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[ News ] Server Merge Request - Week 31st July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
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On 2017-08-10 03:06:46Show All Posts

Server ID: S44/ S48/ S52

2. Server Region: LA

3. Server Age: Estimated 1 year.

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15-20min depending on attendance

5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : ? Level 44.

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2.1 (Two groups with about 12-15 participants, and one group that has bare minimums to get packs)

7. Average Power Rank of Top players: (Top 3 greatly imbalance the average)

Top 5: 107k (86k)

Top 10: 90k (78k)

Top 20: 78k (71k)

Power Ranking (#1 and #7 are banned/quit, the number in parenthesis is the average without them or the #2 player.)

Short description of servers problems:

Many high power accounts are inactive.

Many alternate characters are required to keep events like convoy/plunder healthy. Due to the lack of players, people tend to take being plundered/attacked personally.

GNW is a 1v1 with as previously said, many players are playing multiple accounts to fill in. Nine tails has been a skeleton crew many times lately.

Although we are already a merged server (S44 + S48 + S52) an extremely large number of players have quit and left us with even less active players than S44 originally had. The general morale of the server is low as there are less and less people participating. If theres more than 4 things said in world chat a day I'm surprised.

Quicky Post

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