc vs prompt interrupt): A team with PB Sasuke (40 CC), GNW Shino (40 interrupt) > Shino goes first.

Also tested, Iruka (interrupt) vs DPB Hidan (tag) > Iruka goes

Buffs -

Team Suggestions


Pain Lineup(s) - Shurado, Ningendo, Gakido, Jigokudo/Konan Fairly tanky line-up with strong interrupts and damage.

Tank/Stall Lineup(s) -

Burst/Res Team -

Tag Team -

Empress Lineup -

Ninja Synergies


Kabuto & Kimimaro -

Orochimaru & Hidan -

Pains & Konan -

Sage Kabuto, Pain - Jigokudo, & Hiruzen -

This post was last edited by s10SeismicSakur on 2017-08-15 17:34:23.
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On 2017-08-09 07:10:31Show this Author Only

Break down on each Tier list

S tier - These ninjas can carry your team. Overall are just op in ranked battles and, in my opinion, MUST be used in your teams. [note: not all of em need to be used]

A tier - A for Amazing!! These ninjas bring A LOT to the table and can be the foundation of your teams.

B tier - These ninjas can hold their own IF used with other ninjas.

C tier - C's get degrees!! Aren't game changing, they work... but.. they don't really bring much to the table.

D tier - Unless you just started playing.. don't even look at these ninjas. LOOL!


S - Tier

Tsunade[Fifth Hokage] Can heal up to 12 units & has a chaos. nuff said

Hanzo Salamander Poison enemy team, cleanse your whole team, & has immobile + ignite.. nuts!

Minato Namikaze [Jonin] Guaranteed Dodge on first mystery turn two, POSSIBILITY to interrupt TWO mysteries in one turn, POSSIBILITY to use a mystery every turn, attack and combo scaling, if remained alive will wipe teams. Arguably one of the strongest in ranked battle at the moment.

Hashirama Senju [First Hokage] **with Ninja God Breakthrough A little iffy on this one. A buff that lasts the whole battle is IMO really good.

A - Tier

Itachi Uchiha[Susano'o] Super armor, immune to debuffs, sweep that seals ninjas if they're killed.. unfortunately sweep is easily countered in ranked battles.. so.. A!

Hashirama Senju [First Hokage] Roshi completely counters any barrier ninja. But overall great ninja with amazing buff & interrupt.

Mei Terumi [Fifth Mizukage] Immobile is insane. 7 ninja ignite for 60 chakra?! pretty good..

Mabui Single target heal+cleanses all debuffs AND generates 40 chakra.. along side being able to seal a ninja if mystery kills!!

Hidan [Death Possession Blood] Easily countered by any sealing skill.. Besides that, does crazy damage, can be used to generate aggro from bursts & then just revives 2 rounds later..

Pain - Tendo Immune to ninjutsu, has accupucture, break barrier & capability to * enemy team turn 1?! insane.

Tobirama Senju [Second Hokage] Huge AOE damage! Taijutsu buff.. and its Tobirama.. FREAKING TOBIRAMA!

Orochimaru [Konoha's Traitor] A surprisingly insane ninja.. Free Hashi barrier + immobile.. Possibility to create 2 Hashi's.. Can be used as a chakra generator..

Roshi [Four-tails Jinchuriki] Counters EVERY barrier ninja.. HUGE AOE damage.. Scales damage & armor.. overall CRAZY ninja..

Gaara [Fifth Kazekage] Super armor, huge AOE damage, immobile, barrier..

Naruto [Sage Mode] Great chakra generator, combo starter, high combo generator, counters ninjas that use Sweep as a standard.

Kabuto [Snake Cloak] Chakra generator, Prompt revive, poison, paralyze.. great ninja

Ao Acupuncture bot that gives a shield and can possibly give 40 chakra turn one

Sakura [Sailor Uniform] Great healer and tank.. can easily scale..

Sasuke [Susano'o] Mystery with high chance to crit = HUGE damage. Immune to ninjutsu and has super armor. Has ignition.

Deidara [Edo Tensei] I haven't used him yet but judging by his skills.. 12 ninja mystery, summons two clay units that ignites and they could be used as a chakra generator if teamed with the right ninjas. Also has crit % scaling.

