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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-08 06:24:33Show this Author Only
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-08 06:26:50Show this Author Only
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On 2017-04-09 15:39:02Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S8 Tenten
Character Name: SDFlair21
UID: SDFlair21
Bug Description: I don't really know what to call it- But after I finished the plot instance "The Broken Seal", my missions list didn't get updated- I'm pretty sure that it's supposed to say "Cultivation (85/86)- but it doesn't.
Screenshot (error page):

Operating System: Windows 8
Resolution: Fix my mission list or something, please
Your computer time-zone - Country: Bahrain (It's 9:37 at the moment)
Are you using VPN or not: Nope

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-09 17:22:47Show this Author Only

Platform: Browser (Safari)
Server ID: S53
Character Name: Jezza
UID: 200000085542272
Bug Description: The only Wanted Mission that when clicking on the tab on the right to have your character run to the location autimatically, it doesn't do so. So you'll have to manually run to this particular Wanted Mission. Encountered this problem everytime, and only for this 1 particular Wanted Mission.
Operating System: Mac OS Sierra 10.12.4
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT +8 (Glasgow)
Are you using VPN or not: Not using a VPN
Screenshot (error page):

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-09 21:32:28Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S352 Roar
Character Name: Vermount
UID: 200000098525649
Bug Description: my cupon 292 and still 292 after nine tails, i can't get my reward after kill nine tail. and this for the 4th times this week.This the fourth time i can't get it my reward, every time event nine tail i always get in big 10. but i only get magatama , and there's in no cupon ,usually i get mail from hokage , and this week i don't get it from mail from hokage.

Screenshot: Attached
Operating System: Windows 7
Your computer time-zone - Country: 20:20 PM - Indonesia
Are you using VPN or not: NO

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-09 22:00:05Show this Author Only
latform: Chrome.
Server ID: 26: Kisame
Character name: TensaZangetsu
UID: 200000091778712
Bug: Recently you guys changed the default Star level of Sasuke (Playboy) from 3 stars to 2 stars my issue is that until today he was completely removed from my ninja list and when i purchased 1 of his fragments today from the daily special it said i only had 1 fragment of his when i know for certain i had at least 1 more now the lose of 1 frag isnt a big deal but for the sake of it happening at all i thought i'd report the issue.
Screenshot: Not provided since he is back on my ninja list now.

OS: Windows 7
Time Zone: Australia Eastern Standard Time
VPN: No.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-13 16:05:45Show this Author Only
Hello there Devs, I would like to express my view on a certain issue. When Naruto Online Bandai was brought offline for server maintenance, why wasn't I informed of this? Now, if I never received any notification of an upcoming server maintenance, then I am positive that no other player received a notice as well, am I correct? In conclusion, I would love you guys to implement a "Server Maintenance Countdown" notification for us so that all of your devoted fans are kept nice and happy, yes? :D
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 15:56:27Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S443
Character Name: Xancius
UID: 200000103277373
Bug Description: Going from the ranked battle main screen to "adjust your team" and then clicking on any ninjas "description" it starts loading and then black screens
Screenshot (error page): Its a black screen, no text.
Operating System: Windows 10
Resolution: 1366x699 i think, not sure where to look so i measured it by eye with gyazo
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT+2 Estonia
Are you using VPN or not: No i am not.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-20 23:45:36Show this Author Only
Platform Mini Client

Could you please change capitalization of that new feature from "charms" to "Charms" ??
It looks realy *.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-20 23:48:08Show this Author Only
Platform Mini Client - english version

German sentence "Gegnerische Formation" after entering Ultimate Challenge.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-23 21:02:19Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S352 ROAR
Character Name: VERMOUNT
UID: 200000098525649
Bug Description: nine tail invasion , i dont get my reward again , my ranking 7th , after nine tail , its only options : view ranking and exit , theres no option claim reward , after back in konoha theres no mail for my reward ,
Operating System: Windows 7 ultimate
Resolution: 1366x768
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT + 8 indonesia jakarta
Are you using VPN or not: No i am not.dear GM please help me .
Screenshot (error page):

