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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-05 19:34:49Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2017-08-05 19:25:09
  • ^this, I know multiple people in my server don't bother with forums anymore as the censorship, post and thread deletions aswell as the threats of being banned from the moderators come fast, often and unfairly. Either you smile and agree that everything oasis does it great and they are an amazing company that respects and listens to its player base or you get silenced

To be honest, there are lots of people who have spoken their own opinion and gave constructive criticism. There is nothing wrong with positive or negative feedback, it is how you express it and how you write it. If a player swears, if a player falsely accuses. defames, or links to inappropriate youtube videos then yes their posts would be deleted and warned. However, that does not me*l negative feedback will be deleted. You guys say that moderators have become more aggressive, but we have and always are just doing our job to maintain the integrity of the forum and make sure everyone is following the forum rules set out: Found Here.

For many of the posts, it isn't even about censorship. It is about them breaking the rules and consistently doing it even after being warned. I hope you can understand! =]


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-05 21:12:53Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2017-08-05 19:50:08
  • I have no intention of attempting to start an argument with a mod here Jiburiru and would have prefered to send this via pm to avoid it being misconstrued and deleted.( personal here but I am autistic and not great at expressing myself- although I do make sure not to break rules, hence feeling the need to preface some posts)

    but from personal experience I have no choice but to disagree with that last post. Personally know of atleast a dozen people ( not including myself) that have had a hard time discussing anything on the forums lately and none of them broke the rules they care too much about the game and have spent too much money on it to risk being banned. In my server alone there are 5 high paying players that have quit in the past fortnight because after a certain point they just got too disenfranchised with how things are

Hi! If they had not broken any rules, then it would not have been deleted. If there was a case that something was deleted and the player finds it was a mistake (which could be highly possible), then they should talk to the moderator. I do understand that private messaging is not currently up yet and so the best way to contact the moderators would be through Discord at the moment.

Moderators are people too and I think all of us would like to have you guys talk to us directly if there is a problem, so that there is no misunderstanding in the future.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-06 10:19:24Show All Posts

At the moment, the best way to contact moderators and support team is either through Facebook, Discord, or Customer Support. Hopefully, private messaging can come back soon, however, the three platforms provided above will be the best way until then.

I do understand some of your frustrations but the rules that govern the forum has not changed. If it feels like there has been more players warned for breaking rules then one of the possible reasons is that the act of breaking the rules have increased.

I hope you guys can understand, as we moderate the forums to keep it clean. We do have some younger player base which means we also have to make sure there is no inappropriate content.


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