Pain - Jigokudo Great healer, chakra generator, and res

Shino [Great Ninja War] Yes. HE IS A-TIER. Ridiculous chakra generator.. oh the possibilities he could do with his chakra generating abilities... His mystery can freaking interrupt 3 people... RIDICULOUSLY ANNOYING. If he did more damage, I'd consider him S-tier.

B - Tier

Sakura [Great Ninja War] Pros: has slugs as meat shield and they cleanse + heal Cons: free chakra.

Masked Man Turn one immobile, dodges first attack/mystery, immobile chase, decent damage

Naruto [Four Tails] Ignite on hit. Huge mystery damage. Unfortunately doesn't have chase.

Naruto [Six Tails] Ignite on hit. Even heavier mystery damage. Doesn't have chase & sweep is too easy to counter.

Hinata AMAZING f2p tank, can counter sweep ninjas. Acupuncture is pretty good.

Kabuto Great heals, c*e clones to meat shield & counter sweep ninjas. These clones can be used as a chakra generator.

Guy Mainly used as a taijutsu + life steal buff bot. Mystery interrupts, chase ignites.. not bad not bad!

Kimimaro AMAZING f2p tank, can easily scale for more defense, should be used to counter sweep ninjas for free scaling.

Asuma [Wind Blade] Great team buff, should be used in turn 1 burst teams. (On the fence on moving him to C-tier just because his buff is easily countered).

Iruka Great konoha ninja buffer, interrupt mystery, Can be used as a marker(will go over what i mean in the tips & tricks section).

Killer Bee Immune. Jinchuriki buffer, decent mystery.

Tenten [Great Ninja War] Turn one capabilities, paralysis, decent damage.

Pain - Ningendo Genjutsu mirror is insane. Chaos is insane. Immobile is insane.

Pain - Shurado That interrupt f'ing hurts. Could be used as a marker (will go over what i mean in the tips & tricks section).

Jiraiya [Sage Mode] Free 20 chakra. Great ninja to use for high chase combos. High chance for a repulse combo start with standard. Sadly i don't think his mystery is worth it. 60 chakra for a 4 man ignite and that damage...... *looks at Mei.

Pain - Gakido Great support with the cleanse, immune shield, and akatsuki buff. Budget Hanzo xD

Kurenai Great support with immune shield & heal. Will be even better when her skill books come out.

Konan Great support for akatsuki and she has tag. Damage a little lacking.

Neji [Great Ninja War] Can be used to counter sweep, has acupuncture. If lucky, could counter A LOT of standard attacks and be annoying..

Karin Heal + easy poison stacker..

Hidan That mystery damage.... and he revives 2 rounds later to do it again?!

Cee That F'ING BLIND IS SO ANNOYING. Fairly decent chakra generator, ability to remove ALL BUFFS + BLIND is insane. Han's mystery but better.

Hinata [Great Ninja War] Can be used to counter sweep. That revive is annoying. Acupuncture.

Ginkaku Immobile turn one, can be used as a marker(will go over what i mean in the tips & tricks section). Also has acupuncture.

Onoki [Third Tsuchikage] Literally gives a Killer Bee mystery for one turn EVERY ROUND. Could be used as a combo starter. Mystery that can seal a ninja if killed AND it hits 9 ninjas..

Mu [Second Tsuchikage] Has a meat shield clone, Mystery that can seal a ninja if killed. Immobile chase. Revives after two rounds.

Haku [Edo Tensei] Barrier, acupuncture, more damage to NON edo ninjas..

Hiruzen Sarutobi [Third Hokage] Resistance buff for konoha. Has Enma, annoying. Annoying death reaper skill..

Minato Namikaze [Fourth Hokage] Resistance buff for konoha. That tag damage... unfortunately its random targeting..

Ay [Fourth Raikage] Immobile chase, super armor.

Danzo Shimura "Revive" mystery, immobile chase, barrier, and possible chaos.

Darui That 7 man paralyze. That 10 combo chase paralyze. That standard attack paralyze. I HATE PARALYSIS. I HATE THIS GUY.

Mifune Buff remover mystery.. insane.

Gengetsu Hozuki [Second Mizukage] Ignite, tag, immobile, resetting mystery, decent damage.

Sasuke **with Kirin +2 Skill Breakthrough 12 unit Paralysis..

