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[ Midnight Blade ] So he QUIT...


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On 2017-08-01 23:48:45Show All Posts

Hi! Sometimes posts are either deleted or closed if there are already existing threads talking about it. For example, posts that talk about Kage Treasure pull has been addressed at least 4-5 times. Continually creating multiple threads wont help the situation, I recommend talking about it in one thread to avoid confusion. based on the response I got, the Kage Treasures have not changed and there was always a chance to get a rare earlier or later than the player predicted threshold. However, due to the multiple complaints about it, I have asked again if there are any changes on the treasure. I understand that some players are frustrated and it is the reason I am asking numerous times again just in case, but I need to ask you guys to give me the time, I will update my post regarding the concern as soon as I can!


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On 2017-08-02 00:02:21Show All Posts
  • Armand__ On 2017-08-01 23:54:25
  • Unfortunately this game is riddled with bugs and a company that could not be more unprofessional if they tried.

    It's sad that this happened to your server. But its worse that it is not an isolated event. Honestly the only advice I could give you is DO NOT use seal scrolls/summon scrolls until things appear to be fixed regarding kage treasures. I pulled both Roshi and Han at around 200 scrolls each during 3.0 so those treasures work properly. Also i encourage you to read the forums often in order to see if there are any problems with something before investing your in game resources. And pass the info to your server/group.

    As far as deleting threads go, i have never been a fan of how it is done in this community.

    To be clear i don't blame Jiburiru or any other mod for deleting posts/threads. They do the best they can and having been a mod of a forum myself in the past, i know its not easy. Specially in an environment that is toxic such as this (it is toxic for good reasons though, mainly the fault of the devs/Oasis decision making). In fact Jiburiru and Qolem are the best mods we have.

    Still usually before deleting a thread, no matter how offensive or ridiculous the conversation may be, it is better to close it with a final message stating WHY the thread was closed (can be going off topic, offensive discussions, or simply irrelevant to the section in which case the correct section must be stated). Then after 24 hrs, the thread can be deleted.

    Sometimes mods do this, sometimes they do not. But its a good way to let people know what they did wrong and at least partially defuse the sentiment of unfairness that will inevitably fall on the other person.

    Well that's my 2 cents on the conversation.

I do understand that completely! I try my best to not delete threads or posts if possible and leave a reply. However, there are times where inappropriate language, swearing, and other reasons may prevent me from leaving such a post. I do try my best to give reasons before deleting T_T

If you do have any concerns and you want to reach me, I am available on the Naruto Online Official Discord Channel found Here.

I will try my best to respond to anyone who has questions. I realize our private messaging system is not up yet which may cause misunderstanding currently and in the future.


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On 2017-08-02 00:44:35Show All Posts

Update: I have received a reply and after further investigation found that the treasures have not been changed! I do recommend those who are concerned about the possibility of a change to record their treasure pulls and send the video to me or customer support. This way we can review each case! But rest assured, there was no change to treasures and treasure count is not reset! Thanks for your patience <3

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via Discord or customer support. I again advise those who are still concerned about the rumors to record their pulls just in case, but rest assured, nothing was changed!


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On 2017-08-02 20:59:47Show All Posts
  • Jack Smith On 2017-08-02 20:40:24
  • "Unfortunately this game is riddled with bugs and a company that could not be more unprofessional if they tried."

    that is the most accurate description possible for the situation.

    Hopefully this post won't be deleted, im not trying to stir anything up, just sharing my experiences about this topic

    There are also multiple people that quit in my server due to the 3.0, not only because only a fraction of the 3.0 stuff was added and we have the go it for the long haul to see an actual realized 3.0 but mostly because its oasis's mo to ignore the players suggestions and opinion. also when some of them came here to find out more about the update if they made a post that even merely hinted at oasis doing something wrong their posts and in some cases whole threads were deleted, they were threatened with being banned because apparently pointing out any flaws is seen as "enciting drama" plus with the new basic as possible forums they couldn't even send pm's to talk about matters or ask mods questions in private. I can attest to that last part myself, i've never heard of discord before but given my personal experiences I know its not worth my time getting it to ask a question that will go unanswered or make a suggestion that wont even be acknowledged let alone considered.

Hi! I for one believe in trying it first before ruling it out. We are aware that private messaging is down at the moment, which makes it difficult sometimes to talk in private or to message someone with a question. I have shared the discord link in case you are unable to find it and recommend that you guys do try to contact us. We do reply back, although not in a matter of seconds, we do try to respond and help as much as we can.

The resources are there, it is up to you to give it a go.

Official Discord: Click Here


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On 2017-08-05 19:46:25Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2017-08-05 19:31:31
  • I may not have used discord before, but have used the forums aswell as the "support" option extensively over the months ive been playing this game, not once have I received anything close to support I wont go into details as I dont want this post to also be deleted.

    "The resources are there, it is up to you to give it a go."

    The resources may technically be there for people to voice concerns and opinions, but every act oasis has taken since they first started this game proves that they could not care any less about giving the people who pay their wages a decent game experience and with the mods very heavy handed censorship we arent actually allowed to discuss anything that really needs to be discussed.

    When I first started this game I spent more money than I should've ( got *ed into that freemium bit) but that all amounted to nothing as the person who dominated my server pvp events works for oasis and gets free stuff, then the cross-server events were implemented and the only change that made was that people were then farmed and beaten repeatedly by either very rich people or oasis staff they dont know rather than the ones they do.

Hi! Although it is hard to see sometimes, Oasis has made many changes based on the communities feedback. From changes to events such as price, to changes to ninjas received in events, to things like adding back Rainbow Magatamas to the "Rescue the Jinchuuki" event. It is easy to sweep away the fact that they do listen to your feedback and just assume that they don't listen, but I am sure many of us in the community are aware of the positive changes they are making. Obviously, not every feedback can be made into a reality, but they are doing their best to slowly make those changes to improve the communities' overall experience.

A wise person once told me, "if you plant watermelon seeds, then you only get watermelon seeds". If one things does not work, it does not mean that something else won't work either. One cannot assume that Discord wont work just because you had a bad experience. I would try all the avenues before giving my own judgement on something.

I do recommend using Discord as that is probably the best way you can meet players and get support. Found Here

Hope this helps you!


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On 2017-08-05 21:21:57Show All Posts

This is why many of us stress for the communities feedback, whether positive or negative (as long as its constructive). The reason is because we as moderators can suggest things to Oasis, but suggestions are only as strong as the communities feedback behind it. If you guys like Konoha shop and the synergy behind it with other events, then speak out about it and suggest it on the suggestions thread so that we as a team c*e your suggestions as a means of proving that such a change needs to be made. I do know that not every week can be the best events ever, but I am sure many players agree that Konoha shop is great to have especially as an easy synergy with multiple events.

I will forward your feedback for you; would love to see Konoha shop more often especially to synergize with other events.


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On 2017-08-06 08:06:13Show All Posts

Mm To be quite honest with you, some things might be asked a lot but it needs to be constructive criticism to bring about change. Not only should you suggest things but explain why. Why is it that it will benefit the community if this change was to happen. Don't just focus on the negative when you suggest, but just focus on the positive that could happen if this change were to happen, get opinions from players who also want it to happen. Most of all is community support (constructive ones and reasons why they want to happen). Again, I cannot guarantee every suggestion can become a reality, but it is more likely if the suggestion is realistic.


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