so i've been doing convoy and plunder an S missions OVER A FREAKING MONTH and not a single license i get when everyone else is getting 1 every 2 days,now i'm not sure how RNG works in this game but i'm 100% sure that this isn't fair at all and there must be a problem with my convoy since i was getting these licenses first month of the server but after that 1st month im not getting any single license for convoy or plunder plz check it out cuz i've wasted many cpns because of that and it pisses me off since i play this game 24/7 and spend my money on it.
UID: 300015008010289
Character name : Moe
Server: 1364
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Miniclient
Server number : S414 Final Trial
Character name : BluesMoon
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000101101992
Screen resolution : 1366 x 768
Your computer time zone and your country : UTC +7:00
Are you using VPN ? : No
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Miniclient
Server number : 270:Universe
Character name :KenshiYamada
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) :200000094918630
Screenshot of the error page :This is my total keys at start
Before key purchase
After key purchase
Total amount after purchase still 0 at the end
Today daily quest but nothing gain
Operating system :Windows 7
Your computer time zone and your country : Malaysia (GMT+8)
Are you using VPN ? : no
*quick update edit... apparently my bag pack is full of item and item all in mail.. and cannot obtain any event keys.. how this even happened i not sure.
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :Chrome
Server number :S531Hamura Otsutsuki
Character name :ShadowKiller
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) :200000106195411
Screenshot of the error page :
Operating system :windows 10
Screen resolution :1920 X 1080
Your computer time zone and your country :India +5:30
Are you using VPN ? :no
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :Mini client
Server number :s1425
Character name :FishBaby
UID () :
Operating system: Windows 10
Screen resolution :
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Miniclient
Server number : S414 Final Trial
Character name : BluesMoon
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000101101992
Screenshot of the error page :
Operating system : Windows 10
Screen resolution : 1920 x 1080
Your computer time zone and your country : UTC +7:00
Are you using VPN ? : No
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Browser - Opera
Server number : S240 Mirror Return
Character name : Tetsuo
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000093880658
Operating System: Linux Mint 18
Screen resolution: 1680x1050
Computer time zone and country: GMT
VPN: no
Platform: Mini client
Server number: S366: Second Raikage
Character name: SlaptrapRikei
UID: 200000099228257
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Computer time zone and country: UTC+3
VPN: no
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Mini Client
Server number : s1387
Character name : TLG Jale
Operating system : Windows 10 Pro
Your computer time zone and your country : US and
Problem: Nagato's Skill Breakthrough is greyed out and says unavailable even though it previously has been available.
EDIT: Figured out the tab will grey out if all skills available have their Y variant selected.
Platform: Mini Client
Server #: S942
Character name: YveliitsuThePseudonymikaze
UID: 300040832289838
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Time zone and Country: Central and US
Using VPN: No
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome
Server number : S866
Character name : HofuAndou
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) :
Screenshot of the error page : done
Operating system : Windows 7
Screen resolution : Don't know
Your computer time zone and your country : Russia
Are you using VPN ? : no
I'm buying 50 "Skills Page" for coupon. This item not work. Why they refuse to return coupons to me?
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome
Server number : S866
Character name : HofuAndou
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) :
Screenshot of the error page : done
Operating system : Windows 7
Screen resolution : Don't know
Your computer time zone and your country : Russia
Are you using VPN ? : no
I'm buying 50 "Skills Page" for coupon. This item not work. Why they refuse to return coupons to me?
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Chrome and Mini Client
Server number :S: 1385 No Seal Healing
Character name :爪卂ㄥᗪ丨ㄒㄖ™
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) :300047784049295
Operating system :Windows 10
Screen resolution : 1600x90
Your computer time zone and your country : Asia, Philippines
Are you using VPN ? : No
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