C - Tier

Lee [Eight Inner Gates] Ignite chase, meh damage.

Han [Five-Tails Jinchuriki] Super armor.. that's it. Has a weak sweep, mystery's damage is meh.

Chojuro [Mist's Seven Swordsmen] Sweep is too easy to counter. Mystery's damage is meh.

Kurotsuchi Annoying mystery but easily countered.

Sasuke Barrier, ignite, overall decent ninja.

Tenten [Cheongsam] Damage is meh.

Utakata [Six-Tails Jinchuriki] Mystery requires ninjas to be poisoned -.- wtf. Immune. 20 combo chase poison.

Fu [Seven-Tails Jinchuriki] Sleep is annoying but easily countered.

Nagato [Edo Tensei] Buff remover, immune, cleanses edo ninjas, ignite chase.

Ino [Swimsuit] Heals, chaos. male ninja defense & resistance buffer.

Ino [Great Ninja War] Chakra generator, heals, chaos.

Kankuro [Great Ninja War] Mystery no longer poisons, puppet can aggro. Ignite.

Deidara Ignite.. i wish bomb team was still a thing xD

Elder Chiyo [Chikamatsu of Ten Puppets] Chakra generator, high combo chase capabilities.

Pain - Chikushodo Tag, great akatsuki buffer.

Yugito Nii [Two-Tails Jinchuriki] Damage is meh, ignite. Revives 2 rounds later.

Kisame Hoshigaki Sadly his chakra stealing isn't good unless he's attacking a chakra generating team.

Haku Barrier, acupuncture. Surprisingly decent damage.

Sasuke [Playboy] Buffs females. Paralysis mystery. Ignite chase.

Temari [Great Ninja War] Buff remover, sadly counters yourself because it removes debuffs aswell..

Kakashi Okay f2p ninja.. a little squishy but not bad.

Gaara Barrier. Mystery damage is insane for some reason.

Itachi Uchiha Barrier. Can be used to make crazy teams.

Yagura [Three-Tails Jinchuriki] Countered too easily. Acupuncture.

Rasa [Fourth Kazekage] Super armor, immobile, paralyze. BUT WAY TO SQUISHY.

Temari [Five Kage Summit] Wind shield buff.

Tobi RiP tobi.

Tsunade [Sanin War] Meh heals

Naruto Better Naruto versions

Kidomaru Scales damage and defense

Tayuya Scales damage and defense(?)

Choji [Great Ninja War] Nonprompt AOE damage.. damage is meh

Kiba [Great Ninja War] Can be used to counter sweep

Suigetsu Damage is meh

Orochimaru [Sanin War] Chakra generator

Jiraiya [Sanin War] Meh.

Jugo Tank.

Baki Meh.

Fu Yamanaka Chaos

Ukon Sakon Defense & resist debuff

Kakuzu Meh

Sai [Great Ninja War] Immobile, sweep counter

Zabuza[Mist's Seven Swordsman] Immobile

Akatsuchi Sweep counter

Shikamaru [Make-Out Paradise] Chakra generator, immobile

Kinkaku Immobile

Killer Bee [Samehada] Steals chakra, jinchu buff

Kakashi [Make-Out Paradise] Chakra generator, acupuncture

Torune Aburame Chakra generator, poison

Choza Akimichi Meh tank

Kakashi [Beheading Sword] Immobile

Sasori [100 Puppets Performance] Counter sweeps, chakra generator mule

Sasori Paralysis

Asuma Meh

Elder Chiyo Res

Shizune Poison

D - Tier

Not even going to explain why these ninjas are garbage






Konohamaru [Konohamaru Corps]














Obito [Shonen]

Kakashi [Shonen]


Hebihime [Amber]

Hebihime [Agate]

This post was last edited by s10SeismicSakur on 2017-08-11 09:31:06.
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On 2017-08-09 16:48:55Show this Author Only

chojuro C tier ?

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On 2017-08-09 17:20:12Show this Author Only

A tier list for ranked is much more subjective than one for normal teams.

An example, If you do not have tsunade 5th Hokage, Jigokudo is the single best healer that can be in your lineup. Yet he is B tier.

