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[ Bugs ] Super Kage Blade decrease into Kage Sword


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 43
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On 2017-08-11 04:16:50Show All Posts
  • AddisonEmery On 2017-08-11 02:58:47
  • Hi there,

    To confirm, after clearing your cache and checking all your other equipment, is the item still missing?

Hey, I didn't get a chance to respond bcs you closed my thread on "Lag". It was well explained however my connection is fine everywhere else and that still doesn't explain why others in my server are also getting the same lag when usually they have good connection. Clearly this can't suddenly all be happening from each individual players side meaning there must be server connection problems.
I understand networking and I doubt a influx of players suddenly is suddenly causing these delays. Can you comment on this i.e. why a lot of ppl are suddenly experiencing "lag"?
P.s. Cleaning system in the client changed nothing plus there is a occasional game where the other player isn't "lagging".

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-11 04:56:57Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-08-11 04:31:56
  • Lag isn't always a network problem. In flash games, flash rendering is a big problem too. For this game in particular, whenever a chase chain happens, there will be delays. Because on the server side, chase takes almost no time, whereas... well.. chase takes however long it does to render on client side. So whenever a mystery is to be cast in the middle of the round, especially after a chase chain have occurred, there would be a difference in when you think you casted it and when it is actually casted.

    I'm not sure about attack/mystery animation, as those tend to be shorter and usually lead into a chase themselves which masks the problem. But it's possible that long-animation mystery, such as Kazekage gaara, might also cause this problem if the server only allot a fixed amount of "wait time" for each mystery cast.

    This, by the way, is why I mentioned hardware on the lag issue. Because different computer hardware will render things at different rate on flash. I know there is a slight difference at which I can retreat from fox to complete all my attacks between my weaker laptop vs my desktop (thou slight, because my weaker laptop is still a decent machine. But, from what I've heard, chrome book is horrible on this front)

Ok so now I don't know what the problem could be bcs literally everything runs smoothly i.e. the animations and chases except when it comes to using a mystery skill (I mean waiting for that square above their head; this has almost caused my iruka to be useless now) and having that alone have rendering issues. That is a bit strange and now add that others are suddenly having this issue. I've got up to date flash and my hardware hasn't changed so I can't pinpoint where the issue might be but then again I haven't had this problem be anywhere near as serious as today or maybe even at all.
Am I missing a obvious answer here?

This post was last edited by Emperor Ziel on 2017-08-11 04:58:39.
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