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[ Events ] Bug Hunting Contest : Naruto Online 3.0


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 35
On 2017-07-29 05:12:36Show All Posts

UID: 200000099066251

ServerID: UK S360

Character Name: EddyNaruto

Location of Bug: (where bug was met): Nine Tails Invasion

Bug Description: (what kind of bug was it? How did you trigger it?): During the last round (4th round) when Nine Tails launch his final attack, Iruka doesn't die and you are forced to click retreat *on to exit losing time and points in the final chart. I have always used Iruka since the beginning and I have never had this issue.

I think the possible cause could be the kawarimi of Iruka...

Bug Print Screen (most important): I couldn't do screenshots because I was trying to don't lose time during the battle, sorry!

Quicky Post

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