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[ Help ] 1000+ Pulls in Five Kage Treasure


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-30 23:35:35Show All Posts
  • Tenichi On 2017-07-30 22:14:13
  • I think something is not right about 3.0 and the Treasure, that there are not telling us, cos i did 60 more seal and i got noting , not even a rare!!!

agreed somethings been fishy i thought i just had bad luck till it kept happening and made other ppl do mine and asked others in my group who still do kage have said the same and its been before 3.0 for me and have been wondering until i sawmso many others having the issue for long enough to test that it wasnt just random bad luck

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-30 23:38:08Show All Posts
  • IamAscrub On 2017-07-29 15:41:18
  • Treasure counter did not reset. If you are counting by the number of rares you pulled, you likely did not reach the 900 scrolls required for a super rare yet. As the 1% rng chance to draw a rare per scroll will become significant by the time you draw over a dozen rares.

    For example, my f2p char has drawn 15 rares, but actually only used 650 scrolls and 72 free draws, nowhere near 900 as the rare count would've suggested.


    The super rare happens at a fixed number, every 900 for kage, 400 for tendo. Players that reported a lower count most likely did not include free draws; while players who reported a higher count likely counted using number of rares pulled. After all.. how many people would actually bother making an exact count of something like that.

according to them your wrong and its never been a set thing and no set numbers now either. really its brilliant they get other ppl to say that its set wile they denie it and never say it so if we have issues or its changed we cant say anything cuz they will say what they are now and that is that there was never set amounts

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-31 07:51:37Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2017-07-31 01:53:55
  • Hi! Treasure pulls has always been a chance to obtain rare. I do understand that based on data collected by players that there is an approximate amount (a threshold) when players would get say a rare, however, this was never guaranteed. Some players get it before and some after. I have seen players get Kirin from their third free summon seal scrolls. From my understanding, there was no change to the current treasure pull system. I am currently asking again for you guys, but based on what I was told before and what I have seen, there were no changes made besides the UI.


wait you can get kirin from summon draws?? i thought kirin and hell dude one were both ones you had to collect frags for , im sure i wont pull him but thats awesome news

This post was last edited by ryano on 2017-07-31 07:52:10.
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