UID: 200000106410195
ServerID: 26 Kisame HK
Character Name: Sieg
Location of Bug: In Battle
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen:
ServerID: S27: Hashirama
Character Name: LeoUchiha
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) Mission list and Elite instance
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
ServerID: S43
Character Name: Utsuro
Location of Bug: Survival Trial
Bug Desc
Usually once the client restarts the fights will work as intended but I had 3 fights throughout my survival cause this issue today and it doesn't happen anywhere else that I know of.
Character Name:Hiitachi
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) 1. Survival Trial > Choose line up, 2. Group Summon Capture > Summon Capture Window and Moment, when Summon appeared 3. Battle Armor > Clothing
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
3. I only know about the Scarlet Blaze, I do not know about others. First appearance:
Scarlet looked like this.
But now it looks like this
As here http://huoying.265g.com/gl/2399.html (Here this clothing is called roughly the same "盛夏青 春祭" "Midsummer Youth Festival")
UID: 200000084328430
ServerID: S399: Being Kazekage | UK
Character Name: WiseWolf
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) - exam 137
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
Character Name:DrZod
Location of Bug: (where bug was met):Everytime i fight
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
UID: 104651890041323642667@google
ServerID: S12:Kiba
Character Name: ♛Denise♛
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) Group Summon Capture
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
UID: 200000104585909
ServerID: 534 HK Make out paradise
Character Name: JeR
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) TEAM INSTANCE JONIN
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
Can vouch for that bug,
S459.. That against fully cultivated levels 65 67 and 68 characters
Wiped out and opposing team full health, jonin normal. (Level 60)
UID: 200000099165376
ServerID: 363
Character Name: Masterr
Location of Bug: Summons -> Summon Treasure
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most
S459 same bug, same results.
Reported but no feedback or retribution.
Server:uk 640
Character name :Madara
Bug:lucky activity bag
Bug desc
UID: 200000103958735
ServerID : S558: Utakata, the six-tails
Character Name: AkashiSeijuro
Location of the bug: World Map
Bug Desc
UID: 200000103958735
ServerID : S558: Utakata, the six-tails
Character Name: AkashiSeijuro
Location of the bug: Ranked Battle
Bug Desc
UID: 200000096718541
ServerID: 309 acid poison uk
Character Name: ShapuYuki
Location of Bug: (where bug was met): home
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
ServerID: 193:Rasengan Barrage
Character Name: PhenoixGodddess
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) "Hot Topic" "Best Strategies" "Recommend Lineups"
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
Everytime I go to "Hot Topic" and press the "Best Strategies" and then go to "Recommend Lineups" it always sends me to this
ServerID: 193:Rasengan Barrage
Character Name: PhenoixGodddess
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) "Hot Topic" "Best Strategies" "Recommend Lineups"
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
Everytime I go to "Hot Topic" and press the "Best Strategies" and then go to "Recommend Lineups" it always sends me to this
UID: 200000092833966
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