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-24 03:25:13Show this Author Only
Platform: Browser Chrome
Server ID: S182
Character Name: Nefertari
UID: 200000064591182
Bug Description: Hello, hello first of all I want to apologize if someone already has told you about this bug, but everytime I point my mouse over my main character in the ninja interface it's showing the wrong talents (In my case the talents that I'm using in the arena) Please can you look in to it. It can be very confusing for someone who hasn't noticed that.
Screenshot (error page):

Operating System: Windows 8.1
Resolution: 1366x768 ( As Recommended)
Your computer time-zone - Country:(UTC+02:00) Bulgaria
Are you using VPN or not:No, never had the need to use one :)

This post was last edited by Choconella at 2017-4-24 03:31
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-25 20:06:00Show this Author Only
Platform: Browser Chrome
Server ID: S1170
Character Name:Killergax
UID: 200000090835981
Bug Description: Cannot claim reward.
Screenshot (error page):
Operating System: Windows 7 Vista
Your computer time-zone - Country: Singapore
Are you using VPN or not:No

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-27 17:34:33Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S421
Character Name: HaruChan
UID: 200000086736718
Bug Description: Before maintenance 27/4/2017. I saw the fishsing event and I participated in the fishing event. I spent so much of my stamina and spent some of my stamina's stamina. I also spend coupon to buy fish because I want to claim sasuke playboy. But why after maintenance no more event. I've spent a lot of coupons to buy fish. I just wasted the coupon and stamina I had and I did not get anything
Operating System: windows 10
Resolution: 1366x768
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT + 8 indonesia jakarta
Are you using VPN or not: No i am not.dear GM please help me .
Screenshot (error page): Not got time because of maintenance
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-29 21:33:38Show this Author Only
Operating System: Windows 10
Resolution: 1920*1080
Your computer time-zone - Country: New Zealand
Are you using VPN or not: No

This post was last edited by 131***@facebook at 2017-4-29 22:23 This post was last edited by 131***@facebook at 2017-4-29 22:24
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-02 00:49:26Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S57: Animal Path
Character Name: AkiyamaReisuke
UID: 200000085654589
Bug Description: The "Benefit hall" does not always pop up as the first thing when I log in. I've noticed that happen a few times, which means I miss may daily 20 coupons from the jonin medal rebate + the 50 coupons rebate I get from buying the 300 coupon thing once a month, and I realized today that I didn't get to get the last fragments for Hebihime, because the Benefit hall didn't pop up last night. I'm not the only one that his has happened to.
Screenshot (error page): I do not have screenshots of this
Operating System: Windows 10
Resolution: -
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT +01:00
Are you using VPN or not: Don't know what that is.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-06 18:10:46Show this Author Only
Platform: Browser(Chrome) / Mini Client
Server ID: S36
Character Name: Eiraa
UID: 200000085479452
Bug Description: Can't login to the game
Screenshot (error page):
Operating System: Windows 10
Your computer time-zone - Country: UTC +7:00
Are you using VPN or not: not
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-10 16:18:05Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S421
Character Name: Diptoman
UID: 200000101485831
Bug Description: screen does not adjust
Operating System: Windows 10
Resolution: 1280 * 1024
Your computer time-zone - Country: UTC + 6:00 *ladesh
Are you using VPN or not: no VPN
Screenshot (error page): This post was last edited by 112***@facebook at 2017-5-10 16:22 This post was last edited by 112***@facebook at 2017-5-10 16:25
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-12 07:31:29Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S468
Character Name: Mizu
UID: 200000103424154
Bug Description: Simple typo on ninja test. I believe it is supposed to say "What
" instead of "Whit"
Screenshot link to screen shot through gyazo
Operating System: Windows 10
Resolution: -
Your computer time-zone - Country: EST -5
Are you using VPN or not: Not
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-14 21:34:12Show this Author Only
Platform: Chrome
Server ID: S505
Character Name: Sirus
UID: 100011479664388
Bug Description: Facebook Sharing says "Share Unsuccessful" but when I checked Facebook, I had shared the same thing many times already
Screenshot (error page):
Operating System: Windows 8
Resolution: -
Your computer time-zone - Country: US - CST
Are you using VPN or not: No
Quicky Post

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