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[ Midnight Blade ] So he QUIT...


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-01 23:29:26Show All PostsDescending Order
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Now I know people dont care but this guy was like a mentor not just me but to a lot of people in the server...First time I met him he asked me to join his group before the merge..but I had to beat him first.I said no way cause I was 20k and he was 40k but he said dont give up so easily and when we got on the battlefield his main was the only ninja there and I won. He said never give up. And not just that he had a thing for players that are trying hard and he usually donate ingots to them like 500 or 1000 and he would say if ur smart spend them on power and more coupons. He was a great player and people from other groups liked him..Just last week he returned 10 players to this game and told me that they havent send not a single reward for that...but did he write it here....nahh he didn't care about his rewards and now those people actually asking why he left...The deleting of the posts that were actually interested him was last drop of water in the pool to spill it out..he did 150 pulls for 1 rare...Our server had amazing potential very high level players but as of now from top 30, 15 or more are gone. We dont see new players and old ones are leaving. My group GNW people 4 months ago was we are 15 the most and we are second in the server...i love this game but this game doesnt love us.

This post was last edited by S.H.I.E.L.D on 2017-08-01 23:29:26.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-01 23:51:33Show All Posts

Nah man ...its pointless ...he didnt care about the 150 seals...he was pissed off cause the Kage treasure wasnt the same and nobody told us...he was pissed cause when people got back everything was bugged...for a fact I know he loves this game...he loves Naruto but I guess everyone has their limits. :-)

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On 2017-08-02 00:03:48Show All Posts
  • Armand__ On 2017-08-01 23:54:25
  • Unfortunately this game is riddled with bugs and a company that could not be more unprofessional if they tried.

    It's sad that this happened to your server. But its worse that it is not an isolated event. Honestly the only advice I could give you is DO NOT use seal scrolls/summon scrolls until things appear to be fixed regarding kage treasures. I pulled both Roshi and Han at around 200 scrolls each during 3.0 so those treasures work properly. Also i encourage you to read the forums often in order to see if there are any problems with something before investing your in game resources. And pass the info to your server/group.

    As far as deleting threads go, i have never been a fan of how it is done in this community.

    To be clear i don't blame Jiburiru or any other mod for deleting posts/threads. They do the best they can and having been a mod of a forum myself in the past, i know its not easy. Specially in an environment that is toxic such as this (it is toxic for good reasons though, mainly the fault of the devs/Oasis decision making). In fact Jiburiru and Qolem are the best mods we have.

    Still usually before deleting a thread, no matter how offensive or ridiculous the conversation may be, it is better to close it with a final message stating WHY the thread was closed (can be going off topic, offensive discussions, or simply irrelevant to the section in which case the correct section must be stated). Then after 24 hrs, the thread can be deleted.

    Sometimes mods do this, sometimes they do not. But its a good way to let people know what they did wrong and at least partially defuse the sentiment of unfairness that will inevitably fall on the other person.

    Well that's my 2 cents on the conversation.

Yes I know that the other treasures are fine and all but the whole 3.0 people that come back...they wont stay seeing everyone is quiting and not getting answers on simple questions...he pulled so he can tell us for a fact that the there was something wrong with the treasure...he will be missed amazing we wouldnt pull and get sad after not having pulled a rare cause I would be...he really wanted us to get the super rares in kages so we would be stronger...cause he had both...i really miss the server we were 4-5 mobths ago but well I guess there is no turning back now.

This post was last edited by S.H.I.E.L.D on 2017-08-02 00:05:08.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-02 00:31:08Show All Posts

Yeah happend in my server too...people dont get Fuu often...btw thx for the discord thing Jib, my brother holds you in a high regard...their server is better then ours def...and probaly I should start doing YouTube videos again like I did with Bleach ...hope Shira will come back if Oasis fix their game cause he left a lot of stuff and ninjas....a lot of ninjas...

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On 2017-08-02 00:47:40Show All Posts

Thank you for the update I have 2 friends that are gonna pull from the kage...over 100 seals and we will record them just in case...again thx for the update Jib.

