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Refining Rebate bug


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-03 12:01:48Show All Posts

This is Oasis at its finest, I guess.

1. You shouldn't let a bugged event out in the first place. This one alone is already terrible enough.

2. Instead of sending ingame messages to inform players of said event, you created a topic on the forum where most players don't even know exist. (I didn't mean this thread, but there is one concerned about this matter from admin)

I don't have any proof and I don't need to since it's not my fault. You should be able to sort it out and get it all fixed without players' assistance.

This post was last edited by (゚ロ゚;) on 2017-08-03 12:04:27.
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