Presumably you have tsunade 5th Hokage and Hanzo, thus Jigokudo is redundant for such a lineup, however without tsunade who often heals your whole lineup, Jigokudo is priceless since he can heal 2 units, dispel debuffs and revive fallen units.

Another example, you put Minato as an S tier ninja. Yet he is rathet squicky and you need him to be on move 1 or 2 to be efficient at interrupting. This means that you need to put a tank in front of him, otherwise he might just be killed in the first rounds of the fight. At the same time you put Raza, a ninja with super armor, paralyze chase and immobile mystery as C tier when he can stop a whole 4 man unit of your opponent in its tracks (A raza - kazekage - Nagato - Earth main unit is deadly on ranked, and it has 2 C tier ninjas and 1 A tier one).

And i haven't talked about a skill broken sasuke who is very useful in ranked since it can paralyze 9 units, create a barrier turn 1 and his chases allow him to connect many ninjas together.

While I appreciate the effort of making such a list, people who use it must take into account that it will nor accurately reflect the strength of a ranked lineup. A ranked team with A tier ninjas can be easily defeated by a better thought lineup filled with mostly B tier or even C tier ninjas.

The one I do agree is OP for ranked is tsunade who can heal up to 9 units. That's insane.

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On 2017-08-09 18:17:12Show this Author Only
  • Armand__ On 2017-08-09 17:20:12
  • A tier list for ranked is much more subjective than one for normal teams.

    An example, If you do not have tsunade 5th Hokage, Jigokudo is the single best healer that can be in your lineup. Yet he is B tier.

    Presumably you have tsunade 5th Hokage and Hanzo, thus Jigokudo is redundant for such a lineup, however without tsunade who often heals your whole lineup, Jigokudo is priceless since he can heal 2 units, dispel debuffs and revive fallen units.

    Another example, you put Minato as an S tier ninja. Yet he is rathet squicky and you need him to be on move 1 or 2 to be efficient at interrupting. This means that you need to put a tank in front of him, otherwise he might just be killed in the first rounds of the fight. At the same time you put Raza, a ninja with super armor, paralyze chase and immobile mystery as C tier when he can stop a whole 4 man unit of your opponent in its tracks (A raza - kazekage - Nagato - Earth main unit is deadly on ranked, and it has 2 C tier ninjas and 1 A tier one).

    And i haven't talked about a skill broken sasuke who is very useful in ranked since it can paralyze 9 units, create a barrier turn 1 and his chases allow him to connect many ninjas together.

    While I appreciate the effort of making such a list, people who use it must take into account that it will nor accurately reflect the strength of a ranked lineup. A ranked team with A tier ninjas can be easily defeated by a better thought lineup filled with mostly B tier or even C tier ninjas.

    The one I do agree is OP for ranked is tsunade who can heal up to 9 units. That's insane.

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On 2017-08-09 19:03:31Show this Author Only

The thing is depending on your lineup, an A tier ninja might be less useful than a C tier. Thus players who are just starting with the game can essentially force them into their lineups in a detrimental way for them

I think that separating ninjas into tiers, which in of itself is already somewhat subjective, can be counterproductive to readers and does not really help in making lineups.

However, pointing out which ninjas have great talents for ranked (tsunade hokage, Hanzo, Roshi, sailor, etc.) or even better actually giving examples of strong ranked 4 man teams would be of great use to others.

The ninja tier list was controversial since some meta lineups ninjas where B tier, This applies even more so to ranked where the synergy of teams must take into account the 3 lineups! Han can be a A tier ninja if you make teams that get stronger over time and do not rely on initial buffs, while it can be E tier if you are a LM with a swordsman ranked lineup.

So yes, it is a problem that jigokudo is B rank or chojuro C rank. New players may think that they are * for ranked while in reality they can become the keystones of a team. Thus comming back to my initial statement, organising ninjas by tiers for ranked is not a good idea and is not the same as pointing out which ninjas are good or bad for such an instance.

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On 2017-08-09 20:23:34Show this Author Only

I would like to read about ranked team creation and lineups composition (espetially with f2p ninja). My main pvp team (Earth, Hitana, Kankuro, GNW Sakura) is quite decent in pvp when i can choose targets for Hinata acupuncture (both Main and Kankuro mystery start combo with Hinata), but at auto battle on ranked it choose weird targets (just like Neji interrupt block Kabuto instead of Gaara) and is much less efective.

