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[ Other ] I was reported on 1st offence 1 more and i am banned


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-07 22:39:27Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hi id like to speak with oasis thank you for giving thread, but a few days ago a report was placed upon me, but it was reports for a few months back, and the person who was doing it was baiting at the time, i have already filed a report in the proper report thread, but it is still going on, i have a few screenshots but only 2 at this moment, from others who cannot report because they cannot enter forums. But i wish to ask that i was told 3 warnings and then a ban unless the report is significant but as far as i saw nothing on there was * enough to give me 1 warning only. I will re file my report upon the person who did this for he has harassed so many in the past and will in the future. I ask that Proof of being reported i ask what do you mean "REQUIRED AMOUNT IN ACCORDANCE"?? it confuses me since its my first ever offence, and i do not know you see. not just that sometimes whoever writes these, their grammar tends to wander so makes it hard to understand. Thank you for your time

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-10 21:47:17Show All Posts
  • Ṛik On 2017-08-08 01:44:50
  • Hello,

    I'm the person who reported you - Riktsuke. I'd love to know how I was "the one harassing you" as you said in the post here. Also, reporting me for something that has no time and date + doesn't have the whole conversation what was the discussion on World Chat about, seems like a very bad "revenge" from you. If I can ask you, please next time you will want to report something, use the proper format and proof with date and time as I did when I reported you. :)

    As for the "riktsuke who has been trolling in server 146 for a long time and making people get mad and he has been reporting these people to get them banned", I don't remember making people mad so I could report them, you were the first one I have ever reported for misbehavior as you said something bad about my mother.

    Also " He has pestered to many of us in there and everybody is trying to get evidence so this is made for more than just 1 of us.", if you consider everybody as you and your friends from your and other group, then fine and I'd really love to see the evidence of me doing the stuff you have mentioned in your posts.

    Have a nice day,

    Riktsuke :)

    PS.: Baiting for you means jumping in the conversation when it had nothing to do with you? (the proper proof)

im not even going to comment on what you put all im going to say is, HELPFUL INFO ONLY idc who reported me, im just asking what does the comment mean. * it harassing me even on the stuff i put up. i see the screenshot that was taken ages ago, im pretty sure you was harassing then i came in to be a *, thats true but i did say in there, that you can say it then so can we, now could you not reply on this because this is general help, not a fight help and stop with hating everybody on the server

This post was last edited by drpepperman21@o on 2017-08-10 21:57:54.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-10 21:51:23Show All Posts

those screenshots was because i thought you was baiting for a moment besides you already used them as report, and that is not what i wanted, you unhelpfully put that here to try and make me more mad to attempt to argue with you so you can get me banned, again I DONT CARE who reported me, i just need help with a certain message that oasis sent to me, saying the next time i will be banned, for the ammount with 2 Ms btw, what confused me what they meant bu AMMOUNT, like if its temp or perm, i have no idea.....i mean ye i was off my head that day awhile back, i was just tryna be defensive and went out of hand so just for oasis information this person who has commented has been like this towards me for awhile, so now im screenshotting whenever he is mean to somebody now, if i still have the message i will send it here so i can get some proper help rather than being hated online by rik.

PS: please use the proper thread for a report, this is not the proper thread. thank you

This post was last edited by drpepperman21@o on 2017-08-10 22:33:01.
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