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[ Bugs ] Too many bugs, some as old as the game itself.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-16 12:52:42Show All PostsDescending Order
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Lght main mystery says it removes debuffs, it does not, either bug or wrong description, either way, it should not happen. Ever. Fix it. Similiar bug/wrong descriptions occurs with earth main mystery after the patch. It says his mystery shields only HIM but it shields the whole team

Another one is bug with refine events. I did not lose anything, but most people did and 3 charms compensation? People lost hundreds or thousands of coupons because of your fault. Because you put events earlier than you should. Why make everyone pay for your mistakes? Send everyone exactly what they lost from rebates. You can find it in logs, kinda easy.

Another bug .. we are playing 3 weeks now with German translations in Home interface and well ... pretty much everywhere. Really? Fix it. As a provider and not an owner of the game, translations are pretty much your only job as you have stated you have no developer team to fix bugs yourselves.

Another one is Iruka description saying he buffs all ninjas in the field. Wrong. He only buffs his team, not field. Fix it. All of these bugs are present for months. the wrong Iruka description since the game started. Cmon ... Tell me what are you doing about it please. Bcs I doubt I am the first one to report it. And changing a few words could not be any easier. Also there is a battle chat bug making people unable to chat. I love the game, but you gave us half baked patch atm. Why not just wait a little longer. The wait is always better if the thing to come is perfect.

Focus entirely on fixing all bugs and wrong description that exist in the game. Nothing is more important than bugless game. Look at Blizzard or Riot, if there is a bug it is fixed within hours and it has higher priority than breathing. Looking forward to see the game fixed at the and of the week :) thank you or say goodbye to my pretty dollars. Or gimme the source code to fix it myself. Don't know what else to say. Where is your HQ so I can ask in person, is it the one in Shanghai? Because I feel like things posted on forums stay on forums and are not dealt with at all. Some are even deleted instead of replied.

Last time Qolem surprised me. Let's hope he can do so again.

Also, and I think this is A MUST! there should be a redirect from old forum threads to new forums, because when you try to lookup old team suggestions etc. all you get is that the site is not working. Obv as it is on old forums.

PS: read all the comments as well as there are many more bugs added.

This post was last edited by John Dope on 2017-08-16 12:52:42.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-07 16:15:42Show All Posts

Oh and I might add that all barrier ninjas are bugged. First of all. Even without the skill book the barrier stays even after using mystery (gaara, sasuke, anko etc.) and the worst of all is its bugged cooldown. If you use your barrier the last round it stays, you have to be able to reactivate it the next. Instead it gives you 3 rounds cooldown, So basically you c*e your mystery once every 6 rounds. And it has been like that since adding some skill books to the game. It is a MUST FIX! Bugs are number 1 priority! Always. Bugs are only acceptable first week after adding new patch. Some of these bugs are here for months. Why hasn't they been fixed please? :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-07 23:03:45Show All Posts
  • Cornholio On 2017-08-07 20:45:04
  • Mifune report too,after his mystery,shields still standing

he only removes shields for the one person he attacks. Would be kinda op to remove buffs and shields for everyone .. :D

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On 2017-08-08 02:49:51Show All Posts

Also fix the * battle chat. So annoying when we cannot chat with each other. Mmorpgs were made to connect ugly fat nerds with others. Because before everyone was just playing singles and did not know any human being lol. Messing up the chat is like destroying the very purpose of this genre.

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On 2017-08-09 00:21:08Show All Posts
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-08-08 05:41:37
  • lmfao that comment is pure gold

Thanks thanks :D would like to get a "golden" answer from a custom service as well. Still nothing after 2 days. I think especially bugs needs to be dealt with within hours. Another bug to add is earth main's mystery. Either it is bug or once again wrong description and it needs to be changed IMMIDIATELY! It says he generates shield with his mystery for himself only. While he generates it for everyone from the team. Fix the * descriptions ... or fix the bugs.