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On 2017-08-09 20:44:58Show this Author Only


Your list is wrong.

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On 2017-08-09 21:44:51Show this Author Only
  • Al3x On 2017-08-09 20:44:58
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    Your list is wrong.

You are first with 83k power and second person has 69k, it is quite a big diffrence (1/6 more power), so even with worse ninja You are advantageus.

This post was last edited by Hedon on 2017-08-09 22:22:04.
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On 2017-08-10 00:21:01Show this Author Only
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On 2017-08-10 00:49:54Show this Author Only

No photos uploaded

This post was last edited by Luxiâ on 2017-08-10 00:54:13.
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On 2017-08-10 02:58:17Show this Author Only
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-08-09 16:48:55
  • chojuro C tier ?

I put chojuro C tier because he is EASILY countered. Put a roshi or kimi in the front and have a free ramp up, sage naruto clone, any one that can summon a unit, gnw sai, sage kabuto, etc. and sadly his damage isnt amazing either. :/.

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On 2017-08-10 03:20:22Show this Author Only
  • Armand__ On 2017-08-09 17:20:12
  • A tier list for ranked is much more subjective than one for normal teams.

    An example, If you do not have tsunade 5th Hokage, Jigokudo is the single best healer that can be in your lineup. Yet he is B tier.

    Presumably you have tsunade 5th Hokage and Hanzo, thus Jigokudo is redundant for such a lineup, however without tsunade who often heals your whole lineup, Jigokudo is priceless since he can heal 2 units, dispel debuffs and revive fallen units.

    Another example, you put Minato as an S tier ninja. Yet he is rathet squicky and you need him to be on move 1 or 2 to be efficient at interrupting. This means that you need to put a tank in front of him, otherwise he might just be killed in the first rounds of the fight. At the same time you put Raza, a ninja with super armor, paralyze chase and immobile mystery as C tier when he can stop a whole 4 man unit of your opponent in its tracks (A raza - kazekage - Nagato - Earth main unit is deadly on ranked, and it has 2 C tier ninjas and 1 A tier one).

    And i haven't talked about a skill broken sasuke who is very useful in ranked since it can paralyze 9 units, create a barrier turn 1 and his chases allow him to connect many ninjas together.

    While I appreciate the effort of making such a list, people who use it must take into account that it will nor accurately reflect the strength of a ranked lineup. A ranked team with A tier ninjas can be easily defeated by a better thought lineup filled with mostly B tier or even C tier ninjas.

    The one I do agree is OP for ranked is tsunade who can heal up to 9 units. That's insane.

Thanks for feedback!

Though i did put a disclaimer that this is a biased tier list as i have not messed around with all the ninjas yet.

Its also what Facepalm addressed, that this list should be used to consider which ninjas you should implement in your teams. I do see your point though that, to form a great team you need to be mixing it up. Not just have all A tiers in a team but also having B tiers, C tiers, and god forbid, D tiers. But i believe youre looking at this the wrong way.

The way i intended this list to be looked at is that players SHOULD have atleast one of the higher tiers in a team to formulate a great team!

I will address this on the disclaimer, thank you, i can see why people may shun this tier list because of that!

For jigokudo, thinking about it, i think youre right. I for some reason wasnt thinking about his full capabilities, res, chakra generator and a two ninja heal+cleanse is quite good.

Rasa on the other hand, i will argue. Yes he has an immobile, paralyze, and super armor, but he is disgustingly squishy. I've tested him multiple times and unfortunately he doesnt make the cut. He dies from huge aoe+chakra generator teams. Dont get me wrong, hes decent in a regular PVP match but in ranked battle where someone can have a mei,tendo,onoki,gaara on top of 40 chakra ninjas all go off on the same turn, nah.. Not good enough. Not to mention 80 chakra for a 3 man immobile & it only hits 4 people?! Hard pass!!!!!!!!!

For minato, you can easily manipulate who gets targeted. Is all im going to say for now. I will include tips&tricks on this tier list later on, after i finish making the tier list.

Again, thank you for the feedback!

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On 2017-08-10 03:24:05Show this Author Only
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I was actually planning on adding team suggestions in after i finish the tier list :)

If you have any 4 man team suggestions. Ill gladly save it and put it in when i get to it!

