Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :
Server number : S657
Character name : Loki
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) :
Platform: Windows - MiniClient and Windows - Firefox
Server number: S942
Character name: Yveliitsu
UID: 300040832289838
This has also been highlighted on the "Stuck at 14%" forum topic;
Operating System: Windows 10;
Screen resolution: 1920x1080;
No VPN is used;
Platform : Google Chrome
Server number : s1154
Character name : Ysgu
UID : 300005177426531
Screenshot of the error page :
Operating system : Windows 8 64bits
Screen resolution : 1366 x 768
Your computer time zone and your country :21:29 Horário em Brasília
Are you using VPN ? : No.
Platform : Mini client and Chrome
Server number : 991
Character name : Blazer
UID : 300013302272981
Screenshot of the error page :
Operating system : Windows 10
Screen resolution : 1920x1080
Your computer time zone and your country : GMT +2, Romania
Are you using VPN ? : No
platform: mini client
sever: S767:Tonton
character name: AkagiSoumaツ
UID: 300041744636668
The answer was shown as B smh
Operating system : Windows 10
Screen resolution : idk how to check
Your computer time zone and your country :21:39 (Japan)
Are you using VPN ? : No
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Firefox
Server number : s174
Character name : roisakurai
UID : 200000091055589
Platform :Chrome
Server number : S89:Inari | UK
Character name :MomenHag
UID (Facebook account - : 200000087343308
Screenshot of the error page :
Operating system : Windows 10
Screen resolution : 1024*768
Your computer time zone and your country : 9;35 egypt
Are you using VPN ? :
Platform : Opera
Server number : S997 : Dancing Three Moons Fan| UK
Character name : AraGorn
UID - : 300068188580942
Screenshot of the error page :
Operating system : Windows 10
Screen resolution : 1366*768
Your computer time zone and your country : 11;20 Kiev
Are you using VPN ? :
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :CHROME
Server number :747
Character name :Jendeukie
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 300055112643826
Screenshot of the error page :
Operating system : WINDOWS 10
Screen resolution : 1900x1080
Your computer time zone and your country : GMT+8 (PHILIPPINES)
Are you using VPN ? : NO
cant claim reward for full attendance server: s643 Bojutsu char name: ShiroNeko Facebook: Malgus Dark . Using mini client operation system Windows 7 resolution 1280 x 1024
Platform: Safari
Server number: S366 Second Raikage| UK
Character name: SlaptrapRikei
UID - : 200000099228257
Screenshot of the error page:
Operating system: MacOS
Screen resolution: 1280 x 1024
Your computer time zone and your country: UTC+3 Russia
Are you using a VPN? : No
Platform: Chrome/Mozilla/Mini-Client
Server number: S1180 Back Slice| UK
Character name: Zikel
UID: - 200000081001226
Operating system: Windows 10
Are you using a VPN? : No
Your computer time zone and your country.
UTC +3 | EEST | Eastern European Summer Time | Bucharest |
Platform: Yandex
Server number :S1085 Quick Repair | UK
Character name :Samurai Kyo
UID : 300058540939226
Operating system : Windows 8.1
Screen resolution : 1366х768
Your computer time zone and your country : UTC+3 Russia
Are you using VPN ? : No
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Facebook Gameroom
Server number : S53:Enma UK
Character name : Sony
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000085618932
Screenshot of the error page :
Screen resolution : 1920x1080
Your computer time zone and your country : Budapest Time Zone GMT+2, Hungary
Are you using VPN ? : No
Platform (Browser -Chrome) :
Server number : S503:Hidan, Jashin Follower
Character name : S503-BigFatBiBi
UID : 200000105136583
Screen resolution : 1920x1080
Your computer time zone and your country : UK+2, Greece
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