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On 2017-08-03 05:26:58Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2017-08-03 05:18:15
  • The game ain't perfect but I estimate we lost more people on S2 over time then we did just from 3.0 related stuff. As time goes on people will naturally get tired of a game. Hell, to keep it real with yall right now, NO is the only game I ever played for more than a year straight, and I still have no intention of quitting. I look forward to playing the 3.0 features more once they come out and I agree there are lots of things that could be done better but you could do like many players and just not pay for stuff any more. I don't plan to quit the game any time soon and eventually I will start spending again. For me its more of a personal finance matter than anger towards the company that is preventing me from recharging lol..but I digress;

    There are measures you can take outside of quitting and still enjoy the game. Sure that random 140k ass hole might ruin your SWB streak but * it. You still get advanced refines anyway lol.

Yeah I get you :-D but you get refines if you are top 10 so some dobt get even that...its a v eery good game and they can make it like heaven with full servers but I guess we wont see will come a time in GNW there will be 2 groupa with 6 members each...cause if this doesn't change all my friends will quit.

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On 2017-08-05 20:45:53Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2017-08-05 19:46:25
  • Hi! Although it is hard to see sometimes, Oasis has made many changes based on the communities feedback. From changes to events such as price, to changes to ninjas received in events, to things like adding back Rainbow Magatamas to the "Rescue the Jinchuuki" event. It is easy to sweep away the fact that they do listen to your feedback and just assume that they don't listen, but I am sure many of us in the community are aware of the positive changes they are making. Obviously, not every feedback can be made into a reality, but they are doing their best to slowly make those changes to improve the communities' overall experience.

    A wise person once told me, "if you plant watermelon seeds, then you only get watermelon seeds". If one things does not work, it does not mean that something else won't work either. One cannot assume that Discord wont work just because you had a bad experience. I would try all the avenues before giving my own judgement on something.

    I do recommend using Discord as that is probably the best way you can meet players and get support. Found Here

    Hope this helps you!


Gotta say i was pretty suprised when i saw charm fragments from junchuriki ... it was a nice touch also frags from mitsuri for lower lever players that cant get 4 or 5 wins... pretty happy with that ... but like i said before they should have put the konoha shop from thursday to sunday at least .. if there were players like me i badly needed 20 more charm packs cause got everything in lucky board but dont wanna spend 125 for them also i needed rainbow magatamas .. so the shop ould have been perfect for this week.

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On 2017-08-05 22:34:50Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2017-08-05 21:21:57
  • This is why many of us stress for the communities feedback, whether positive or negative (as long as its constructive). The reason is because we as moderators can suggest things to Oasis, but suggestions are only as strong as the communities feedback behind it. If you guys like Konoha shop and the synergy behind it with other events, then speak out about it and suggest it on the suggestions thread so that we as a team c*e your suggestions as a means of proving that such a change needs to be made. I do know that not every week can be the best events ever, but I am sure many players agree that Konoha shop is great to have especially as an easy synergy with multiple events.

    I will forward your feedback for you; would love to see Konoha shop more often especially to synergize with other events.


Thank you and not just for this week...having konoha shop with charm rebate and lucky board is good...people will say nah u have lucky board for charms...but higher then level 5 in charms wont be enough for the charms in lucky board cause they are just 30...and I know maybe im asking to much but advanced refines in konoha shop would be a gold mine for oasis cause a little cheaper ull get more out of the players...cant stress enough how much we need advance refines..i cAnt get more then 100 in the whole month.

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On 2017-08-06 02:23:34Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-08-06 01:42:43
  • The problem is, most of our feedback seems to be ignored. In the weekly event feedback, every time lucky board comes out we see multiple people say to change sage jiraiya to another ninja, we have seen people asking for that b4 the event feedback threads started and yet we still have him. Alot of people I'm sure, including myself, don't want to spam the threads with the same suggestions again and again(i dont want people to have to wade through the same suggestion 100 times, the current forum doesn let us like the posts though.