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On 2017-08-10 03:27:45Show this Author Only
  • Al3x On 2017-08-09 20:44:58
  • Screenshot_25

    Your list is wrong.

May i know how my list is wrong? Not very constructive xD

And judging by your line ups, almost all of em are high tier ninjas, so i think im correct! xD.

And what Hedon said is sadly true. Having a 15k power difference is huge, and does play a great part in how you form a team. You can get away with more unusual teams.

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On 2017-08-10 11:17:27Show this Author Only
  • Hedon On 2017-08-09 20:23:34
  • I would like to read about ranked team creation and lineups composition (espetially with f2p ninja). My main pvp team (Earth, Hitana, Kankuro, GNW Sakura) is quite decent in pvp when i can choose targets for Hinata acupuncture (both Main and Kankuro mystery start combo with Hinata), but at auto battle on ranked it choose weird targets (just like Neji interrupt block Kabuto instead of Gaara) and is much less efective.

Hi Hedon!

Sorry for responding so late. I will go more indepth with how targeting works after i completely finish the tier list. I will be sharing some tips & tricks and even possible team comps you can make to better your ranked battle teams.

For right now i will tell you that the way the targeting works in ranked battle is that it always focuses the target with the lowest hp

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On 2017-08-11 01:20:50Show this Author Only
  • s10SeismicSakur On 2017-08-10 03:27:45
  • May i know how my list is wrong? Not very constructive xD

    And judging by your line ups, almost all of em are high tier ninjas, so i think im correct! xD.

    And what Hedon said is sadly true. Having a 15k power difference is huge, and does play a great part in how you form a team. You can get away with more unusual teams.

ok first of all Itachi Susanoo have the strongest sweep in the game and chaos 2 rounds. which is making him a S-Tier ninja mostly in ranked battle gnw .

second you can't make Tendo a S-Tier Ninja as he needs 80 chakra to use his mistery and that's meaning 2 ninjas waisting for him, meaning to use him in the first round as is no use if you don't use Tendo in the first round. so is no way to make him S-tier.

Minato N. Flash Jacket - you can't make him S-Tier ninja just because he dodges, he doesn't dodge Sasuke 1010 itachi , and many others ninja. again is wrong.

and i can continue to every ninja . i don't know if you got them or not, but if you are using them you should try to see how they really work, so please don't use Itachi Susanoo in your A list as you don't even know how good is he in that .

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-11 03:36:28Show this Author Only
  • Al3x On 2017-08-11 01:20:50
  • ok first of all Itachi Susanoo have the strongest sweep in the game and chaos 2 rounds. which is making him a S-Tier ninja mostly in ranked battle gnw .

    second you can't make Tendo a S-Tier Ninja as he needs 80 chakra to use his mistery and that's meaning 2 ninjas waisting for him, meaning to use him in the first round as is no use if you don't use Tendo in the first round. so is no way to make him S-tier.

    Minato N. Flash Jacket - you can't make him S-Tier ninja just because he dodges, he doesn't dodge Sasuke 1010 itachi , and many others ninja. again is wrong.

    and i can continue to every ninja . i don't know if you got them or not, but if you are using them you should try to see how they really work, so please don't use Itachi Susanoo in your A list as you don't even know how good is he in that .

You clearly just skipped the whole beginning part of my post.

If you watched the video you would see that i have these ninjas minus itachi.

I have 6 tails naruto. His damage is close to itachis sweep damage if not the same. And hebis garbage in ranked battle. SWEEP IS TOO EASY TO COUNTER IN RANKED BATTLE.

A simple sage naruto clone can competely stop sweep ninjas. A kabuto clone. Hinata. Kimimaru. Gaara. Han. Raza. A D-tier ninja used as a meat shield. Need i go on?

Now about his chaos. His chaos does damage and chaos's. That means when he uses his mystery turn one. A healer will simply heal it off as heals go on the lowest HP. Not to mention ANY support can easily stop this. SO YES ITACHI IS GOOD IN A 1v1 ARENA MATCH BUT IN RANKED BATTLE NO.

Your tendo argument is very fair, ill consider.

His dodge isnt the reason why he's S tier.