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On 2017-08-09 10:28:41Show All Posts

Bump ... 3 days still no answer, apology nor fixed descriptions/bugs. One would say taht for 15000 coupons monthly mods could work a bit faster ... let me borrow this Addison's "eks de" xD

This post was last edited by John Dope on 2017-08-09 10:29:43.
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On 2017-08-10 02:23:55Show All Posts
  • PoisonScrub On 2017-08-09 20:48:14
  • They mentioned this wasn't a bug before. You c*e the mystery and the barrier will stay for all 3 rounds, regardless. Using the mystery will trigger a cooldown though, so if you want continuous gaara barrier, you can't use the mystery. Kinda *, but maybe they figured sasuke and gaara are too strong or something.

Actually it is a bug :) the cooldown is triggered by laucnhing the barrier not by using it's second prompt effect. And if you use your prompt the 3rd round of the barrier, the next round you have to be able to use the barrier again. ATM we have only 1 type of Sasukes skillbreakthrough and that is the one dealing AoE paralyze. Normally there is a second one THAT is the one that allows the barrier to last 3 rounds continuously. Saying this is how it is suppossed to be is just an excuse. I play CN and this is just a bug people are not fixing that occured after adding skillbreaks. They say it is a boost, but it is not if you miss the chance to reuse the barrier immidiately. It is only boosted in CN as the barrier gives you 60% lght boost over 40% with skillbooks and THEN! It works liek it does with us atm. But only with skillbooks and 60% boost over 40%

This post was last edited by John Dope on 2017-08-10 13:23:44.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-10 03:10:32Show All Posts
  • MoeLester On 2017-08-10 03:06:28
  • Errrr you do know that Mods dont really Earn 15k a month XD If they did you'd think that long term mods would have gotten like Susano'o Itachi to at least 4 Star right now xD trust me bruh they earn wayyyy less than that :p

3k is GL, 10k is normal mod, 15k is Daiske for supermod. Not dollars. Coupons. You would need that much dollars to get 4* itachi :D Daiske got both jonin Minato and masked Obito the second thsoe events came. Without recharging single ingot. You do not really have 25k coupons just like that :D he just saved easily with his motnhly payment.

This post was last edited by John Dope on 2017-08-10 12:47:36.
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On 2017-08-11 20:44:58Show All Posts
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-08-11 18:29:48
  • I always wondered why tf barriers last only until round 3 when it clearly says 5 rounds in the description. Also idk why is daiske still in charge of things here, he's been exposed so many times now that it's impossible to take anything he says seriously...

No idea either :D btw 4 days no reply from customer service aka mods. I do not think this is acceptable behaviour. They should hire more people and more reliable people if they cannot do it atm.

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On 2017-08-14 03:29:37Show All Posts

Well ... yeah ... I quite don't understand what are they paid for. Like ... if I did not do my job in my company I would immidiately lose my job. In 1 day. Or if I were the owner and did not have enough employees I'd hire more. If I knew a contact to their HR or something I'd like to apply to a job :D I can pretty much be online 24/7, I love the game, play CN as well so I know a lot about ... I would not let any thread unanswared for longer than 30 minutes. It pains me that people who got this job do not treasure it as me or some others could if we got the chance. I already tested stuff from customer service and some mods about the differences of CN and thsi servers adn waht is bugged and what is not as I knew the answer from playing CN already and none of them knew the answer and after I explained how it works they changed the answer. About barriers for example Achroma said this is exactly the same as in CN, so I told him how it works and worked in CN when skillbooks came and he changed the answer to: we changed how it works here. I think mods should know all about the game and play all servers to know all answers. Waiting for a mod offer if it comes one day to make use of my nerdy gaming life :D maybe then I could make some of my friends to play again as some of them left literally just because they hated the staff.

This post was last edited by John Dope on 2017-08-15 15:48:14.
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On 2017-08-16 16:06:10Show All Posts
  • SoichiroOni On 2017-08-16 02:01:46
  • because they still get a lot of money even if they avoid your issue man. That is the problem.

    They will start to concern when the money flow stop, but right now people still giving them healthy cash flow, so why bother with "some" rant

Actually I am a spender myself. So I want to see my money to be used to make this game better and better so me and everyone else want to keep playing it. So as a spender I dislike this customer service/mod service even more as me and other spenders are the reason ppl at oasis have food to eat and place to live.

Quicky Post

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