    Its part of the reason i had such high hopes for the polls when they first came out, you guys could have asked us how to change specific events to make them better or if we thought they were fine as is and possibly chain polls to get more specifics(poll one asks our opinions on lucky board, 1) fine as is, 2) new ninja on board, 3) more rewards per die, ect, poll 2 chains to ask which ninja we would want if that was the highest in poll 1, and gives us a list of like 10 ninjas we would want to see frags of, you could do that to get a pool of ninjas for the redeem section too, give us 20-30 ninjas to choose from and cycle through the top 10 adding in new ninjas as they come out)

    oasis also still hasn't followed through on some of the promises they made back in march, , specifically the promise for improving the group activity packs and re-adding mood scrolls to the group wheel, tactics and mood scrolls are the only items right now that people have to buy from events/the shop and breakthrough pills which you have to spend/recharge ingots for in events, every other item can be gained for free from some ingame feature(rainbow mags from exams and jin event, normal mags from nine-tails exam group wheel, refines from; coin shops, GNW packs, monthly event and SWB(different levels from different places), thread from SA(are advanced threads in yet? no-one I've talked to in my group got any yet, a bit off topic sorry), charms from jin event, i think you get the point, but reply back if you want me to finish the list)

    i don't want every week to have the best events, i like having time to save up coupons without feeling like i'm missing out on something great, but i also want events to actually have valuable rewards for me, lucky board considered one of the best f2p events is almost worthless for me since im p2p and the scaling of most of the items on the lucky board itself are terrible.

    my lvl 6 mags take 2430 exp to get to 7 so those lvl 2 mags aren't doing much at 15 exp, i don't need medium thread anymore, i pulled kirin for free already i don't need extra summon scrolls, i have over 250 normal stam pots so i dont need those either, the flaying raijin kunai i never use my free daily chances so extras are worthless, i have over 480 seal scrolls so again dont realy need to see them in here, but i'll be thankful for them when the gnw treasure comes out in the future and i get my madara so kinda iffy on this one.

    the point is that events are barely useful for high spenders, so we dont have many reasons to spend anymore unless a new feature or ninja comes out that we want. i personaly and other people in my group have all asked for changes with the event feedback thread, not huge ones, not ones that couldn't be done, but ones that we wanted to make those events valuable to us.

    if there is something specific that needs to happen for the people above you to listen to our feedback then please, tell us, what is it? because the example feedback that is used on that thread is something i'm sure most of us want, how can we get it to happen? 4 people commented on the nerf to jin rewards, i've seen way more than that comment on lucky board throughout the feedback threads. So what do we need to do for our voices to be heard and acted on?

Ok as u said this is the BEST f2p event.. and trust me this event is needed as it is for the weaker players to grow in BP also to get seal scrolls and other stuff... now i know that for u and me and people that have 6 level magatama and above is just not worth it but charms are and i still need some of the medium refines ... point is if those things like u said.. scrolls and magatamas arent there it wont be the best F2P event... and if sage naruto is added and he will be ... the dice will cost 50.. so trust me ur better off this way unless u spend big time so good for you .

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On 2017-08-06 05:42:44Show All Posts

Man I get u believe me ...those 30 charm packs are nothing I spend 70 just now...talked to jib about konoha shop we need rainbow magatat and cheaper charms and dont get me started on 100 medium refines...i mean im almost done with them so I asked him if they can put advance refines so we can get them...they are so hard to get ...

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On 2017-08-06 17:36:00Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2017-08-06 08:06:13
  • Mm To be quite honest with you, some things might be asked a lot but it needs to be constructive criticism to bring about change. Not only should you suggest things but explain why. Why is it that it will benefit the community if this change was to happen. Don't just focus on the negative when you suggest, but just focus on the positive that could happen if this change were to happen, get opinions from players who also want it to happen. Most of all is community support (constructive ones and reasons why they want to happen). Again, I cannot guarantee every suggestion can become a reality, but it is more likely if the suggestion is realistic.


Yeah I get tell the truth im happy that you even forward the request because i know its not up to you and im glad that you are trying to make the game better. But sometimes its hard given the poatition ypu are given I know that all to well.

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