Again, please READ EVERYTHING before going on a tangent. "Please try using them and see how they really work" lol. Im probably one of the only ones that doesnt use the Skip Battle feature just to see how each ninja plays out. I would not be making such tier list if i did not know how any of these ninjas work .

And just "fire back" Did i not say in your previous post that because you have 15k more power than your second place you'd be able to work more things in?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-11 04:32:22Show this Author Only

Tier list is subjective to each player. Example, people sleep heavily on Hokage Minato. I did for a while as well. The 40% res buff makes a team more tanky. 5 rounds of that for every ninja on the field. I set my ranked team up to maximize his mystery to interrupt all the units in a camp.His B rating is debatable but again subjective to each player. I do agree that some ninjas are more effective than others, it truly just depends on your setup. I do disagree with sweep ninjas being less effective in ranked. I find that, sweeps become better over the course of the fight. Its a highly underrated auto. I would honestly go on to argue that Itachi Susanoo and 6 Tails are MORE effective for ranked rather than PVP. Also 15k isn't much of a difference in ranked believe it or not. The only teams that become a hassle to deal with are the perma heal teams, which in my server people have two camps of. Other than that, you can build a team to counter their team specifically. Some ranked teams wont beat every team. That's the nature of it. Mains also factor into the effectiveness of your overall ranked team. I think mains can be ranked. I would honestly put lightning main as a C simply because he doesn't bring enough to a team ranked wise. More often than not you'll build more around him rather than a decent comp. But again, that is subjective. I liked the gameplay and this post though. Thank you for taking the time to inform others. Not here to argue! Just giving my 2 cents!

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On 2017-08-11 09:16:50Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-08-11 04:32:22
  • Tier list is subjective to each player. Example, people sleep heavily on Hokage Minato. I did for a while as well. The 40% res buff makes a team more tanky. 5 rounds of that for every ninja on the field. I set my ranked team up to maximize his mystery to interrupt all the units in a camp.His B rating is debatable but again subjective to each player. I do agree that some ninjas are more effective than others, it truly just depends on your setup. I do disagree with sweep ninjas being less effective in ranked. I find that, sweeps become better over the course of the fight. Its a highly underrated auto. I would honestly go on to argue that Itachi Susanoo and 6 Tails are MORE effective for ranked rather than PVP. Also 15k isn't much of a difference in ranked believe it or not. The only teams that become a hassle to deal with are the perma heal teams, which in my server people have two camps of. Other than that, you can build a team to counter their team specifically. Some ranked teams wont beat every team. That's the nature of it. Mains also factor into the effectiveness of your overall ranked team. I think mains can be ranked. I would honestly put lightning main as a C simply because he doesn't bring enough to a team ranked wise. More often than not you'll build more around him rather than a decent comp. But again, that is subjective. I liked the gameplay and this post though. Thank you for taking the time to inform others. Not here to argue! Just giving my 2 cents!

Thank you for your input!

I wanted to put mains in the tier rankings aswell but i actually capped on character count .

Yes & no on the sweep ninjas.

I disagree with the fact that they are MORE effective on the basis of, how easy it is to counter sweeps. I've tried my *dest to incorporate 6-tails into my team, every set-up every possible combo, only for him to get countered by a sage naruto or even a gnw shino.. dont get me wrong, their mysterys are insane but their sweep null. I stand by the fact that Susanoo itachi's kit WILL NOT carry a ranked battle team which is why hes an A-tier. (Actually thinking about this now, tendo is going to be moved down to A-tier xD)

I do very much agree on this being subjective! Im trying my best to make it unbiased as possible

And on the subject of 15k making a difference, while i do agree it doesnt play as huge as a factor in ranked battle as opposed to a regular pvp match, it is still very much there. The damage difference, initiative, tankiness, and more, all of which does affect whether or not your team will win or not. It is in fact noticable enough that it c*low you to create weirder stall teams or even allow you to not fully utilize a ninjas kit.

What i do request from you guys though is a video of Susasnoo itachi in a ranked battle against someone with even or greater power than the user. I really want to be proved wrong in this matter because I've never used the ninja before and my speculations are just on the base of reading his kit and seeing how he fights in a regular arena match!

Again i do thank you for your two cents and for reading my post!

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