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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-05 13:12:32Show All Posts
Platform: Browser(Chrome)
Server ID: S21
Character Name: StormKagerai
UID: StorkKagerai
Screenshoot(Error Page):
Bug Description: For some reason, when I try to use my card to buy 50 ingots for $.99, I type in everything correct but it will not go through whatsoever, even when I type in the password for Visa and everything. It's only on my account for some reason, I even tried this with a friend's card to see if it would go through and it still won't. I really would like this fixed, I wanted to get the Gaara promo for recharge daily and as long as this problem is there I can't buy anything.
Operation System: Windows 10
Your computer time-zone - Country: United States -- New York time zone
Are you using VPN or not: If that's Visa, yes, if not, no.
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